Game is hated almost unanimously by everyone including its own players

>Game is hated almost unanimously by everyone including its own players
>Better games in its own genre exist and it's still beating them
>Willingly hired Anthony Burch to write
>Everybody who was interested in it has tried it and dropped it by this point
>The novelty has totally worn off
>It's still one of the most popular games on PC

Why won't this game fucking die?

What's funny is that in the 10 months since Burch got hired, the writing has gone completely to shit.

Xayah, Rakan, Kayn, and Galio are just horrible

It's swirling vortex of regret and misery. The moment you invest in it in any amount, you can't escape.

They hired burch? The fuck.

Overwatch was the golden boy for killing this game, too bad its simplier than even LoL

We prayed for a WoWkiller and this was it... we need a genre shattering game to break its hold on the market

PUBG is getting there

I swear it's like every new champion they release looks more and more like it came straight out of Deviantart. I still don't know who okay-ed Kayn, but he's pretty much guaranteed I never come back to this game.

Why are the tooltips in that game so fucking retarded? You have to read a book's worth of the character's lore before it actually tells you what the ability does.

Yep. The result is exactly what you would expect too, they released a champion pair as a couple and the girl has some lines about cucking the guy with other champions.

They probably wanted a edgy parody like TerrorBlade

I assume they get invested and don't want to feel like they've wasted their time getting into a game that they start to realize isn't good.

And the release of the couples champion included a legitimately retarded retcon where nearly every non-human non-yordle is some race called "Vastaya".

So all the diverse variations on humanoid are just the same shit now. Literally just so they could have the girl in the couple bitch about how none of the other Vastayans are as pure as the bird ones. So dumb.

>Literally just so they could have the girl in the couple bitch about how none of the other Vastayans are as pure as the bird ones

THAT'S why they retconned that shit?

Because asians are many, and they love LoL. Whats hard to understand?

sunk cost fallacy

I sold my account to a little kid recently

Good joke. Early access will never kill anything except consumers wallets.

Various reasons

1. Runs on any shitcan PC
2. Free to play
3. Super popular among normies with bonus if you play with friends so it's almost a "social experience"
4. Sunken cost fallacy

>Anthony Burch
I just lost interest in this game because of that moron.

Because everything needs a passive and active now.
Look at some of the old champs like Karthus and then look at Kayn or Rakan

Girls trying to be seen as nerdy love this game because it's just casual enough so that they can be good at it

Same with Overwatch

because it appeals to autismos

inb4 /lolg/ comes in and starts waifu posting this to death

Also stacks. Every ability needs some kind of stacking effect.


Gets worse, they also retconned every yordle into being an immortal invisible fairy thing so they could make one that's fought in every battle in history

The best thing about that change is how it came right after Poppy's rework

Poppy is wandering the world to find the hero to wield the hammer WHEN SHE CAN'T EVEN BE SEEN BY HUMANS

wait what?
i need to go read kled's lore because that is dumb as fuck.

LoL has a story now ?

Right like in Poppy's comic she was seen and interacted with human but now in the span of month it was retconned.

It's glamour, which is just a fantasy thing. They're not immortal, they just don't look like furbait midgets to normal people.

>I wish Riot cared about the lore more and had an actual writing team, the Journal of Justice and the Judgments were great and I wish there was more of a story

>I regret everything

No, the opposite. It used to have a story and then the writers retconned its existence.

Sunken Cost Fallacy

>Everyone hates it and everyone has dropped it
>But still crazy popular
But if everyone hated and dropped it, no one would be playing it.

1. It's still fun with friends
> inb4 everything is fun with friends
2. I'm addicted

Nah man I played the beta and it didn't have no story back then

What's really bizarre is that there was a major retcon because the premise wrote every character into a corner. The "League of Legends" doesn't even exist anymore. The title is meaningless.

Honestly the lore of the characters isn't half bad. The Bilgewater lore event was great to read.

People are retarded and feel like they sank too much money and/or time into the game to quit

Same thing is happening with Street Fighter V. We had the amazing releases of Rev2 and Tekken 7 and people refuse to switch games cause they have played SF for so long

> casual enough so that they can be good at it
lol no most of them suck
They always main support like janna or soraka and barely make it out of gold

>Better games in its own genre exist and it's still beating them
>Everybody who was interested in it has tried it and dropped it by this point
Factually incorrect, as proven by
>It's still one of the most popular games on PC
>Why won't this game fucking die?
Because normalfags like MOBAs and it's the best MOBA.

It had a lose setting.
The league was basically a thing for political reason. It's main thing the fact it has summoners, the player who controlled the characters who went to the league for various reasons.
Then Riot said fuck that noise and ruined. Then it became a loosely connected world.
Now mid 2016 the are trying to build an over arching world.

That doesn't contradict anything I said.

Sup Forums's opinion amounts to a fraction of a rat's shit. Normalfags enjoy it, deal with it. I bet you're one of those faggots who keep replying unironically to PUBG falseflag threads.

Tekken 7 is easily worse than SFV

League boomed in 2010ish and since then it has refused to adapt from its "tiny indie company" roots and it's hilariously obvious to anyone

Balance is always in the shitcan and new champion designs are more gimmicky and overloaded with each release cause they have no idea of how to make something simple and good

Almost every splash art has grotesque perspective mistakes due to them being handled by 5 or 6 people at the time so there's people of differing skill levels working together (it's also harmful to the artist cause he can't realize his vision or get any credit)

Release schedules for everything are screwed up because there's no direction, just independent teams running around like headless chickens. Does anyone remember when Tristana got an amazing new splash just to have it painted over a month later cause her gameplay remake came out?

Just because it's too complex for you, doesn't mean it's worse than the completely neutralless game that is SFV

You gotta back that up with some facts, boy

>input lag
>stubby normals that make neutrals and footsies extremely awkward to play, leading to random guesses where you hope for a crush counter
>lack of defensive options
>comebacks are bland and tasteless because the best vtriggers are so homogenized
>no playstyles other than rushdown are viable because the game is a 50/50fest with no way to defend yourself
>netcode that manages to be worse than an indie fighter released years ago via kickstarter
>combos are so watered down that there's no relevant execution, completely erasing combo creativity
>ken's fucking face

Your turn

How come Riot hasn't just made a sequel to this where they can "fix" the lore and mechanics into what they want them to be as well as add or remove characters so that we can get some better balance? The roster is so bloated right now that there's just too many characters that do the same thing and those that actually are unique get their knees busted due to not fitting the meta because of all of the new characters they keep adding or remaking.

roster bloat is why i'm glad they've been reworking characters instead of just adding more. they can give a champ an entire new moveset, lore, role, and design, while removing a worthless one, without having to bloat the roster any more than it already is.

but they keep adding more anyway so it's too little too late. i quit playing almost entirely at this point. once in a while i get the urge to play a specific champ so i log back in and queue up and almost immediately regret it. everyone is a stupid raging feeding piece of shit and i'm too rusty to carry them so it's an awful experience every time.

Because the only point of yours that is true is the statement about how popular it is. League has over 100 million monthly players. For context, Dota2 has about 15 million, and Overwatch has about 10 million.

The game is good, and people like it. That's why it's so popular. It's not that difficult to comprehend.

games that appeal to autismos are wildly popular on Sup Forums

I don't like them reworking characters because they've gotten rid of most of the characters I most enjoyed playing, or changed their kits so much that I just can't enjoy them as much as I used to, like with Ryze and Gangplank. People might say they enjoy them more after their reworks, but people that enjoyed them before and found a good niche with them often don't have the same opinion. It's a real shame that they can't just have like past versions of them in Normal or at least Custom games. I think that's probably the biggest reason I've been able to quit the game permanently this time despite my friends still playing it. I'm just done dealing with characters I play getting changed drastically and having to either relearn them or just move on to other characters.

>they can give a champ an entire new moveset, lore, role, and design, while removing a worthless one
Too bad they occasionally fuck everything to shit and make the "new" champion worse than the old one in terms of lore, role, and design. Case in point being Galio.

>take humble anti-mage construct made to serve his master, but when failing that, found a new purpose in serving the people
>turn him into a tank whose story is so generic you could find it in a kid's picture book.

They should just do what they did with Trundle: shit up his lore, ruin his character, but don't touch his kit.

A lot of people find it fun. Shocking, I know. Why do you want it to die so badly? Seems like a pointless wish.

I got out years ago with no money spent. I only wish I had those years back.

Because ASSFAGGOTS was a mistake and I wish people realized this.