How are you enjoying it?
There's already a very small bug fix update for it.
How are you enjoying it?
There's already a very small bug fix update for it.
Other urls found in this thread:
They added English dub
but you can still select jap audio right?
It's basically like if Mafia II and Silent Rain had a baby desu
He's shitposting, there's no dub.
>I'll never get to shit like joker Majima again
>Or the amounts of FUCK YOU
Not at all.
Amazon sux. Fuck Gamestop and retail stores. I just want to buy it from the devs.
>tfw order came in one day earlier
game is fun so far, but the first part was a bit boring until coming to the end of the funeral
ordered from bestbuy, arrives later today alongside warriors all star.
>Reina just looks like the female doctor from the previous game
Got the steelbook today, NZ got it earlier than the America. Going to import Kiwami 2 despite not knowing nip. Can't fucking wait, 2 was my first Yakuza game.
Everything in Kiwami is recycled from 0. Shimano is literally Mr Shakedown, one of the Majima fights uses his animations from the Gtand fight with the drunk customer.
As someone who never played the Yakuza series, and 0 being my entry, what opinion do you have of me for playing Kiwami first over the original ps2 copy?
forgot it was coming out tomorrow and put my order into amazon earlier today. won't be here till thursday ;____;
Everyone must DIE
why even bother with the PS2 version at this point, you already spoiled yourself
>the ring thief
I think he was a good way of introducing newbies to the pawn shop to sell shit.
Got it on Friday, I've been having a blast. That's my second Yakuza game (after 0).
Just realized a younger Shinji is in Zero during a subquest.
>Yumi calls Kiryu Kazuma
that's so weird
no lmao
it's the bug fix for all the bowing people missing during a cutscene early on
I'm not getting it until wednesday because amazon is a piece of shit. I preordered it last month too.
Kiwami 2 was announced at the Yakuza event. All SEGA needs to do is have a team on scene to localize in English...which will never fucking happen, because SEGA/Atlus is too inept.
This. The company that leaks virtually everything for California customers, screws the East Coast.
>All SEGA needs to do is have a team on scene to localize in English...which will never fucking happen, because SEGA/Atlus is too inept.
There was survey active for few days where they asked about localization of all new projects (Y2K, that FotNS game and that online game), it's not active anymore so I'm guessing they got the responses they wanted.
If kiwami fail, kiwami 2 never ever?
>already closed
what the fuck that was fast
No, that's basically guaranteed to come out.
Naw. We'll get it.
in a year or two
yeah, as I said they most likely got enough responses and localization announcements will be made soon™. Either that, or someone tried to rig the survey and they decided to close it
here's how the survey looked, for all those who didn't have chance to participate
0 failed miserably but kiwami happened
>majima everywhere "feature"
Canned my pre-order when that was unveiled and promptly replayed the PS2 original. Still good stuff.
keep bitching fag
>warriors all star
what the fuck? that game comes out tomorrow?
maybe ill pick that up too. thank god kiwami is cheap, which is kinda weird,
How will Like A North Star work if Hokuto Shinken is invincible?
>0 failed miserably
Source? It actually sold like hotcakes in China.
China, yes
West? no
5/5/1 is the only option.
Also a friendly reminder to harass everyone on Sega and Sony's end on Twitter to localize Ishin!. Let let know that there's an audience for it!
>localize Ishin
No thanks.
Again, source?
What's wrong with Ishin?
3,4 and 5 sold like shit yet they still keep bringing these games to the west.
Zero got a ton of positive reviews and coverage compared to the previous games so kiwami 2 will eventually come out.
Sales don't mean much anymore. Nagoshi has a much higher standing than he's ever had with Sega. Kiwami 2 will 100% be localized.
Japan and China share same Kiwami release date because 0 sold well
western kiwami2 release even not announced so you know what I mean
Nothing, probably. Just not interested. Don't care for the setting or spinoffs in general. I find them worse than prequels (which I really fucking hate) because spinoffs could've been something unique on their own. Instead they're shoe-horned into a pre-existing franchise to ensure sales.
Have you played Ishin? It's a great game.
Stupid reasons
No I don't know what you mean. It doesn't mean it's not happening. Western release date is always later. Still need the source of Zero selling poorly out West.
This is the dumbest shit I've read in a while.
Don't bite it user
Meh, I went with 5/4/1.
It's extremely heavy on jap historical/culture references, up to the point where the game has popups and hints aimed at japanese players to explain some things that are in game. If the game actually needs to explain stuff to japs, then westerners surely wouldn't get it. Or that's what apparently stopped it form being published in the west. And as for Kenzan, it's most likely the fact that it features child prostitution.
Oh no, I'm not infatuated with samurai era japan therefor I must suck and invalidate all opinions.
>If the game actually needs to explain stuff to japs, then westerners surely wouldn't get it.
actually, those are elementary school level historical knowledge. Yakuza audience in Japan are American education-tier stupid normies
How are any of those things a problem at all?
You could have said.
>.Not interested
And I would left it alone. But you had to run you tongue.
So is it good or not
I think it's more because it's too late bring Ishin over even if they wanted to. It's a late ps3 game and was a literal launch title for 4 in nipland.
good remake of 12 years old ps2 game
not as good as 0
Does Kiwami come with the 6 demo like it did with Japanese copies or was that cut?
>get to funeral
>get kicked out for giving the wrong answer
>go back and conversation has reset
what is the fucking point?
You'd think it would, but it doesn't.
>Localized Kiwami doesn't include localized 6 demo even though the full game comes out in March
Who the fuck made this decision
Every Yakuza localization has cut content. Its a series tradition.
2005 gamedesign.
>West? no
If 0 failed miserably we'd never have gotten those reprints
I don't think you read the post correctly.
Sega is fueled by dumb choices.
Kiwami have any missable content?
Just bought it 10 minutes ago.
Can't wait to play it.
Fuck people who make "what should I expect?" posts
What should I expect?
At the fight with the big guy from the funeral. Can already tell why people say the fights in this game are bad. He blocks LITERALLY everything and you can't grab him at all.
He's also fast as shit and his attacks super home into you.
Going to pick it up later today, pretty excited to replay 1 again
>He blocks LITERALLY everything and you can't grab him at all.
So what you're saying is: he's a Yakuza game boss. You new to the series?
He's literally mr Shakedown but worse.
Shimano has exactly same move as Mr.Shakedown
You never played 0?
But you can grab most of the bosses at least once (or more if you have gloves).
nah bosses in previous games weren't this bad
you're basically forced to go into beast mode to beat him
>Just about to buy Yakuza Kiwami on PSN
>Realize like being £30 in the UK, It's $30 on the US store
Guess I know where I'm buying the game from
Not talking about Shimano.
Sounds exactly like my experience with him in the PS2 original. He's an extremely early game roadblock. You can steamroll average thugs, but bosses are on another level.
You never know. There was what, a 3-4 year gap between Y5 coming out and Sony convincing Sega to bring it over.
Why does Kazuma call Kiryu, Kazuma?
Difference is Y5 is crucial to continuing the story whereas Ishin is a spin off that's even more Japanese then the other Yakuza games.
Only getting my copy tomorrow, is the B'z version of Receive You in the game?
Been into the series since 2007. The minibosses and bosses in this game are huge damage sponges like the higher level colosseum enemies from previous games. A bore and a chore to fight.
>Y5 is crucial to continuing the story
The game which literally did not have a story is crucial. What.
>Kazama calls Kiryu 'Kazuma'
>Kazama calls Nishiki 'Nishikiyama'
Just play on Easy or Normal, they are more than manageable on those difficulties. I like to start on Easy and switch to higher difficulties later in the game once I get some upgrades.
>tfw Majima Everywhere
I had more trouble with the Majima fight at the batting cages. But it is nice to see him use the fighting styles from 0, I have to say.
Boss fights are tailored to specific style which is retarded. You'll know which when they start glowing to regenerate their health.
>Naoghi 'Look boys, Majima is the most popular character'
>Yokohackyama 'Ok Nagoshi-san, let him appear literally everywhere'
It's so shit.
>biggest gripe with Rush in 0 was a lack of heat moves
>check upgrade tree
>1 (one) new heat move for Kiwami's Rush
>Oh and let's make the player fight him over 50 fucking times to get everything
>Never mind the fact it completely fucks with the story.
are there any new battle mechanics? or is it literally just cut and paste from zero? not thats really a bad thing