This is Destiny 2 newest Raid
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in game
>all these cool background skyboxes
>cant go to any of the places they show off
Bungie level design in a nutshell.
I can't trust a single thing that looks cool coming out of Destiny 2 after the first one bait-and-switched me so hard.
i fell for muh deep lore and 5 years of content
You go into the giant fish I just posted tho
we all did Guardian
we all did
on a semi bright side, the lore is neat for what we got
You guys might be in luck this time around, the lore is bigger than the amount of development time it could be physically possible to fit in all they have written down. Realistically.
...D-Dyson sphere?
is it meant to look like Anglefish swallowing its prey?
Yeah but like hell I'm going to buy another edition of the repetitive grindy shitshow that Destiny 1 turned out to be.
I'm still mad and it's been 3 years.
I thought it looked like a catfish, but yes, this is the Cabals planet eating ship.
huh...where have I seen that before?
Looks like amazing skyboxes is the one thing Bungie can still do right
Actually nvm you right the light on top makes it look like Angler Fish
And this is from?
No my good sir. You should have included details in your original post, as I do not believe this to be common knowledge.
does it include a dyson sphere?
Not...recognizingaculturallytouchstoneofthemidtwentiewth..century, how could,you,be,so, dense? is it possible?
I don't know faggot, where have you seen this before?
Star Trek was damn near unwatchable and you know it.
i reckon that i could plug that fuckers mouth with my dick
Totally agree with you, that was until deep space 9 came out. Shit was cash.
spice must flow
so they really did model alyx' vag
So to the people that played the Beta already? Is loot more abundant than in Destiny 1? I like this kinds of games, and while I don't need Borderlands levels of loot spam, Destiny 1 was a lil bit too low for my liking. The Division had a fun balance of loot drops imho
The loot could never be like diablo/boarderlands cause Destiny has actual PVP and they wouldnt be able to balance anything, and trust me theyve been trying hard to balance things.
But they are looking into ways of alternate customization.
Alright that's fair game. I'm just glad to finally be able to play Destiny on PC with controls were I personally don't feel like an incapable special needs kid. I just cannot into shooters on consoles at all so I'm just happy about a PC release this time.
At the very least people can't complain about optimization apparently its smooth as fuck all around. Most games tend to fuck that up these days for PC ports.
how many hours until the open beta starts??
Is that a dyson sphere?
I heard 10am at some point, but no time zone listed. So could be 45 minutes, could be shy of 8 hours.
>by the time PC gets the game console users will have guides for the heroic version of the raid and the new DLC will drop the following month
>10 am
What time zone is that? GMT +0?
PC gamers are not gonna play it once they realise how shitty the beta is
open beta was a mistake
I cant timezones sadly...
Is there a counter somewhere?
I still refuse to believe that gary is strong enough to defeat the guardians when they literally defeated oryx a few years ago
Open beta: August 29, 10am PT
So 7 hours, 37 minutes from now.
if it's a global release date then it will launch in 7.5 hours
Destiny 1 pretty much never happened. That's why everything is back in 2, even though the hive was crippled, the taken were practically eradicated, and fallen left earth.
Guardians beat Oryx only after he'd been crippled due to the Queen using her Harbingers (which still resulted in her forces being annhilated), as well as the fact that Crota's death caused Oryx's pyramid scheme to collapse, which weakened him drastically because he was getting less tribute.
>and fallen left earth
oh come on
Fallen left the Cosmodrome to get gather under Kell of Kells Uldren Sov ;^)
Going in blind into KF first time was balls. Took us 6 hours and when he finally showed up everyone had boner. Oryx was good and I really think we killed her too early. No matter how hard Bungie pushes Garry it's just a Cabal warlord at end of the day.
No, Destiny 1 Vanilla story never happened, but I believe the expansion stories have still affected the universe.
At what time does the Destiny 2 Open Beta start?
Oh, I assumed he was the big dick boss emperor of the Cabal.
Reminds me a fish about to eat something circular.
Is this game good?
>Destiny 1 pretty much never happened
??????? wat
What the absolute fuck are you talking about.
Shooting's satisfying, and the looting can be addicting. Mileage may vary, but I'd say you can get a solid month or two out of it before you get bored of the grind playing by yourself. Much longer if you have a group of friends who play regularly.
Never played Destiny 1
Are there some good "Previously, on Destiny..." videos on YouTube?
Wrong, Shaxx references the killing of the Dark Heart in the opening mission.
The events DID happen, obviously, but Bungie is just ushering them off to the side as if they weren't important. The REAL Destiny starts at 2 onwards to them.
This guy is like the vaatividya of destiny though
Quipbot wakes you up in Russia
You bully space pirates for a bit
You find out spooky worm people are seeding earth
You go the moon to beat them up
While on the moon you get contacted by a mysterious stranger who tells you to go to venus
You beat up robots on venus, stranger tells you to go to The Black Garden™ on Mars
You do this with the help of the Queen of the Reef and her brother Emo Hitler
Then you beat up some fag named Crota
Then you beat up some fag named Skolas
Then Oryx comes, but the Queen fucks him up but disappears afterwards
You kill Oryx, then kill him for realsies (maybe not actually for realsies)
Then a faggot with nanobots named Aksis shows up so you go back to Russia to beat him up.
thanks for both of these
When does the beta start? My Mario game got delayed so I got nothing to play
>but Bungie is just ushering them off to the side as if they weren't important
Who said that? We did a lot of crazy shit in D1.
So is Destiny 2 a new game or an update/expansion? will there be new classes / subclasses? talents?
Destiny 1.5
When's that open beta gonna spread its legs already, I'm standing here cock in hand ready to copulate.
Bungie said that if Destiny was a comic series, Destiny 1 would be issue #0, Destiny 2 would be issue #1
That's why all the gear is gone, you're not recognized as an Iron Lord, you need to regain your third subclass. It's just a way for them to wipe the slate after the development disaster of the first game.
10 AM Pacific.
Can we start downloading the beta now or you have to wait 10 Am too?
The beta is smooth as fuck. This is how a PC ports should look. 4k, SLI support. The Strike is pretty fun. Gun play is amazing. Gonna role with my Titan.
so should i preorder this one or not?
imagine Destiny was homework. Destiny 2 is from a classmate who took Destiny from his friend and changed just enough things to make it look like his own.
New Engine overhaul, an actual focus for this generation of console as D1 was designed for old gen consoles which did hold it back.
A more structured game over all probably not a mess like the first.
The Concept of destiny was always good they just didnt pull it off at first.
It depends I guess, if you liked the first game or didn't play it, sure. But beta is today so might as well try it out first.
Made an excel of all the revealed classes with their abilities, ranked them and found out hunters are the best.
incorrect, try again
I've found that in pvp hunter can stomp
Warlocks were regarded as the best all the time in the first game desu, thats a nice change even with the nerfed golden gun
Alright, is there any reason why we should use sights in this game on PC?
As far as I can tell hipfiring is faster, gives better visibility, and is just as accurate.
Have to wait 6-7 hours more.
Same reason in COD, hipefire has random spread.
Not really outside sniper rifles, no.
Some guns have things that activate when you ironsight
Everything is laser accurate anyway though.
Does Destiny not have shotguns? Shotguns are always my favourite weapons in games like this.
nope look at weapons stats
It's got shottys.
The spread is so insignificant that it's barely a problem unless you're at range. Which you shouldn't ever be. It's not like Borderlands where low accuracy MEANS low accuracy.
yea it does has heavy weapons
What's the fun class in this game?
It does but because Bungie couldn't balance them for shit in the first game, they're now a heavy weapon instead of secondary.
What the FUCK, why
I like to pop heads but stay mobile in my FPS games.
Is there a sharpshooter-ey class that could let me do this?
anyone in the beta can tell me how are handcannons this time around?
so I finally got a PS4 after all these years, is Destiny 1 even worth get into now?
is it too late, like a dying MMO where certain quests need groups and you'll just get stuck since nobody plays it anymore
Because there never was a time the forums didn't bitch about shotguns through all of Destiny's life and countless balance changes. On the flipside though, charge rifles aren't worthless now due to also being slotted to heavy weapons over secondary.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing because of how much I enjoyed D1.
Why do people consider this a con? Often times big changes are actually not welcomed by old players.
Because like user said Bungie can't into balance, and shotguns were the king of pvp
All classes can be made to be very mobile, so it comes down to what abilities and what kind of jump you want
That sounds like a consolefag problem to me. Bullshit that they don't have them on PC. Heavy weapons never have any fucking ammo as far as I can tell anyway.
The ammo system in this game is baffling to me generally.
>unless you're at range. Which you shouldn't ever be
have fun with nightfall strikes mates.
Purple captain america with the shield.
>that warlock tank