I'm a Level 100 Battleborn

Ask me anything.
Or mock me.
Either one.

You act like we're supposed to understand the significance of level 100. We don't even know if that's the maximum level because we don't play the game.

Do you feel badass?

what up, OP
I bought the whole thing Day 1
preordered and all.

haven't played in a while though

You can hide your name, but if anyone cared to they could find you just by process of elimination.

> I'm a Level 100 Battleborn

>Process of elimination
This hurts deep

I've lost control of my life.

Its the soft cap, for better or worse terms.
Command level 101 takes 5000 exp instead of the usual 1000.
You earn about 25-100 exp per game. Even more if you have a double exp booster or happen to complete a bunch if challenges in one game.

Thanks, but I didn't care enough to know.


You still thanked me.

Im feeling something, alright.

you know every response doesnt need a reaction image faggot.

>HAHA look at all these photos ive saved recently :p

Thats what you're taking away from this?


Do you and the 40 other people who play have a really tight knit group?

dude are you alright

congrats on picking something and sticking with it, I wish I had your tenacity, not sarcastic

i don't know shit about battleborn beyond the memes, but i like you op. you seem cool, i hope things are going well for you.

Are you sure this is what you want to do with your life, OP?

dude, what the hell are you doing?

Time to move on to Gigantic with me then, OP?

Someone tweet this to Randy


How do you even find matches to play the game?

Are you friends with everyone who still plays? Do you know everyone's name? Do all 100 of you hang out on a discord somewhere? Is there even a ranking system?

Takes a few minutes sometimes, but I can find consistent matches.

I really wanted the Battleborn title, even though there are a bunch of better ones. My favorite is Unbreakable. (Spend the least amount of time dead in Incursion, 10 times.)


Im tired.
My feet hurt.

Its sad that I sometimes see the same people playing around the same hours.
I'm like the fucking Gatekeeper at this point.

We're like ghosts in a machine, my dude.
It is nice to come across the same players, and you recognize each other and do your taunts.
Playing my assault rifle like a guitar while I get a triple kill with my Ult, and half my team taunts around me, is... Its a feeling.

As long as you feel like you spent your time well. you know having fun and what not thats all that matters.

If you did then good stuff man! I am glad you could experience joy in such a brutal world!

I think Battleborn unironically gives the most unique FPS experience at this time.

Nowhere else can you get the feeling of comfy via playing with the same 100 people from around the world.

Fuck everyone who picks Orendi and Ambra and Alani though
All three are SHIT.
2 outta 3 are useless, and Orendi is disgustingly overpowered
>800-1200 damage in one fucking skill