Will the reworked D.Va go anywhere towards replacing Zarya in the meta?

Will the reworked D.Va go anywhere towards replacing Zarya in the meta?

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Die you degenerate Barneyfag

Damn, you're quick

Fucking hang yourself

get burned to death

>4 posters
>4 posts
>2/4 posts doing the barneyfag schtick

No. The new meta will be D.Va/Zarya/(Rein or Orisa)/Mercy/Ana/(DPS who can run the fuck away from D.Va, probably Genji).

Reworked D.Va's the most bullshit overpowered an overwatch character has ever been. Being able to burst down and kill 400HP characters every 8s, 3s of practical invulnerability, able to escape every 5s, also she has 600HP so good fucking luck doing anything to her. Like holy shit, did blizzard not actually test D.Va internally before putting her up on the PTR?

get blown to pieces

get necked

Why is Dva getting reworked?

fucking die

Her pickrate had dropped off a bunch in the past few months since they nerfed her slightly, so their answer to that was to turn into her into a fucking terrifying mobile gun platform.

Blizzard isn't satisfied with how the tank character has to use her shield ability all the time so they cut her shield in half and shot her DPS through the fucking roof.

Really fucking stupid of them too, tanks shouldn't be able to out damage dedicated DPS characters. Especially mobile tanks who still fucking have a shield.



Theyre buffing all the grills to make a full 6 team waifu meta. They know 99% of the fanbase only play because of waifus.

get killed

Stop the act. We know you're samefagging for (you)s. kys

No it hadn't? D.Va was still the 2nd tank long after her "nerf" that was a net gain since her matrix got fixed at the same time.

She only just recently saw a slight dip in competetive mode usage because rein and zarya stopped sucking quite so hard and are both much more fun to play.

The larger-than-rein barrier and increased projectile speed is a lot bigger than you might think. Especially when the next meta's gonna be "D.Va fucking kills everyone. Try to stop her."

Everyone knows it's the "Barney fag" who false posts this garbage then calls out on his own shot right?

fucking die, fag

well, he made the thread, so it makes sense.

He's yelling at his own post for attention. Fuck 'im. Leave thread.

No, that's never happened

Too bad Orisas ult will be even more shit once nu-mercy comes out. Holding down RMB as mercy in her ult is basically Orisas ult for 20 secs while being a moving/flying nearly unkillable object

get burned

burn yourself

get burned, fag

die already

>Like holy shit, did blizzard not actually test D.Va internally before putting her up on the PTR?

You're actually asking this? Blizzard nerfed Roadhog into uselessness, not because pro players complained (many stated he was balanced and his pickrate reflected this) but because low-rank casuals complained.

Blizzard can't help but boil all of their games down to retarded shallow unsatisfying crap because for 10 years now they've fooled themselves into thinking the casual housewife market will keep them alive.

just kys

Wouldnt the Nerf to Dva's DM make Mei and Zarya more viable to play? Zarya already eats Dva alive and at least Mei won't have their ultra deleted by brainless Defence matrix coming up and never being able to time it because it recharges and last for so long.

get beaten into dust

>make Mei and Zarya more viable to play?
Mei is pretty useless because her wall is the thing that makes her good and everyone - even Mercy and fucking Junkrat - are becoming dive heroes that can just ignore the wall. Unless blizzard radically changes their balance philosophy I don't see Mei ever sniffing common use ever again.

Zarya's problem was how half the heroes in common use could just leave grav whenever they wanted. Blizzard changed that and she almost immediately saw an increase in use.

just die already

literally kill yourself

For Mei, I kinda think they need to rethink the wall and give her better tooIs. I think the wall makes her way too situational more so than most defensive hero's. I've also thought about what if Mei's ultimate wasn't a thrown ability, but instead, it would be like a Kennen ultimate where she becomes a walking Blizzard. It'd make her very dangerous to approach and possible deter dive since the Ult now has more Potenial AOE and you can't simply just walk away from it.

Also, I want to understand why when you're freezing Mercy, how come her flight passive isn't slowed down when you're icing her and it instantly works for her even as she's frozen mid glide

get burned

Can you just die, faggot

literally kys