What are some games whose remakes completely and utterly ruined the original?

What are some games whose remakes completely and utterly ruined the original?

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Super Mario 64 DS?

This is just a fan's rendition of how the old pokemon would look in the new style, right?

This isn't some butchered flashback scene... right?

no, they're going to be in the anime. I saw it on a magazine

magazine in question twitter.com/serebiinet/status/902053268364382208

Fug :D

The Castle of Illusion remake was awful and just plain ugly to look at.

Pokemon was only good for a few seasons, nostalgiafag.
Modern Pokemon has better writing and animation than it ever used to.


Silent hill hd collection is the obvious example

Misty looks better


Did Brook slipped some uguu pills in her food?

While they didn't "ruin" the originals, and still were decent in their own right, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire were pretty lazy remakes compared to the excellent treatment Heart Gold and Soul Silver got, and I think it was one of the tell signs that Game Freak didn't give a shit about making a fun journey anymore, rather, they wanted to pull a Square Enix and tell a really fuckin' garbage story to the audience.
While I was generally happy the whole game, I was absolutely disappointed at the ultimate botched Regigigas appearance they made. About a decade of hyping up and sickass game appearances, and they don't even cram it in the Regional Dex, they don't even give it an overworld model, and they give it a very convoluted sidequest no normal person could figure out and barely fit with the Regi Trio theme in the first place. It's my favorite Pokemon, so it really hurt not to climax with Regigigas in a secret room in the Sealed Chamber, as I thought how bitchin' it would be for years.
The music was objectively good, that's a fact. The only one I didn't care for was the Zinnia the Hedgeheg's theme, but her entire sequence was garbage anyways, so it was very reflective.
Pokemon anime should've died after everyone went separate paths in DP.


Brock looks like he's got a weirdly designed shirt on rather than a vest and his hair looks strange.
Misty looks better.

> that MustAsh

Its-a-Me, Ketchup!

>that hat

Genuinely improved.

>AoE 2 HD

>Ruined the original

The original has been dead and gone for over a decade. Them doing this does not add or detract from what has already happened. Get over your dramatic baby bullshit.

That looks fucked

Why do they refuse to use straight lines in the new style?

>it's a lets pander to nostalgiafags that don't even watch it episode

>they're also making hex maniac into a gym leader

How does this make you feel?

This. What's the point? I stopped watching the anime back in 2001. Who are they trying to cater to with this shit.

Cute!! Improved

Looks like a middle aged skinnyfat mexican dwarf what were they thinking

Nothing much to say. Features look a bit too soft

[citation needed]

the people who got back into pokemon with Go. Remembered the good old days of gen 1.
And this is why the games are full of gen 1 pandering too

>ruin the original
There are two copies in the end, in the case of games, it's just an inferior version, most cases have the game still available in some form.

still prefer the original
sun and moon has great animation though

>he thinks the few 30+ year olds who played Pokemon GO are going to watch this shitty remake of the anime

Nigger you're delusional.

Why do you care?, Pokemon as a series was never good. We just have nostalgia for the first season

Why do they so desperately want to kill Pokemon? I thought they liked their Cash cow.

everyone has had enough. there comes a point when this shit needs to stop. i mean 1000 pokemon? really? just stop already.

Just leave them as the main cast.
Losing Misty was bad, but least based Brook was still there and May was at least good, stopped watching when Dawn joined.


is it just me or does Misty have bigger boobies now?

what boobs
she's always been somewhat flat

>What are some games whose remakes completely and utterly ruined the original?
Sup Forums rage.swf

New Brock is basically that Jesus restoration image. Ash's new look is dumb as well but Brock is the real abomination here.

honestly, if they had their original voices i don't think i'd mind too much about their retarded new look

>only thing I dislike about this is that they're wearing their Gen I/II clothes with no real explanation
They should've gotten new outfits.

The games are full of Genwun pandering because of fucking B/W. If GF hadn't gone full retard with B/W and forced the mostly terrible new Pokemon on you, it wouldn't have sold so little, comparitavely, that is. One of the reasons B2/W2 is held in such high regard is because GF damage controlled hard by not locking 420 Pokemon to postgame, among other things.
The failure of B/W will have GF pandering to genwunners for the next ten years.

>The art style sucks they all look like lazy doodles now!
>Ignoring the clearly improved direction, animation, choreography
I don't give a fuck about the show but I wish plebs would shut up. Imagine not being able to asses the quality of a kid's cartoon.

Remember the Yojimbo episode of Pokemon?

It's a 2 part episode where Ash and his classmates take a school trip to Kanto.

Remind me, why has Ash gone back to school? He should be pretty fucking learned by now.

Black and White may have sold the least out of any of the Pokemon mainline games to that point, but they still sold better than every game that came after them, including X & Y and Sun & Moon.

And not only that they were extremely well received for the exact reasons you're claiming they failed.

It's just you. She actually seemed to have bigger tits in the OG season in certain angles

Because they retconned the last 19 years of the anime to have all happened in one year, and apparently there's also this new law that trainers only get to skip school for one year to go on their Pokemon Journey, and after that they have to go back to school.

It's just bullshit to give the new show a fresh twist, don't think about it too much.

>Alolan Mamoswine will never be a thing
>the Gen IV evolutions will be forever unloved and forgotten by time
>my nigga Dusknoir will never get anything cool
>meanwhile Raticate gets shit nobody asked for and Persian gets to be Dobson because genwun is considered cool to young adults and teens who remember the 90s
Facebook was a mistake.

>dat shadow beneath Ash's hair
unffff old animation wins again, digital animation continues being lame as fuck with it's ugly ass monochromatic colors too

who the hell is still watching this trash to begin with

new twist? i'd love to twist nintendo's balls for milking this franchise so hard

XY was actually pretty good for what it was, and the animation during the battle scenes is top notch.

>Awful art is made up for by okay animation

>Because they retconned the last 19 years of the anime to have all happened in one year

All those adventures took long to just happen in one year.

Thats incorrect though. Both Gen 6 and Gen 7 sold more than B/W, even while more people had DSes than 3DSes.

I know the feeling

BW sold 15.6 Million, XY sold 14.7 million and SM are currently at 15 million.

How does this ruin the original? Whats different about the original episodes when you put them on?

you waste your time watching childrens cartoons simply because of the mediocre animation?

Any remake is shit. Any.

There is no point in having a remake if you can watch he original.

are you retarded

bayleaf is bretty good, the other two blow

i repeat, who is watching this. better question, why does this exist.

IIRC, based on the original series, it had already been a whole year by the time he reached Vermilion City. There are also month long gaps between episodes after he gets all the badges and starts training for the league at home.

I haven't watched the anime regularly since DP ended.


Is this real?

So based that you can't even write his fucking name right.

Because they made Alola with no gyms, and the trials are not even a big thing except if you want to collect the Z-crystals.

They ask retconned Ash's goal of being a Pokémon Master to being "I want to meet and be friends with all Pokemon"

they still making this? good fucking lord nostalgia is a hell of a drug

the same children who spent years watching the original show and everything that came after it?

i call bullshit.

>full retard with B/W
Oh no, you mean you have to play a new Pokemon game with NEW Pokemon? What were they thinkin!

I personally loved it for that reason because it was a breath of fresh air.

Unlike Ash, children actually age.

Auto correct is a bitch

no shit. those people are not going to waste their time watching baruto after spending so many years watching the original show is my point, unless they're autistic or something.

which makes me question who their target audience for it is.

I think it was said somewhere in an interview that from the very start of the anime to the current episode, it's been 7-9 months in the Pokémon world. That would mean every generation takes about a month for Ash to go through.

This guy understands. Colosseum and Gale of Darkness got it right, forcing you to use pokemon you wouldn't use normally.



Any Jessie?

B/W sold 15.64 million
X/Y sold 16.15 million
S/M sold 15.67

Also couldn't. Gale of Darkness was the first game to have Houndour actually available before the Postgame. I'd say Colo but you get it like three fights before the final boss so that barely counts.

children who know nothing about naruto? isn't baruto supposed to be a continuation?


>Hellsing > Hellsing Ultimate

The numbers haven't been updated since May (which are the ones I'm using), and even if those were the correct numbers, that still doesn't make BW a failure until a month ago.

i'm too tired to argue about anime.

Kind of.

It's the baby version of everyone (their sons and daughters to be more correct) doing stuff.

It's a series reboot that aims at the children audience not because the Naruto name is big, but because the formula worked before, so why not try again with a new generation?

Some old fat original naruto fan manchildren will watch it, but as with most manchildren things, the target audience will be children.

Sup Forums list should be Hero Academia, Naruto, One Piece and Jojo because that's the most threads I see.

Yes you stupid idiot. Children are stupid. They don't need to know an entire show's history to be able to enjoy Pokemon or Naruto.

It's literally crazy animals that can do crazy things fighting each other, and Ninjas. It doesn't need any more explanation than that for a child to be able to enjoy it.

It would have been fine if 95% of the Pokedex wasn't gutter trash or clones of existing Pokemon. There are about 20 Gen 5 Pokemon that don't make me want to puke, but to be fair, the ones that are good are REALLY REALLY good.

you forgot dragonball and berserk but that is correct


Bro, children in the US watch Teen Titans Go. That's all the evidence I need.

Hellsing Ultimate is a straight upgrade to the TV series. With Jojo, the manga is always the best answer. That being said, the part 3 anime is the closest it's ever gotten to matching the manga's quality even though it fell apart after Vanilla Ice. The original NGE with End of Evangelion is the series. Rebuilds worth watching because NGE is only worth watching once or with repeat views being very far apart from each other. FMA is just fine with either. Dragon Ball Kai is a great cut of the original, but the problem is that some filler episodes were actually great (the car one is famous for a reason). Berserk doesn't have an optimal adaptation and the Manga is pretty much going to remain unfinished or finally rush out the ending that everyone predicted before the boat ride.


children in the us are dumb though.

>this manchildren trying to justify watching both Boruto and Pokemon past the age of 12

>Same game with better graphics and more content=ruined
>muh no analogue stick
>muh Nessie
Just play it an a 3DS, fag.

>part 3 anime is the closest it's ever gotten to matching the manga's quality
Not with that god awful pacing it didn't.

All of them leave something to be desired, but I'd probably rank them, in terms of how well they're adapted, at least, as:


Not him, but the OST and Sears were better in the OG anime, and I perfered the artsrtle more. Ultimate was good, but the second half of it is weak compared to the first half.