He wasn't part of the Clock Crew

>He wasn't part of the Clock Crew

Other urls found in this thread:



shitposter with zero effort videos becomes a famous icon for the site and gets celebrated every year while tons of actual artists never got out of the shadows because they weren't le epic enough
newgrounds days sure were better than youtube am I right?

name one good thing to come out of newgrounds

Egoraptor, fucking admit it. I hate Arin's guts, but that was when he peaked.

Fucking wrong. It was stick movies, madness series, and a ton of actually really good flash games that mock the 15$ indie shit being sold on steam.

pico's school

I liked this one.


poringclock reporting in!!! Bbb

Super meat boy


castle crashers was good

Clock day was created to contain the shitposts in the portal, not to celebrate them. It encouraged people who made that garbage to upload on clock day instead of shitting up NG every day. They even received higher ratings so shit that would usually get blammed could seep through on clock day.

>easy to digest shitposts that cause thousands to chuckle become more popular than niche animations that appeal only to select audiences

Alien Hominid

I'll have a glass of KILL SONIC

A shit ton of internet culture we know today has its roots there.

>finding your old Newgrounds account from 10+ years ago
>reading those cringy forum posts you made

At least NG lead me here.

>At least NG lead me here.
not a good thing

I found mine from 13 years ago and wooo
them bbs posts son

Been here 10 years.

not really a humblebrag

It's more of a statement.

The Behemoth and all their games.

I remember when I thought microsoft sam and speakonia were the pinnacle of comedy.

I was, and it was awful. Their website is still up by some miracle and people are still there trying to make flash animations. It's like finding a fossil that's trying to move.


Gensuro Girls

>a ton of actually really good flash games that mock the 15$ indie shit being sold on steam

This. If more people remembered how good some of them were all those shitty indie games on Steam wouldn't even be a thing. Early flash was also pretty fucking cool.

>You can't delete your Newgrounds account
what the fuck

I remember posting on the newgrounds forums and when I got called out on my idiocy I claimed that I was trolling

Pokemon Brown. Koolboyman got his start at Newgrounds and his first ever hack was Fukemon. Brown started out as a sequel to that one before it switched to a more "serious" direction.

They were indie before it was cool.

>find old account
>read angry and emotional posts made on 9/11

That was a time.

>madness series
>madness combat 10 was 6 years ago
>krinkels just draws fur porn now

Madness Combat

Wrong. He is making a Madness Combat game, Project Nexus 2.

pico day and based zone sama

kramer's quest for hentai

Dad 'n' Me



Thank me later