We did it, Reddit!

give it a year and it will have half of that.

You should be grateful you can still games like PUBG.

FOTY now?

What next flavour of the decade.
Hows it feel getting cucked this hard

Are you okay, user?

You seem in distress.

>bad game gets popular due to twitch fuckery
>implying it won't lose steam and die like all other similar games ever
if it doesn't I would give up on videogames, if I hadn't already

Atleast i dont mind it being on top. I have never played it and the only ones who care about it are pc cucks and we already knew they are cunts and crybabies.


>ywn be a cuck who shills for free

This is false flag to make it seem like only retards who actually wasted money on consoles dislike it

>Hows it feel getting cucked this hard
why are PUBG fans so autistic

>people are still making threads about this game
>it's nothing but discussing its popularity
What the fuck is wrong with you people?


As much as I want it to steal from DOTA2s playerbase, it's primarily stealing from Overwatch and CS:GO

Not that it's a bad thing, but DOTA2 definitely needs to be purged as well.

Timone and Pumba Battlelines irrevocablly, irreversibly, eternally BTFO Daughter 2.


It'll die like Minecraft, League of Legends,Dota2 and WoW eventually.

Jesus, it's doing even worse than I thought.

Because we haven't gotten a homegrown hit new video game in a new genre for years.

The last ones were LoL and Minecraft, this will be the hottest new thing for the next 5-10 years.

You're implying that the first three games have died
LoL and Dota 2 majors gets millions of viewers. And mine craft is still very very popular
I'm not defending them though

>A game being popular means it's good

Those are still some of the most played games out there

another shitty game on top for me to ignore

must be hard being so retarded eh user??

who are you quoting
no one said that

Delete this! Delete this right now!!

No wonder you got bullied at school by al lthe chads,m because you hate popular shit. trucking edgy faggot.theres a reason its number 1

"Half that" would still put it in the top 3.

greentext does not equal quote


some faggots are happy Sup Forums was wrong like usual

WOW you mean a few dumb contrarians were wrong?

According to some of the reviews on Steam, you won't need to worry about it. All it takes to get banned is for a Twitch streamer to cry about you.

Is there anything besides its popularity that you talk about this game? Do you have mental problems? What is the point of a new thread every 2 hours?

I have never ever seen a casual discussion of this game.

It is the way he used it

>tfw you made 10 times what you paid for the game just by selling/hoarding cases

Who hurt you dumb niggers as children? Why are you so booty bothered about some people not liking this game?

The game is successful. Good for its fans. Why are you coming here and acting like Sup Forums has some sort of personal stake in this fight?

No gives a flying fuck.

PUBG is objectively a bad game though, it looks like shit, plays like shit and the concept was already milked to death for like 10 years or however long that Arma mod existed.
It's a good, and successful social experiment though, they proved that modern "gamers" don't care about the intrinsic qualities of a game and just need it to be played by a lot of Twitch streamers, who got the game for free or were even played to play it, to sell millions of copies.
Basically the new generation is so fucked that it willingly submits to Nintendo tier games just because Superbluehairscreamingyolorandomdude plays it on Twitch.

Playerunknown's Battlegrounds doesn't look like my cup of tea but I'm glad other people are enjoying it.

>Top games
>All of them are shit

Teach me your ways, user

Are you actually glad, though?

How can any satisfaction come from the actualization that the idiot masses are shoveling shit down their throats?

Pubg must be destroyed, or it will become the next Call of Duty.

Loved by idiots that do not think critically about games, vilified by those with an IQ in the triple digits.

Yeah man I love cucking little cucks like you.

>Hurr hurr not my cup of tea
but still knows its objectivley good. What are you smoking user.

the absolute state of pc gaming
steam was a mistake

Why are TORtanic faggots complete cancer

You've been on Sup Forums for too long.

>it's bad because I don't like it

They hate Sup Forums because it shit on their insignificant game and now they look for "wins" where they can prove Sup Forums wrong and they think that PUBG being popular is proof that Sup Forums is never right and that we must have been wrong about whatever shitty game we insulted in the past.

saved up all my coins since the game came out and spent them on these. literally free money

>flies like dog shit



1) Who are you quoting?

2) "autism" as an insult has gotten old. Get some new material, please. Your words mean literally nothing at this point. Just another broken record repeating the same broken phrases.

Tbh i'm more suprised about Rainbow Six: Siege to be honest

>New thing

It's literally based on an old mod and came out years after dozens of similar titles.

How do you not understand it's a fad?

>such a newfag he doesn't understand what greentexting is for

>Payday 2

what the fuck

It's f2p now.

fun game I guess

how dumb can you be? I was calling you out because you missed the point of OP, he wasn't saying it was good, but popular
despite Sup Forums's attempts to convince everyone that it wouldn't last a month

Not an argument. Congratulations on totally conceding any modicum of a point you might have had. It's gone now.

Provide an actual argument or your opinion is worthless and will be written off as autistic rambling.

>Too late to enjoy a fad
>Too busy reading books in the sun and learning how to play bass guitar after dark to give a fuck

Videogames fucking suck and you're an idiot if you play them during the summer.

>Anonymous 08/29/17(Tue)03:05:54 No.388604564 ▶

If you cannot see an argument when it is presented, if you require an absolute ABC-> spelling it out for you for any discussion to take place then I truly pity you. My evidence is sound. My position is supported. You have failed and will continue to fail until I deem it necessary to humour you.

i also regret spending so much time on shit games, now that I am a junior in college, I feel like I would understand stuff way more if I had not wasted all my time on games earlier on

That's nice but it's not not a new thing. Kudos to you for having a hobby, try getting off Sup Forums because it's just as big a waste of time.

>it's shit because I say so
The state of nu-Sup Forums "arguments"

>Videogames suck so I'm going to browse a videogame board every day
Yeah yeah I know Sup Forumsirgins are mainly jaded losers but still, what the fuck are you doing with your life if you think you're too good for games but still spend hours per day on this board

user is so mad that he cannot greentext properly lmao

So, just like Dota, then

>top 10 games
>I don't play any of them
Huh, tell me, am I really missing out on anything? None of them have really caught my eye for more than a few seconds. I know a couple of girls from dota get my willy working, but that's about it.

This isn't reddit ya know, meme arrows doesn't mean he's quoting you moron

Who are you quoting?

Do you see how, with a simple question, I am able to totally and utterly destroy your position with literally zero (0) effort at all?

Eviscerating low IQ fools like yourself is mere child's play. Please give me something that requires intelligence.

What does Dota have to do with my post whatsoever? I don't give a fuck either way what game has steams "top game spot".

Don't worry bud, once you graduate and get a REAL job you'll find a creative avenue for all your shit.

>That's nice but it's not not a new thing. Kudos to you for having a hobby, try getting off Sup Forums because it's just as big a waste of time.

I've been on Sup Forums for 12 years and I won't stop posting just because videogames fucking suck.

>Yeah yeah I know Sup Forumsirgins are mainly jaded losers but still, what the fuck are you doing with your life if you think you're too good for games but still spend hours per day on this board

I like posting here especially after I'm drunk after hitting the bars. Go fuck yourself.

Dota is based on an old mod too.

>less threads than ever now that it's #1
>PUCKs getting routinely BTFO in their own threads

...Because Dota was a custom map in Warcraft 3?
and it really does seem like you give a fuck

if you are interested in one of the girls you can get DOTA, otherwise there's no reason besides having a friend gullible enough to buy some of the these

> i support my shitty internet theorems with simpson's screencaps

You probably don't realize it but you are an actual retard.

>user says PUBG is a new and fresh idea
>It isn't
>"Neither is Dota"


If you like to play video games for fun, not really

Mostly just memesports and teambased "competitive" garbage. If you have friends, they are barely OK tier

>Guy that drinks himself to death and smokes a pack a day is a retard

WAy to go bud **slow claps* bet you feel real good about yourself now, eh bud?

Alright, thanks bros. Enjoy, whatever it is you're doing here.

That's the joke.

He is clearly quoting a statement in that context. I'm sorry you're too retarded to notice it.

This is a good game though. We got lucky this is the game that got popular.

Nah you're never gonna talk about your geme (game + meme) ever on this site, you can keep crying about the Sup Forums bullies until the end of time though LOL!!!!!!

>generic open world last man standing wins

It's subpar at best. Your standards are too low.

Unfortunately for you, majority gamers are "idiots". There is no saving this industry now.

Glad to see R6S lasting one and a half years with a increasing playerbase. Shame they fucked up with the upcoming updates and Operation Health overall...

>keep seeing threads about this game
>every time most of the thread is about its popularity
Must not be that noteworthy and someone's obviously assmad that their viral marketing gets them laughed at. How is it as a game, and start from there.

New genres don't just pop out of the ground wholesale. They start with small, hobby-driven experiments, are followed by failed attempts and small-scale start-ups, and are then jumped on by the big corporations and a wave of imitators. The same cycle that brought on other hit genres can be seen happening here.

It's so easy to tell when someone hasn't played the game and just spouts whatever they think is right.

but health was good overall

Haha, nice try but no one here's gonna buy your geme.


It's not being the first but being the one that perfects the formula at the right time and place.

LoL came from Dota mods on WC3
PUBG came from H1Z1 mod based off a mod on Arma 3
WoW came from everquest
Minecraft came from infiniminer
COD came from Medal of Honour

and etc etc

I don't play shooters either way, but honestly i don't believe you.
There has to be something more to the game than "streamers play it"

>retard doesn't know how to refund games
Guess I shouldn't be surprised.

>ARMA 3 mod is the most-played game on steam

the absolute state of pc gaming