>Sonic is better than Mario
>Streets of Rage is better than Final Fight
>Phantasy Star is better than Final Fantasy
>Ristar is better than Kirby
>Contra Hard Corps is better than Contra 3
>Castlevania Bloodlines is better than Super Castlevania 4
>Aladdin on Genesis is better than Aladdin on SNES
>Genesis got blast processing
>Does what Nintendon't
>Music on Genesis [Open]
>Music on SNES [Open]

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, well that just, like, your opinion, man

>posts what he thinks is the worst song on the SNES
>still better than apparently the best song on genesis

outright fuzzy wrecked.

>Ristar is better than Kirby
lol no

>Ristar is better than Kirby
no, just no

How come you niggas always post Thunder Force? I mean, the soundtrack is fucking amazing, but is that all the Genesis had?
Either way, the Genesis usually had better framerates and thus the arcade ports generally played better, plus there were some baller sports games. Though, it was really lacking in the JRPG department, as well as lacking those first-party system sellers outside Sonic.
The SNES had games like Super Metroid, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario World, Kirby Super Star, A Link to the Past, Super Mario Kart. All these were stellar games that offered pretty unique experiences. The Genesis didn't really have those heavy hitters, but mostly had a lot of samey games that were decent, but nothing really special that stuck out. Other than Sonic.

sega does what nintendon't

what the fuck is a "Genesis"

The ameritard Mega Drive.

Chrono Trigger > Phantasy Star IV
There SNES far exceeds the genesis

If that's the case why did Sega die?

Bad end, obviously.


Sega cd and 32x were failures and when the saturn came out in the west the ceo of Sega of America at the time fought very hard to keep the good 2d titles from coming to the west and "If he never heard of the sega franchise they won't bring it to the west"

>Ristar is better than Kirby
>Sonic is better than Mario
>Aladdin on Genesis is better than Aladdin on SNES
How can one man be so wrong

>The Genesis didn't really have those heavy hitters, but mostly had a lot of samey games that were decent, but nothing really special that stuck out. Other than Sonic.
t. millennial who doesn't know anything about Genesis

Streets of Rage 2, Ecco Tides of Time, Gunstar Heroes, Ranger-X, Landstalker, Alesia Dragoon, ToeJam and Earl, Dynamite Headdy, Shinobi III, Alien Soldier, Monster World IV, Herzog Zwei and Ristar are all unique style games that shit on most of the SNES library.

SNES is great if you to play the same JRPG over and over with just a different story swapped in.

>Chrono Trigger > Phantasy Star IV
You cannot believe that. Chrono Trigger is like baby by comparison.



Chrono nigger detected

I went from genisis to n64 to psone to gamecube then 360

Both these consoles were the shit.

Even though I literally only got a genesis for sonic.

Meh I was a Sega fanboy in my youth but pretty much everyone will agree that SNES > Genesis. Then again this might be true for me because rpgs are my favorite genre.

u wot? How do you get the exact opposite of what I said out of what I said? How can you read something so wrong? No form of dyslexia could cause this. What kind of bizarre ailment have you?

Ever wonder why Sup Forums is so full of shitposters?

>Nintendo lost to Sega
Then comes the big one... oh boy.
>loses to PSX
>loses to PS2
>loses to PS3
>loses to PS4

In fairness the Wii did sell a bunch of waggling fitness garbage to Facebook Soccer Moms so it had more sales, but it lost in library quality.

Any time you see a thread about a game that isn't on Nintendo and you see someone pretending to be a 'sony fanboy' just remember it's a toddler.

So does that mean you are one of them as well?

Friendly reminder that OP is wrong

Thanks for clarifying, PAL bro

Different guy, but Ristar obliterates Kirby into atoms. Kirby is for infants. Ristar looks like it's for infants but it actually has some very interesting gameplay mechanics and some very challenging design. It's a much better designed game.

>Sup Forums is full of toddlers
>Sup Forums votes for the toddler console

>it always comes down to genesis vs snes

>that many people voted for PS2

Must have held this poll during the summer.

>the console that toddlers are most asspained about (playstation 1) is the one that got beat by a huge margin and was eliminated at the very start
>they actually think the SNES is better than the playstation
Shitty tastes

>tfw sega was to smart for the console market


It's no wonder only toddles come here. The rest of the fanbases don't play any of the good games that come out for their platforms.
Literally riding on the success of casuals


You do know that you could play the series you love in the Sony and Nintendo consoles all in the SNES right? It was pretty much all there back then.

Playstation does not hold up. At all.

No shin moogami tensay on genesis, only on mega cd so it succz

paper mario could beat sonic in a fight purely by superguarding

theres a reason why its still the most relevant console war after all these years

SNES and Genesis are the Goku and Vegeta of consoles.

And like all non-saiyan DBZ characters, all other consoles are irrelevant in the long scheme of things.

It was all about the games and only two choices.
No DLC, no microtransactions, no politics, nothing else but games.

Simpler and better times.

>you will NEVER see sega or nintendo in their prime again
>you will NEVER see them go head to head again

Why did SNES draw games in a smaller resolution than a console that was both 2 years older and cheaper?