Video games don't have to be fun to be enjoyable

Video games don't have to be fun to be enjoyable.


This is actually true. Sonic 2006 has brought me much enjoyment in spite of being a steaming turd.

Do movies have to be fun to be enjoyable?

Food doesn't have to taste good to be delicious

Oh shit whattup

This genuinely boggles my mind when I read this in various articles. Said articles usually try to compare it to movies which aren't "fun" to watch except stuff like Schindler's List is compelling to watch.

It doesn't. Just eat some caviar or avocado to see that.


What's confusing about it? Video games can be compelling in a narrative sense. Finding enjoyment in a game can come from other areas beyond how fun it feels to play. Like I wouldn't say Scratches is fun, but there's still enjoyment to be found in how it still evokes dread and horror despite using only prerendered backgrounds.

Think of Ico, it's not a fun game bits it's very enjoyable in it's presentation and world design.

Redditors who browse me_irl


Aren't "fun" and "enjoyable" synonymous?

Not necessarily. Something can produce endorphins without stimulating adrenaline, and vice/versa. And it can be wholly dependent on what the individual playing takes enjoyment from

Name one fun but not enjoyable game.
Name one enjoyable but not fun game.

MMO players just say this shit to justify the 90 thousand hours of their lives that they wasted on one game.

And the only way you would know that is by browsing there. Neck yourself kid.

You need to go back.

State of emergency

>food analogies
if you're gonna do it at least do it correctly. OP's opinion traslates into
>Food don't have to be sweet to be enjoyable
which I completely agree with


no vidya should at least envoke emotion.
Don't say bored is a emotion because it describes a state when you feel nothing.


MMOs are the most fun though because people are dynamic. Nothing beats a good social game

This nigga got it

Go back

>taking the bait

The only way you'd be 100% sure that it's actually from Reddit is if you yourself was from Reddit. Kys.

I don't see how there's any kind of distinction to be made between 'fun' and 'enjoyable', let alone 'intoxicating', 'amusing', 'pleasurable', etc. All of this is just referring to excitement of instincts, which is something we access through feeling.

>when people complain about 'reddit' posts while simultaneously encouraging them by giving them more of a reaction than your average post

>excitement of instincts
>something we access through feeling
Yea nice try John Carpenter's The Thing.

Yeah, too bad the content is not.

i agree
but they do have to be rated high to be considered, so if your game is fun AND good, good job.

>correlating fun to sweetness
get that candy store logic outta here

that's how people feel when you say that video games have to be """fun""" to be enjoyable.