

is that supposed to be good? thats a B


There are now 3 threads with this image. It's fucking dumb, and you're no better than facebooking memester faggots


>i only play games rated 98 and above

>playing mario games over the age of 12

did he just hatdab

85 what?

It's ok when Nintendo gets it.

You'd be the first in line to bitch if it got anything above a 90.

fucking summer..

are you fucking retards complaining about a game getting an 85? That's a fucking amazing score.

confirmed flop

You forgot to talk about le nintendo bonus

>Nintendo fags will literally buy a game full of memes, dabbing, selfies, and fucking rabbids
>even when the gameplay is just watered down xcom
Truly they eat up anything.

It's Ubisoft not Nintendo

it has wahoo bing bing, it's nintendo


Xcom is already watered down X-com

>NO U!

Yeah, and take Xcom and water it down more, then sprinkle it with Facebook memes and the minions of video games and you get Kingdom Battle.

>i'm not allowed to enjoy video games

> Playing vg as an adult


>enjoying a game like this
Congrats on being the Gen Z kid they're marketing this game for I guess

This desu

but have you played the game, or do you assume its shit because it has rabbids

It has dabbing and selfies. It's made for Generation Z facebook kiddies.
The gameplay itself is just watered down Xcom so why the fuck would I want to play it if I'm not an underage child like you?

Uncharted has dabbing, and several games have selfies, and im not talking about Dead Rising.

You're certainly acting like an underage child.

Playing any video game as an adult is pathetic but we do it because we're all failed human beings.

That includes you boyyo.

>these damn kids enjoying their new fangled blowjobs, I'd rather keep my junk dry thankyouverymuch

>butthurt Nintendies
>y-you're just as bad as me
Nah because I'm not a Nintendrrone that buys anything with their logo on it like you
I don't play movie games

Ahhh you play Soulsborne games. That explains it.

>I don't play movie games
So you don't care when its a game you dont play. Then why do you suddenly care for this game, that you clearly won't play?

You can keep guessing, shows how triggered you are that I'm not buying Nintendo/ubisoft's literal meme game out of blind brand loyalty.

>drones on Sup Forums literally defending and planning to purchase a game with Facebook memes and Rabbids
I bet if this game was exactly the same in content and gameplay but had no Nintendo affiliation you'd say it was shit, but because it's Nintendo it's okay to you drones.
The Nintendogaf state of this board is fucking cancerous and has become far worse than the old Sonyfag plague

B+ actually, but still, most people expected it to get an 80 at max.

That reply doesn't make any sense, boy.

>get called out for hating something you don't even care for

Well, that's just how these things usually ends.

>its actually good

poor Sup Forums getting btfo again

Does Luigi actually dab? I'm not a top facebook memer but dabs tickle my funnybone.

Because fags like you wouldn't be lapping it up if it wasn't Nintendo and that's plain as day.
If it was just Rabbids + some Ubi OCs with the same exact content, memes and all, you wouldn't care or defend it
Nintendo fans literally eat up anything though

>If it was just Rabbids + some Ubi OCs with the same exact content, memes and all, you wouldn't care or defend it
You wouldn't care either. Now you're just making this easy.

As in "I know what you are but what am I"

>haha YOU wouldn't care so it doesn't matter that the only reason i defend it is muh nintendo
>please shit on my face miyamoto

>the holy scriptures says those things are evil, I won't say why, the guru is always right
Fucking eceleb generation, making Isis look like a liberal progressive organisation.

>liking Facebook memes and Rabbids
>why don't you like facebook memes and rabbids???????????? muh ecelebs
How is it being born after 2000?

>tfw this shit also outsells Bloodborne

Jesus, you're a fucking child. It's pointless to complain about mario rabbids being a dumbed down xcom, because xcom is already a dumbed down x-com for casuls. And they're all still fun to play, so who gives a shit.


That ship sailed a long time ago, my lad. Bloodborne didn't even sell that well compared to the big boys.

I haven't even once mentioned Nintendo in any of my replies. Just because you like using your opinion as an argument winner, doesn't mean I need to use my opinion to trigger you. Of course now that you've been running out of things to say, its back on the "Oh you're just a nintendo boy, look at me im totally right!!"

Don't tell us how to live.

is this how grading works nowadays? literally a participant ribbon
