Game lets you peek up skirts

>game lets you peek up skirts
>not sure if bug or feature

>devs randomize what texture gets applied to a character's panties

>game lets you destroy part of clothing

Must be a feature if there's an achievement for it.

>have to exploit the game's physics and spend upwards of 10 minutes getting out of bounds just to look up the MC's skirt

God I hate weebs. If I ever am someday President I'm gonna do all I can to put an end to this degeneracy of the modern male.

>character farts when you look up their skirt
That was a strange game


Why did they make it so hard to do

>it ends up being featureless and boring

>not wanting to peek up skirts and get achievements for it

>being this much of an ass blasted faggot over digital panties

literally use any ladder

>peek up skirt
>no ass
>just legs filling up the abdomen area


>game automatically centers camera behind your character when you use a ladder

but why camera moves to the side if you're doing it on the ground

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looks like a shop but i cannot tell for sure. either way thats pretty funny

>looking up skirts and seeing women's panties is only something weaboos find appealing


>character has a skill where they strip the opponent's clothes if they initiate combat
How did Intelligent Systems get away with it?


There's literally a generator for it

All footage of Xenoblade 2 gameplay has Pyra's ass in it.

pol still has a lot of weebs kek
we're everywhere

>game actively prevents you from looking up skirts
Why do they do this?
They don't have an E rating anyway.

>game can let you wear just bra and panties
>it doesn't let you see panties when wearing a skirt

N-not sure if bug or feature..

Nigga just self destruct. Booty for days.

what game

Skirt is better than naked butt

I got it on accident during a boss, how can you not get it?

imagine being retarded enough to fall for bait so obvious like these fucking redditard cretins did

Everything in life worth doing is hard.



masturbating isn't

What do panties smell like Sup Forums? I don't have a GF so I don't know.

The only good masturbation is bouncing on a dildo with vibes on your nipples and cock until you come to an earthshattering orgasm that leaves you lying on the floor moaning with cum flowing out of your cock and the inability to stand up for ten minutes because your legs turned to jelly

Its kind of hard work but like user said, completely worth it

Somebody post that FF Type 0 design commentary.

piss and shit

You can order used panties online.

This is not possible

Imagine being so retarded you fall for obvious counter bait. Thanks for the (You)

How much?

>what is every thursday night for me

You think masturbating isn't hard, but objectively speaking, masturbation involves a very complex physiological system that includes the prefrontal cortex associated with the limbic system in order to execute and enjoy the masturbation, the precentral and postcentral gyri for movement and sensation respectively, the integration of the stumuli received by the retina through the association fibers of the white matter that connect the occipital cortex with the parietal cortex, the temporal lobe and the neocortex of the cerebellum to recall the stereotypical, coordinated, and repetitive movements required to reach orgasm, which is mediated by the in crescendo contractions of the ischiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus muscles coordinated by the sympathetic branch of the autonomous nervous system.