The "extra-textures" found in the Xbox One X version of Tomb Raider can also be found on the OG Xbox One version in a...

>The "extra-textures" found in the Xbox One X version of Tomb Raider can also be found on the OG Xbox One version in a video from 2015


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>also on XBOX ONE **
>also on PC ***
>also on PS4

So does this mean the PC and the PS4 versions were worse compared to the original? I think it does Sam.

>PCfags can't handle extra textures
>PSProfags can't handle extra textures

Do you fucking take this away from us. DON'T DO IT!

the absolute state of videogames in 2017

yes, these assets weren't in actual retail version for any platform then

now they are

I dun get it

No, her face gets more rekt the more damage she takes, it's dynamic

Digital Foundry are just dumb asses, they didn't even play the game

So during their side by side comparsion video they accidentally didn't get her dirty in every version but the X?

They didnt retake the ps4 and pc footage, they used the old ones
Anyway, it's just an extra layer of dirt, nothing impressive

>Still ignores the smeared vasoline look on PS4 caused by checkerboard ghosting
>The state of sonygroids

Now we know why Xcucks only ever used that example to show off their "beast power"

Pretty embarrassing t b h

>has to use the 1080p mode to make it obvious
>that filename again

xnigs aren't even trying anymore

>Developer doesn't spend much time optimizing for playstation architecture
>Game was developed for xbox one architecture to begin with
>Looks better on beefed up xbox one hardware

Why are people bragging about buying another $500 console because the character of a multiplatform game that came out 2 years ago is a little bit muddier?

Is this what sells consoles to people these days?

>Why are people bragging about buying another $500 console because the character of a multiplatform game that came out 2 years ago is a little bit muddier?
Xdrones are absolutely desperate to have any leg up on the PS4

>Sonygroids are seething

It was always there, you slimy shill.

This is what Xbox executives are expecting Xnigs to hype up because they can't do it directly without looking ridiculous.


Xbox master race?

It's OK, Xnig, I'm sure Super Lucky's Tale will look red hot at native 4K 30fps

i don't know but for me the PS4 version honestly looks better. It seems more like dirt trapped in a crevis than the other ones. They look like paint strokes instead.

>Sonygroid keeps on S E E T H I N G

god is this seriously what we have to argue about in 2017 for gaming? holy fuck this is pathetic

Why do anti-xbox kids keep trying to cope with the fact Rise of the Tombe Raider is superior graphically on Xbox One X to PC Ultra settings?

>Half Life 3 cancelled
>Xbox now better than PC

Gabe why did you let this happen?

>Xgroids and PC cucks still need a lesson

8.4tf and Rapid Packed Math will make up all the difference :^)

Yeah I have to agree, in the context given the PS4Pro looks like it'd produce the higher quality image, at least at that scale.

The real question though: how often does that type of scaling appear in the game?

>Waited a year for dat 2TF beast fire difference
>It's a scratch on a face in a two year old game

Reaching for the razor yet?

the hair on the right looks awful and it's clipping through her hat

Because random NPC's in an open world game like horizon looks better regardless.

If you're going to falseflag, at least change the filename, retard.

>Obsessing over file names
Woah. This is the power of delusion...

It's a pre-rendered cutscene, retard. Microshills, are you even trying?

This makes more sense. I spent a while trying to figure out what the hell they were talking about during the texture detail part.



Horizon uses way higher quality models in the cutscenes, the in game models are GTAV tier

I would say Xcucks btfo, but we all know nobody in Sup Forums has an Xbox.

I found this game to be so boring

No it uses the exact same models in-game and in cutscenes. Also that is not from a cutscene.
The only time the game swaps models is because of LOD/distance.

Who makes this shit

>No it uses the exact same models in-game and in cutscenes


up to you to disprove it cuck

Next you are going to say UC4 has the cutscenes models in gameplay

Sonyfags & their cutscene models

Another thread that should be deleted and OP banned.

You were saying?


Different lighting conditions. Same exact models.

it's different because the cutscenes have way better lighting & shading

Holy shit is it actually this bad?

>dark souls 2 beta vs release

Pretty much, hell there was a point when they claimed the game was going to run 60fps.

Same exact character model. Different lighting.
Look at the shadow. The shadows cannot be that different if it was even remotely under the same conditions.

One doesn't have shading at all and his jaw and nose look like shit



Yeah but, why...?

Just because he wasn't dipped in oil doesn't mean he has no shading. They are using PBR so the skin shader is realistic instead of autistic.

different time of day, am i rite

You could say the same about people who build gaming rigs.

You can find unflattering pics of any and all games. You are only showing your own insecurity.

It simply proves that the game uses different models even if your gods naughty cock claim otherwise

They're actually useful since modern PC games are being released with absolute ass optimization.

god this looks so off

All you are proving is that the lighting conditions change.
Stay mad cuck


>everything looks different
>its only the lightning xD

>Being this desperate
Clearly the insufferable fanbase

Can the One X actually break 60fps?

Yep, sony is the most cancerous one.

why. You are the one clearly misrepresenting and shittalking another platform

The general consensus on Sup Forums is that Sony is and always has been the worst fanbase.

Because you are delusional.
And dont pretent your shitty cancer sony friends aren't doing the exact same

They are not a fanbase

Where. You clearly started doing it in this case. Gotta join them at their level huh? You can't be a regular human about it.

No, I have reasons because you think they are the same models when they are not.

Guys guys. You're both just awful. Extremely terrible.


I don't own either and it looks like Xbox owners are getting the Microshaft.

Sonyfags are the worst

Do you write for Archer or Rick & Morty or do you actually talk that way


a friendly reminder that tomp rider is a pc serious

Reminder that the guy managing this poll made up a bullshit story about having "illegal Russian IP tracking software" so he could throw out votes for Xbox

yes they are. we know thid from several people who have managed to manipulate the camera up close in-game and then compare it to photo mode which is identical to cutscenes. as i said before you only proved that the lighting was changed.
Both nintendo and PC fans hate Sony so it makes sense it would get the most votes even though the Sony fanbase on Sup Forums is very quiet. Mostly falseflaggers will ever say anything retarded such as bloodborne would run at 4k60fps on PS4Pro. You have to be a literal brainlet to think anyone could ever be serious about that.

>Xbox now better than PC
kek no
>he fell for the shilling
almost every other game will be 30fps these games were gimped domn to make pc look bad

That delusion


>Both nintendo and PC fans hate Sony
Because their fanbase is the worst. PC gamers and Nintendo fans don't have anything in particular to argue about, and don't have any real reason to dislike one another. Sony fans are obnoxious to both.

umm fuck off?!?!?!? Microsoft has loads of exclusives on the way the comeback is just around the corner Microsoft only announces games you'll be playing this yeah not 2-3 years from now like sony does there are loads of games coming EXCLUSIVELY for the Xbox one X the ps4 cant even play games @60fp lol what a pile of shit none of the so called "exclusives" are playable they're all under 60fps the Xbox One X will attract loads of developers to make exclusives the comeback is here ok so just fuck off yeah??!?!

Interesting that you have no legit proof of any of this. Especially no examples to pull from this very thread because there has been no such thing.
Literally just stating facts about Nathan Drakes character model as proven by the Siggraph presentation of 2016 i believe.

>Sony fanbase on Sup Forums is very quiet
You're the most obnoxious motherfuckers on this board.



>losing the battle

>gawd guys us this what we are doing?

>i dont care about this at all

Care to give an example?
Just because you don't agree with presented facts doesn't mean the other person is wrong btw.