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And so on and so on
nuthin' I could do
Youtube out to kill DSP
Fucking boiling water for pasta is considered hard for Phil. How the fuck is streaming hard? He needs breaks between streams? kill yoself my man
wow dude
>post images making fun of him on the ps4 community
>keep getting kicked and joining back
rip his business
>can't make money off his own videos
>can't get ad revenue off TIHYDP videos
How long until he has to get a normal job?
>when I ended my first stream dinner would be ready, my ex would cook for us, and she was a good cook
You mean all those tv dinners and easy-to-make stovetop raviolis? Or do you mean all the fast food you had her go buy in the name of " DSP tries it " which was literally " I'm too fat and lazy to do anything, so I'm going to snort and eat greasy food on camera and make money for it "
Do you seriously think a rube like him can hold a normal job where you have to interact with people on a daily basis?
Why do you think he turned to streaming? He failed miserably holding down a real job.
holy shit his vids barely get 1000 views
how is he surviving?
It boggles the mind that people don't consider that this dude has everyone swirled around his pinky. There's no way anyone's ACTUALLY as fucking inept at everything as this guy, there just isn't.
he would have more views if it weren't so daunting to get into his shit. he has literally thousands of videos
Soon. Right now hes a online bum.
I think too many people act like DSP is so incredibly inept compared to them, the perfect people, but the truth remains he made a lot of money from youtube and is entertaining to a degree and he did all that on his own, he has fans.
dsp trieeeeeeees it
Yeah, that's right Andy Kaufman didn't die he just moved on to another project.
There are LITERALLY people who used to work for him on his forums, who turned on him when he treated them like shit.
Behind the scenes, they say he really is that much of a dip shit. If he wasn't, he would be doing a LOT better, like Kaceytron you fucking idiot.
He's really that stupid, and you're dumber than DSP for thinking he's some mastermind.
>tfw SoK member
This is what I think people get so upset about. He hasn't just had ONE(1) opportunity to make money from playing video games for a living. He's had multiple oportunities and fucked each and everyone one of them up, not in some grand complicated way either. He just makes the same stupid mistakes over and over again.
that whole crash 2 playthrough was really sad
Me too
I unsubbed from him a while ago cause i felt his videos gotten stale and repetitive, anyone else feel this way?
>giving him money
I don't give money to Sup Forums memes, user. Are you retarded?
never once donated money to him or any ecelebfags, also watched all his vids with adblock :^)
god of vee