Is this actually good or are Nintentoddlers just proving how much they'll shovel any goopy brown slop into their gullets so long as it's decked out with a red cap and mustache?
Is this actually good or are Nintentoddlers just proving how much they'll shovel any goopy brown slop into their...
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No one fucking knows, it's not out yet you fucking idiot.
Gameplay is fine and as versatile as a x-com game.
The premise is fucking retarded and Ubisoft knows damn well they shouldn't have went with Rabbits to sell the game.
Game has no Mario enemies. Everything is rabbids.
There has been like 4 people streaming it for the last 2 days.
You can gleam your information of that you uninformed retard.
If he is retarded how could he understand and comprehend the information from those streams? Lol you even think before you post? What a fag.
>Watch a man eat a sandwich
>Know what the sandwich tastes like
Good point.
They have a Rabbid Wario and Waluigi. So yes, it is very good.
>season pass
Poor people are like that.
Junior steals the show.
>SMTxFE is a shitty pop culture JRPG that doesn't do either game justiice
>Mario + Rabbids is deep strategy game with mechanics and designs that highlight and respect both games' histories
What happened
I was going to buy this game eventually cause it looked fun, and was just today bemoaning to my gf that Wario & Waluigi wouldn't be in it. Thanks, user, now I have to shell out $60 tomorrow for a fucking Rabbids game.
Why did Rabbids get tacked onto this game? They could have done a Mario style XCOM game using existing Mario characters without ever needing to involve Rabbids. Goombas, Koopas, Bullet Bills, anything would be better than Rabbids. For all I know the game is decent, but the Rabbids are a complete turn off for me. Is this game worth a shit or is it a so-so experience I can go ahead and pass up?
>20 hours of play time
Really, that's it? Once you beat it there's no replay value?
Its funny how the character everyone hated as a rip of Baby Bowser and a replacement for the Koopalings turned out to be one of the more fleshed out and complex characters in the series.
>get tacked on
They weren't tacked on. The developers at Ubisoft were extremely passionate about combining the two IPs, and came to Nintendo with a demo they had built from the ground up without using Ninty's assets. Whether you dislike the concept or not, you have to admit that they really gave a shit about it.
>Gameplay looks great
>Can't fucking stand the Rabbids, they temporarily killed Rayman, act like retards and feel so forced complete with a shitty TV show
Game would have been fucking brilliant if you removed the Rabbids, replaced them with more Mario characters or even crossed Mario over with something better.
There's post game content plus challenges that'll make your scrotum crinkle, like fighting in a room full of explosive barrels with two of every mini boss in the game you have to fight.
Wario and Waluigi aren't in the game but Rabbid Wario and Waluigi are
>The premise of the game isn't Mario and Rayman's bro teaming up AGAINST the Rabbids instead of "all Rabbids all the time"
I want to give this game a shot but it has already committed many sins
Nintoodeleers are shit eaters, yes. After all, we can safely judge the quality if a game by the characters that appear in it.
It's a Ubisoft game
>you must always have a rabbid in your party
They lost me there.
The rabbids are actually funny in this game. They don't act like the rabbids in the actual Rabbids game-- they're a lot quieter and less 'lolz random' than usual.
>Ubisoft keeps shilling the game everywhere
>most people reviewing or playing through the game admit that it's a sponsor deal
>game ends abruptly and Ubi is charging for a DLC story conclusion
the only Mario game worth getting this year is Odyssey
It is the new Kingdom Hearts a random concept that somehow worked out.
game ends after you beat Bowser and get and ending that explains one of the only mysteries
>"what is your opinion on this game you've never played"
fuck off
Confirmed GOTY.
Jr.'s always had a hard time being animated well just due to the fact that he has one tooth-- it means he can't bare his teeth or grin. Looks like Ubisoft found a way to make his expressions work, at least. Just move his snout around like a pug
Man that fight had 0 personality to it. Waluigi was the bruiser and Wario was the sneaky one. And judging from the standard engines also present in the fight, they were just buffed up reskins of standard enemies instead of anything unique. And there's lots of stuff they could have used, Wario could have shoulder dashed into you, shook you like a money bag, eaten garlic to self heal/make a poison cloud around him, Waluigi could have pelted you with tennis balls, lobbed bob-ombs, maybe rolling a die for an rng based attack, etc. these are two characters with loads of personality to use, but instead we had giant buff Waluigi who smashes you with a pipe, and tiny Wario with a freezing machine gun pipe. Disappointing
Wait a minute.
>Nintendo games never drop in price/take years before they become a Nintendo Selects game
>Ubi games are the polar opposite and are like $20 after 3 months
How long will it take this game to drop in price? I won't get a Switch for another year or two, but if this is good, I'll probably pick it up. Will it still be $60 by Christmas 2018?
I just want to see the Donkey Kong Rabbid rub Peach against his ass.
nah in a year it's going to be 15€ at most
Can you try that again but less dramatic?
Most haven't played it yetr
if mario x rabbids becomes a successl we might get a crash x minions game.
i hope the success of this game doesn't make Ubisoft think anyone actually likes Rabbids.
its been out for about 18 hours in various countries
fucking idiot
Unlike Xcom theres no random generation involved. Once you finish it thats its. All you can do is maybe ramp up the difficulty? Does it even have difficutly settings though?
it's gonna create a price singularity wherein it's neither full price nor discounted at any time
Is there a hard mode, and is it actually challenging?
>the only Mario game worth getting this year is Odyssey
MK8D is very good though.
What's next, Mario crossover with Minions? Minecraft?
Is Nintendo this much in need for money?
I hope you know you're condemned to damnation for that.
Hard is the default mode, but you have the option to play an encounter in easy mode if you want
So is the game decently challenging? How long is it?
Say right there some stuff to do after you finish the story not sure if people were Counting that when they said 20 hours for how long the game was.
Mario X Minions
nice fanfic
Some reviewers are cutting points because it was "too hard" so expect it to be pretty level headed, not too easy or too hard. I've heard it's around 20 or so hours if you aren't counting any postgame stuff.
>The Rabbids never left
Are you ready for that sequel?
And some have an exclusive deal with Nintendo.
This guy here has some VOD out since saturday.
I read a review saying there's an unlockable hard mode for the co-op stages. I assume it's also unlockable for the single player stages.
>Whaaaa Nintendo just keep making the same game over and over
>Whaaaa Nintendo stop making "anything" you want
That's you OP, a fucking cry baby.
could be worse. I mean, it could be mario+minions kingdom battle.
no one said nintendo is making the same game over and over again Nintenshill
I sure am.