Can we all agree that this is the true Sonickino? Even Mania didn't succeed in surpassing it.
Can we all agree that this is the true Sonickino? Even Mania didn't succeed in surpassing it
It was truly Penis Hog Kino.
>Even Mania didn't succeed in surpassing it
>tomorrow's patch giving it a dedicated Super button
Gonna have to take that back.
>8 hours from Steam release
Sandopolis act 2 is pace-breaking balls that Mania doesn't have an equivalent of, even though Oil Ocean uses its pulley timer mechanic.
>Even Mania didn't succeed in surpassing it.
no but its the closest any 2d sonic has ever come to nearing it since then
>still no widescreen taxman port
nah, it has too many shit levels
>Marble Garden
>Carnival Zone
>Launch Base
>Lava Reef
I would include Sandopolis too but part of me enjoys it somehow
Sonic 2 is the only true kino of the OG series, and Mania has surpassed 3&K anyways
This nigga gets me.
>Can play the best 3K levels in Mania with none of the bullshit ones
Don't you mean THIS?
>still no widescreen taxman port
And you're never gonna get it unless they change the music
If its kino you seek, well here you go
The Sonic 3 side is complete garbage.
Mania is easily better than 3.
Mania is the first genesis sonic game that feels fast. For that reason alone its much , uch, MUCH better than the other ones. Honestly sonic 1 and sonic cd are kind of a piece of shit. Sonic 2 and 3 are decent but pan out about halfway through. Sonic and knuckles is the most consistent but that to has some duds like sandopolis and some people dont like lava reef or flying battery it feels like
>Can play the best 3K levels in Mania
>no ice cap
3 or Sonic and Knuckles?
S&K by far
why not both?
SK easily
3 has Hydrocity and...Launch Base I guess. Never got the love for Ice Cap. Everything else is dire
also sonic 3 complete hack is the definitive version
Follow these instructions
Step 1.
Go to the kitchen
Step 2.
Open drawer
Step 3.
Take the sharpest knife you can find
Step 4.
Stab yourself
Step 5.
Repeat Step 4 over and over until you're dead
Thank you for cooperating
>No Marble Garden
>No Carnival Night
>No Death Egg
Also the Sonic 3K remixes in Mania are mediocre at best
Also there is no bullshit levels in 3K
3K is P E R F E C T I O N
3K because it's one game you fake fan.
>dedicated super button
Where did you get that?
Using the word "kino" in such an unfitting context proves you are mildly to heavilly retarded, still, I support the testiment.
Just leave the word kino to people who are less retarded than yourself.
Or just don't use that shitty word here and keep it on Sup Forums
>No Marble Garden
>No Carnival Night
>No Death Egg
This is a good thing. For as much as Titanic Monarch plays itself I'd take that over the stupid fucking auto light rail things from Death Egg.
>Sonic 3K remixes in Mania are mediocre at best
The only one I'd agree with is FB, Hydro might as well be the same which Lopes even said in his stream he wasn't down to change such an iconic song, and Lava Reef is an objective improvement Act 2 especially.
The only zone I dislike out of all of S3&K is Hydrocity Zone.
Hydrocity Act 1 bubbles.
>bitches about using words in unfitting contexts
>uses the word testament completely wrong and misspells it to boot
I think it is you who is the retard my good friend
Look at christian whitehead's twitter feed
>No Marble Garden
Stardust Speedway Act 1
You know what? If Tee lopes makes new music then i do not mind at all.
I agree with the first three but
>Lava Reef
I don't know how anyone could possibly consider this a bad level.
Also most of Sonic 2's levels are shit. I'm pretty sure the reason it's typically rated so highly is some kind of collective delusion where everyone remembers the first few levels and go "yeah, this game is the best", while suppressing their memory of the second half of the game
>Hill Top
>Oil Ocean
>Mystic Cave
>Sky Chase
>Fucking Metropolis
These are all shit dude.
Hill Top is bland and Metropolis is shit, but I really love Mystic Cave and Oil Ocean. Both have great music and design and I just have a lot of fun replaying the levels.
I even like Sky Chase, I like the music and seeing more of Tails flying Sonic on a plane is cool. Granted it's also bland and could stand to be shorter.
Mystic Cave is great and Oil Ocean's concept, aesthetic, and music carry the rather dull level design. I do agree that Sonic 2 is a very hit or miss game though. When it's great it's really fucking great but after Oil Ocean I just lose the will to play.
how do I immediately have fun with sonic games if I found them boring in the past
Coming through
>Garbage Level Design: The Game
Sonics for you or not. Even then its not that simple. there are subgroups of the series. you may love sonic heroes or sonic unleashed but think sonic cd and sonic adventure suck ass. Really, the only bad sonic games i would say is sonic 1, sonic 06, sonic lost world, sonic storybooks, and sonic boom. Everything else depends on what enjoyment you can pull from it, or what qualities you are looking for etc
Even with that said, i have gotten all emeralds in sonic 1, got all achievements meaning all gold medals (s ranking all levels, hard levels, bosses, town missions, finding silver medals) in sonic 06, found all red rings in sonic lost world, and fully upgraded sonic in the secret rings. Some of us just like sonic and want more to play
Lava Reef 1 suffers the same problem as Sandopolis 2, which is that almost the entire level is one long boring meandering path with little, if any, variation unless you're playing as Knuckles. Lava Reef 2 suffers from being pointlessly trivial if you have a fire shield, and the giant-ass Dimps pit at the very end.
Those were the fucking worst