ITT: games that desperately need a sequel

ITT: games that desperately need a sequel

Except this had a sequel?

>inb4 hurr durr shit sequel
that's the point

Anyway, the first game was absolutely brilliant, the second - one of my top letdowns in gaming

Dragon Age II > Dragon Age: Origins.

I still remember when Matt's art had me hyped for DA2.


Got to the dream sequence and fucking uninstalled the game, the dream sequence was shit.

>He's autistic 'cause I disagree.

Found the casual.


>first game was absolutely brilliant,
the party members were way too cookie cutter

For me the absolute boiling point was Going full templar as I did (or even mage) didn't do fuck all in the sense of story, and that the most annoying character Anders couldn't have been stopped

Nice argument browski


The sequel was Awakening

>Bethany was literally Sera
Really makes me think

>finished Origins eight years ago
>still haven't got around to playing Awakening

Does having saved character data make any difference? I lost mine.

If you start with a new character, he's a Warden from Orlais. If you import, people recognize you.

>not sacrificing yourself in Origins

Damn, might be time for a replay of the whole game then, thanks.

>not doing the ritual and killing her in awakening

>Taking the easy way out like a faggot
Those incompetend niggers in Ferelden needed someone like the Warden to help clean up and rebuild.

Not counting the Witcher, was DA:O the only good fantasy WRPG of the last goddamn decade? I certainly can't remember another.

Gothic 3 I guess

Nigga cmon, except for it's great looking world it was A-grade shit sandwich.

Casual Filter: Fade Sequence... working as intended.

Well it wasn't necessarily bad

Obvious one


pretty much yeah

sad isn't it
