Turns out doom slayer IS doomguy, all other theories get fucked

turns out doom slayer IS doomguy, all other theories get fucked

from quake champions

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well fuck me


Doom Slayer is such a garbage name. Did they really need to make Doomguy more EPIC

You are idiot. It is just different versions.
Or you saying doom 3 guy is the same too?
Shut up.

nigger learn some grammar first

the lore/bio is specifically referring to him as doomslayer

also they have a separate skin/face for doom 3's guy

They kind of did to be fair. You couldn't really have the demons call the being they fear the most just "the doom guy".

Why the fuck not?

Because it sounds flippant. "the doom guy", like they aren't really concerned with him.

Best armor : Arena
Best face : Doom 3 marine

eugh, is that seriously what doom 3s armor looked like? its like a russian bootleg version of one of the shitty armor sets from halo 3

>hey mark, have you seen him today?
>oh, the doom guy

>Best face : Doom 3 marine
Fuck you
HamNeck McBloodeyes is the one true Doomguy

>new id fanfiction

Do you really think demons from hell would call the only thing they fear "guy"

you are wrong

I think they named it doom slayer instead of doom guy because they want to be more gender neutral for all the pussies out there.


This theory is actually very interesing and pretty much would fit in the puzzle

Doom Marine from D3 != Doom Guy/Doom Slayer

Is it fucking necessary to call him Doom Slayer? Everyone and their mom knows who you're talking about when you say "that guy from Doom", he's just a basic marine who fucks shit up, not a specialized to killling demons government black op.

move over mario, doom actually had the deepest lore all along.

But they literally showed him for a while without his armour and he is a fucking white male

>Story about reclaiming that pussy
>Deep story about revenge for his beloved pet Daisy


He is just a basic marine who fucks shit up, it's just that D44M made him a basic marine who fucked shit up so hard angels came down and helped him to continue fucking shit up infinitely.

Doom Slayer is the name the demons called him while he was slaughtering them throughout the multiverse.
>government black op
What? He's exactly what Doom 1 and 2 made him out to be except Doom (2016) said "he was still so pissed about his rabbit dying that he continued traveling through hell fucking it up as much as he could until they literally dropped a palace on him and sealed him away because he was too powerful to defeat"

Official timeline goes Doom, Doom2, Doom64 (he stays in hell at this point), shit happens and he gets trapped and entombed, Doom3 and it's expansion happen, D44M happens.

I'm pretty sure Doom 3 is completely retconned out at this point. D44M makes no mention of it.

this makes it canon

> Daisy's foot
> Not Daisy's head

Of coruse, there is only one guy who can doom all those things

>Doom 64
>Doom 3
>Doom 4
>that 3D rendition of the original face
Actually pretty cool

Doom 3 guy(s) are part of the night sentinels. Gotta be

this game worth the price?

His hair seems a bit light.

Wow, this is stupid as fuck.
Sci-Fi Horror? No, it is fantasy knight shit now.
Fuck doom 16, fuck it hard.

So who is the seraphim?

Nah - I think Doom 3 guy is never mentioned later (giving him retirement or something after that shitstorm on mars). I think in D3 and it's expansion they contained the "random portal opening" and since they knew the hell exists they started to use it extensively thus doom 4 happened and OG Doom Guy awakes from slumber pissed off with thought "WTF THOSE RETARDS WERE THINKING?!".

I have deposited ten reddit points to you contrarian account

This is so stupid.

The player, you bestow upon our hero the power to defeat evil through your divine guidance.

[Spoiler]the player

Fuck off, cuck.

I have additionally added 5 more reddit points for this post. Youre welcome.


>no argument

as expected of redditors

I liked the theory that this is the player, but it may as well just be a random ass angel with no significance, there are demons so it's not too far off that there are actually also angels

other than he is somewhat in the place where the second Doomguy on the original Doom cover was, so it may just be sort of a reference to that

That depends on what you want. If you're genuinely interested in arena shooters then good luck finding a better alternative. DUSK is worth keeping an eye on but who knows if anyone will play it.

Doom was literally never horror

>see delicious looking food in anime
>remember that food in Japan is mostly tasteless and stale and only looks good
That burger probably tastes like styrofoam.

>implying Quake Champions is canon
>giving a shit about D44M in the first place
the series ended at 64

It probably tastes like paper because it's a drawing.

You made me smirk you fucking smartass.

Doom 3 doesn't take place in the same universe as the original games or Doom 4. Think of it like this:
>Universe A: Doom 1, 2, and 64
>Universe B: Doom 3
>Universe C: Doom 4
All universes are connected by a single Hell, whose main goal is to invade and ultimately absorb every plane of reality with itself. Doomguy traveled from Universe A into Hell and stayed there (and potentially visited other universes/planes of existence during this time) until Olivia Pierce's team found and delivered his tomb into Universe C, where he wakes up and starts killing demons again.

The only thing connecting Doom 3 to 4 is the presence of the Soul Cube, but that can easily be explained as it ending up in Hell somehow after the events of Doom 3, where Olivia Pierce's team ends up finding it as well and bringing it into Universe C during their Hell excavations.

Actually it would probably taste like nothing since like almost all modern animation it was done with a computer, mister smarty-bird.

Was literally always horror.

>The only thing connecting Doom 3 to 4 is the presence of the Soul Cube


looking towards the single player, not into multiplayer. On what scale will this game give me motion sickness

There is nothing confirming that Doom 3's sarcophagus is for the original Doomguy.

The only thing that doom4 takes from doom3 is the uac. Literally nothing else. It pretty much retconned it but doesnt matter too much. The story in doom games is secondary, as it should be in games.

>chamber of the hero
Well what the hell else would it be?

Are you talking about DOOM or Quake Champions?

For Quake Champs, there is no singleplayer. For DOOM the single and multi is great. Don't know much about motion sickness, but they are both some of the faster paced shooters. Unrealistically Sanic fast. Just watch a gameplay vid on fullscreen I guess.

D3 looks like a muscular martin sheen



>in a series with established multiverse and time fuckery.

It's probably in there somewhere, but D33M's plot is irrelevant to most of DOOM Slayers campaign.

>Halo multiplayer

Yes absolutely. I dont care for singleplayer fps but doom4 does it right. Its fun as fuck, story is there if you want to read in to it but it isnt shoved down your throat. I was upset that Sup Forums's shitposting on the game turned me off from playing it for so long.

It starts off pretty bad though, but thats mostly due to trying to ease you into the game a bit but the further you progress the better the game becomes. Fighting the tougher demons is so much better than the imps and with the arsenal you carry with you, its just great.

Also the mp is good, dont sleep on it.

I wish the imps looked like that

Doom 4's designs are such shit

>Doom 3
>Portal to hell opened 1st time in this timeline/dimension
>everything went down - hell is for real not some bible shit
>Some kind sarcophagus discovered/"easter eggs" carved on the walls with resemblence of OG Doom Guy
>Portal closed, hell contained
>Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil - 2 years later after shitstorm
>Sending excavation squad into Mars for some shady activities
>Everything went again down to shit
>Betruger - guy who pretty much did everything bad now flies as some undead dragon fucker
>Fucker is killed and plot pretty much cuts here

It's not impossible for some madmen saying "ey guyz, hell is very warm, main fucka iz ded, we can just pick dey warm stuff to uz, to make unlimited energy?"

They're barons

IMO Doom 4 designs are faithful recreations of OG Doom ones w/o looking goofy af or overly creepy like Doom 3 ones (look at that imp)

Best caco - doom
worst caco - doom 3
Best imp - doom 3
Worst imp - d44m

>literally chamber of the hero

gee I fucking wonder

Honestly worst imp is the OG one, it looks like a brown turd. D3 imp is the best, though.

Current id is much better off than it has been at any point in the last decade. Carmack had no business running a studio.

The new doom has great lore if you bother to find it all out. I was impressed honestly.

>implying your opinion is canon
ex dee user

Pretty sure that was always the intention. I guess just because they call him Doom Slayer, people thought it was someone else. It'd be weird if Samuel just called him Doomguy.

so doom guy was wearing an open shirt under his armor all this time? cool

i always thought it was just some fruity armor that was designed to show of his abs

I like that. I've been somewhat against the idea of adding angels to the mix since I don't think it'd blend well with the angriest man alive thing but having it be a reference to the player, I'm all for it.

Does Ranger get a Q1 grunt skin?

>go out of their way to make up a name as closely resembling the fan-given one as possible, while still making some sense within the context of the game
>all as a nod to the original fans and to confirm that it's indeed the same "doomguy"
>autists claim that as long as it's at least a little bit different, it confirms they're different people
Id should just stop bothering at this point. Catering to people is the most ungrateful job there is.

Also props to id for doing the near impossible and giving Doomguy a personality without it coming across as contrived or forced or worst, spoken.
The way he responds to what's going on, specially the Samuel's commands, the whole "carefully take out the argent energy"


I do see id's problem. Having that demon who speaks in the runes say all menacingly "doomguy" would be a bit weird.
I just don't get why it confuses people. It seems pretty straightforward in terms of canon.
Doom-Doom2-Doom64, doomguy stays in hell forever, raises hell in hell, demons get tired of his shit, trap him. In there, he lives through the wads, which is a great acknowledgement on how Doom has remained alive through the community.
Doom 3 starts random space marine in a similar situation, even finds doomguy's tomb.
Samuel finds the tomb, DOOM starts with doomguy pissed off and ready to raise hell once more.

Kill yourself.

I mean, if you actually read through some of the pieces of lore you get throughout Doom 2K16, it's pretty obvious that the original Doom Guy and the Doom Slayer is the same person

So what's the consensus on D44M? Is it a good game? Is it a good DOOM game? Is it worth 10 bux?

Very good. I had no hope for it originally, but boy was I surprised. Multiplayer is shit though.

Yes. Yes. Yes.
It's a bit more arena shooter at times, due to the limitations of the engine, but it's still worth it.

It's pretty great, well worth 10 bucks.

Thanks, nigs. I never really played much of doom, I was more of a QUake guy, but I really wanted to play it now for some reason.

We already fucking knew this.

>Is it a good game?
Yes. It's a love letter to the classics of the genre such as Painkiller, Serious Sam, Half-Life. If you feel anything for at least one of these games you won't be disappointed
>Is it a good DOOM game
It's too much of a modern game to be a good DOOM game. It tries it's best to not disappoint though.
>Is it worth 10 bux

so was Doom64 any good?

retards and autists need every little thing blatantly spelled out for them on brightly lit signs. that is the problem with this generation, if it's subtle/clever they won't get it.


looks like a mexican

does 64 play strictly like a classic doom? its fast and action packed? does it have vertical aiming?

most importantly, does it emulate well or was it ported at any point?

Was literally always action, you fuckwit

It plays like the first two doom games. Apparently there is a fan made port of it for PC, I don't know exactly how it works myself as I only had it on the original N64 hardware.