Asscreed forum turned into second r/thedonald
Do you think Ubi regrets it?
Asscreed forum turned into second r/thedonald
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What even is that?
A false flag subreddit
>Robert E. Lee did nothing wrong
What did he mean by this?
Better ask when Ben Garrison become Pantifa
Is literally just because they have Nubian main character? Holy shit, what a bunch of fucking autists.
>Do you think Ubi regrets it?
they can still crap out 100 buggy Ass Creed games and they will all be best sellers
racist people from the internet won't hurt them or what they do
If anything the bastards will use this 'controversy' to score extra pity and SJW points.
I wonder if it's done by Ubisoft.
>Can we get some My Little Pony Crossover DLC?
Is Sup Forums invading?
New Far Cry gonna be murrican right?
I wonder how it'll turned out, i mean the shitstorm not the game itself.
out very own on another host, as a backup
>MFW this was the kind of shit I thought was epic when I was a teenager a decade ago
Who cares, they'll be taken over by Vivendi 5 months from now
>Sup Forumstards in charge of humor
This is 08 Sup Forums levels of unfunny
Only if they fail to make enough money to buy back shares.
If Assassins Creed and Farcry sell, they will remain independent.
Why are niggers so mad the world would be a far better place without them?
It's fact and statistically correct
>Jokes are autism now
ebin raid, Sup Forumsro
Soon Kotaku and whatever other news sites will report about how Nazi's are attacking Ass Creed for having black characters and then all the far-left people will buy the game to show the Nazi's they are wrong and Ubisoft will get a nice payday.
>If Assassins Creed and Farcry sell
They won't, preorders are shit
It is, they deleted by thread calling out racist redditors but kept up all the posts that have NIGGER spammed in the thread title.
Just watch tomorrow they will have some poor black offended nigger post about how this doesn't represent their REAL community on reddit, they are just collecting ammo to justify their afro-centrism
The only thing I hate is how it will bring more underage newfags here wanting to partake in ebin maymays and lolraycism. Yesterday I learned why precisely Sup Forums went to shit. This isn't gonna help.
>Autistic jokes are autism now.
why is Sup Forums so obsessed with kekoldry?
>far-left people will buy the game
Made me chuckle. Implying they ever had any wealth not in form of food stamps on their hands.
Is there anything the election didn't fuck up? Besides maybe japanese media?
Sup Forums was always shit, but I can't remember it ever being this bad
t. market analyst Virgin McNeckbear
>second r/thedonald
But that's nu-Sup Forums
There's a lot of people the world would be a far better place without. Weebs, for example, are very high up on that list.
Next ones will be even worse. 2 party system is ded in murrica.
You really think the Overmilked Franchise: We Don't Even Know What to Do with It Anymore will sell great? Or Generic Openworld FPS 5 in era of PUBG murdering Valve's own games?
Does anyone else find it a bit weird how much people still spam "WE WUZ KANGZ", even though it's a meme from 2015? I feel that people are clinging onto stale memes more these days.
Gamersgate did worse. They literally went out to recruit on gaf and reddit to the point these underage retards drowned out good Sup Forums posters with memespam and internet drama. That opened the door for electionfags to move there.
>You really think the Overmilked Franchise: We Don't Even Know What to Do with It Anymore will sell great? Or Generic Openworld FPS 5 in era of PUBG murdering Valve's own games?
You... you do understand that Ghost Recon Wildlands is the best selling game of 2017, right?
If you actually checked the stats you know they won't be able to save themselves. Vivendi is literally French Tencent minus the innovation. They got loads of cash and like to fuck people over
i think its funny
steam community doesnt matter anyways outside of friendlist
holy shit are you serious
M8, how long have frogposting gone now? It was always this because kids these days are obsessed with having cool memes only they "get"
old memes were seasonal, new memes last the test of time because its based on relevant shit and not shitty inside jokes by 12 years from Sup Forums.
Activision and Blizzard saved themselves from Vivendi, its possible.
Ebin win.
There's no such thing as an autistic joke. They don't have senses of humor
>Sup Forums is now filled with fags who considers themselves too mature for "le edgy racism" and raids
This site is fucked and has been fucked for a long time.
>all those faggots getting permabanned for shitposting
Fuck, you must not know anyone with autism. You're so lucky, user.
GG opened the gate for sure, especially after normal posters had had their laugh at a stupid slut and then /vpol/ posters thought they could use the drama to "purify" gaming, and started the stupid crusades that only lead to SJWs getting stronger and newshits invading.
But elections were the final nail in the coffin, it brought redditors and newshits im by force.
>November 21st 2015
Frogposting as we know it today, with all the "Smug Pepe" stuff, started in 2014. Before that, Pepe was just "sadfrog.jpg".
To be honest, I miss the times when memes were just shitty Sup Forums in-jokes. Now the whole Internet is obsessed with "Dank memes"
>Taking it literally
I think I know what to diagnose you with, user.
Fuck you user I roomed with a sperg. That asshole stressed me out so much you wouldn't believe it. His understanding of humor was putting two things next to each other in a sentence and not understanding what a punchline is. If I'm laughing at these steam forums posts then they are not autistic, I guarantee it
You don't get banned here for casual racism. The problem is fags who shitpost for the sake of it.
Yes, I'm sure they're going to cry themselves to sleep in all that money.
Pools closed and other shit like that was kust for lols and we laughed at other users. That's just spamming some forum with stupid memes, even shitty trolling would be better.
>If I'm laughing at these steam forums posts then they are not autistic, I guarantee it
I have bad news for you, mate. You're in the spectrum.
Nah, smug Pepe is newer than that.
embarrassing desu
I don't get why people think it's funny.
The joke was funny in 2015 it got stale in 2016 and now it's dead.
nah, it's free publicity, and an excuse to tighten up the internet even more. I'd be surprised if a lot of them werent pajeets doing it for .02 cents a post
Was there such a time? G4 was ruining memes with shit like attack of the show as far back as 2005.
The thing is, pepe posting accelerated because it spread to reddit and other sites, then those kids find out about the "memefactory" Sup Forums and brought it back enmasse. Also didn't help that 8ch made it into a symbol of alt right/kekistan so now they post it as dogwhistling instead of mindless memetic reasons.
T_D and Sup Forums are what happens when cloppers hit their late teens/early 20s and get political.
>a game set in Egypt has an egyptian as the protagonist
How dare they
They're projecting their own insecurities and masking them/compensating through overt racism
that was a Sup Forums thing which made them the worst board.
So sorry about that. Went trough the same thing until I've saved enough money to move out.
People tend to think that all spergs are smart and rain-manesk, the truth is there are some who are just retarded.
What draws people to the Ubibox games? They are dull repetitive shit devoid of soul and personality, and nobody even finishes them, but they keep selling!?
what does that mean, weeb? do tell
Because the oldfags who are pushing 30 don't enjoy going on forums to memespam? Or because they don't feel the need to be a part of an epic movement since they had their fill with chanology and habbo raids?
This. Sup Forumstards are the modern equivalent of Sup Forumstards.
>tfw the MLP shitstorm was 6 years ago
>posts this in every thread
Unironically underage behavior. Wish you aids
>all threads are shitty bait with zero creativity
>all started at the same time
>15 threads, but less than 25 post in them in total
yeah, Ubishit is completely destroyed,no way they are going to recover from this disaster
Congratulations you retards, for giving SJW free ride for every shit they are puling out. You were acting like lobotomized chimps so often that now even when someone points to legit cases of SJW shenanigans it's all dismised as another of yours moronism
I'll be honest, WEposting is one of the funniest things Sup Forums has ever produced.
It is not because of the protag but because a guy got banned just for posting WE.
>What draws people to the Ubibox games?
People will always be suckers for the open world meme.
It really isn't though
You're clearly new
>Sup Forums
>Not autism
Normies be gone
They're certainly the ones that are getting Sup Forums on the news these days.
What happened to Sup Forums, anyways? It seems like it's completely lost it's relevance these days.
Nowadays if you want to sperg out, you just hop on twitter and think up something dumb to say to someone with a lot of followers and extremely thin skin.
Literally nobody needs raids when they get a hilarious reaction that'll last them all evening for five seconds of typing.
Because black people are a joke and it's only natural to laugh at these stereotypes.
Even announcement webms show that people from fucking facebook to Sup Forums enjoy this.
>spam forum autistically with outdated maymays of a racial tone
>news sites pick up on it
>edgy kids learn about it and come here
Why can't these people stop shooting themselves in the foot? It always happen. Then again, now they want quantity over quality posters because their numbers make them feel powerful. Like goonswarms do.
Been here since 2006.
>Before that, Pepe was just "sadfrog.jpg".
it was feelsgoodman.jpg back in 2008. sadfrog/feelsbadman was an offshoot that didn't come til a year later, and didn't really pick up steam and start being associated with the sexually frustrated autist scene that would later become the alt-right until r9k's reboot in 2011.
It mellowed out a lot. Still trash but it stays to itself. The most cancerous aspects of it are now present in Sup Forums. It's where the newfags go and the epic raid mentality happens now.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums took over its role as babby's first board
>people with youtube channels who're like.
omg star wars battlefront 2/asscreed/codww2 are full of sjw shit, these games are shit call of duty is dead, aaa gaming is dead
>and then he proceeds to stream pubg on his twitch account for those sweet ass donations
Sure thing, kid.
Delete this.
Why didn't Rami voice the new Mc?
The we wuz thing is perpatuated by whites as well. It's not even a stereotype.
I've only been here since early-2011, so to me, "sadfrog.jpg" is the oldest variant of Pepe that I was there for.
>and didn't really pick up steam and start being associated with the sexually frustrated autist scene that would later become the alt-right until r9k's reboot in 2011.
The alt-right wasn't even around in 2011, I don't think.
I'll be honest, you have the sense of humor of a 10 year old.
Probably because he's expensive as fuck.
because we grew up. Anyone who works and actually goes out into the real world are liberal democrats for a reason.
Why are neofaggots so salty about this?
Kinda this.
I guarantee that 3/4 of posting WE don't even "hate ""blacks""". It's just a meme/funny pasta posting, nothing more. Also, often devs are times more racist portraying black people as a stereotype AYOO HOL UP garbage.
>What happened to Sup Forums, anyways?
once it became mainstream I'm pretty sure it got taken over by people pushing long con agendas with their botnets. nonstop trap, cuck, fb/insta, celeb, roll/dubs cancer, forced memes (andy sixx et all) and misc porn threads with almost no original content.
or maybe the mainstream really is that repetitive and zombified even without being spammed by bots. i couldn't rightly say.
They can't take a joke