2D art looks better than its 3D counterpart

>2D art looks better than its 3D counterpart

Every time. Is there ever an instance in vidya when this isn't true?

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Are you blind

Capcom sucks at making 3D models
They are western dev tier
see some beautiful KoeiTecmo characters

You can draw it any way you want without a care of how it looks like in any angle
any change you make to one angle drastically changes how it looks in another angle

Your pic is a good example. That drawing is pretty weird looking. Her eyes are way too low and far apart, and that hand is doing some awkward stuff as well, particularly the index finger.

2d is always better you dumb newfag

It's also worth noting that very few artists use 3D modeling as their primary medium compared to drawing or painting medium. Most people that 3D model do it as supplement to their drawing and painting.

No surprise there. 3D is anti-fun.

>Is there ever an instance in vidya when this isn't true?

Was gonna post this, Guilty Gear is the pinnacle of 3d and the new Dragonball game will be following soon after

This exact instance in your post.

CC2's games look better than 2D most of the time.

Generally speaking 2d is better because of what said, but your pic shows the opposite happening
That drawing kinda sucks

>first you fags bitch about the SV5 art sucking dick
>now it's better
Fuck off you stupid retards.

I think she actually might be the first SFV girl that actually looks somewhat decent. The 2D art in your image is terrible, but still above the other monstrosities that the story mode brought to light.

>3D is indistinguishable from 2D

but the 3D looks better than the drawing

I haven't been this impressed with a fighting game's visuals since Third Strike. There is so much detail in the animations. Like how some attacks kick up a trail of dust from the ground and how firing beams will leave a smoke trail after the beams is completed. It looks so fucking good. 3D that looks better than the actual show.

>2D is 3D

Those Arc System boys deserve more props for this, they somersaulted and did several flips straight over the "3D game but wants to look like anime" uncanny valley.

Arc sys's cel shading is some next level shit but I wish they didn't intentionally render the animations out at lower framerates.

It'd look even nicer if the animation was fully slick and fluid.

is she out yet in EU?

Problem is they have to pose every frame manually to mimic 2d animation. They can't just interpolate between keyframes.

But they animated them like Arksys

Yes, Dragonball Super looks like absolute flash tier shit while the new game has superb 2d-like 3d graphics.

It would probably be doable for DBFZ, it's a lot less extreme than Xrd and characters mostly stay on model. You don't really see anything like pic related for instance.

If it was smoother it would break the 2d illusion though, but I understand your desire for smooth animations.

op is asshurt for not getting bigeyed weebshit into the game

so nothing of value was lost
go choke on a nugget

You can say what you want about some of the idle animations in some pokemon, but most Gen 5 pokemon benefitted from the jump to 3D.

>purple lime cat
>looking good, ever
That shit wouldn't even be tolerated by skullgirls. It really take the complete Stockholm syndrome and brand worship of the last bastion of capcom customers to defend that Deviant art garbage.

>I wish they didn't intentionally render the animations out at lower framerates.
even if it was 20fps I reckon it would look a lot better, without destroying the style it comes from

>They can't just interpolate between keyframes.

Yes, they can, 3d software due to how it works automatically interpolates every keyframe for you, they just intentionally disable it.

I don't think it would break it at all.

Cyberconnect 2 has full fluid animation for their stuff and it looks great

>purple lime
wait what

3d is pig disgusting

>posts an image that proves him wrong
Good job, OP.

>Yes, they can
He's not saying they can't technically, he's saying the aggressive squashing/stretching/smearing in Xrd's art style would make it look bad if they did without reworking things.

as an animator I never understood how this shit works

Have you watched the GDC talk they did? iirc they're separate objects clipping into the character mesh.

>Webm loops
>Don't realize it at first
>Thought the frog was about to stab himself in the head to kill naruto

I meant in the pic
I still dont understand how to make that shit look right

Watch the GDC talk, they explain how they did that.

Subjectively speaking there are just a handful of fighting games that look better on 3D compared to sprites, Guilty Gear for example, just bought KoF13 and everything looks 10x better than USF4 for example.

i agree with you, but really, sf4 always looked bad

I actually agree with OP.
Somethine about Menat's model seems off to me.

Arcsys's 2D sprites were always kinda choppily animated too so it makes for a more comfortable transition for GG players.

You mean stretching and speed blurs? Did you never learn 2D animation or something?

i don't know that much, started playing fighting games seriously this year, and bought USF4 and KoF 13 last week, so far SNK has the best looking ones, 3rd Strike also looked great, but somehow not as good as 2nd Impact.

7 hours until Menat

How are you dealing with the wait, bros?


ken r u ok


>actually looks interesting
>don't want to spend any more money on sfv or grind online matches forever

Have you done the characters challenges ? It gives 5000 FM each

Fuck, gonna have to download the first game now that its on Steam. I was fucking stupefied on how amazing and vibrant this game looked when it was first announced, jumping from the Ultimate Ninja art style to something like left me amazed


requesting more fucked up SFV character models

She looks 10 years old here thanks to the art style. Has Capcom confirmed her age yet? Or is it going to stay obscure so SJWs don't throw a fit about sexualizing a fictional teenager?

I don't if they've confirmed, but my guess is they won't

It's almost like it looks better some times than others

*don't know if they'll

>western games so cucked they can't even sexualize fighting games anymore

Wave your hand in front of your face.
Notice how it kind of blurs out and you can see fingers at both ends of the arc?

You're basically just drawing that illusion as a single frame.

It's a long time used animation technique called smears which go along with squash and stretch

They're used to help create smooth and fluid high speed animations by exaggerating the frames in both 2d and 3d animations

If you want another example other than Xrd, just look at Overwatch

2d is smoke and mirrors. 3d is much harder to fool the brain, and is usually closer to uncanny valley


here's the talk, it's good regardless

>I wish they didn't intentionally render the animations out at lower framerates
Not really look at this he shows the difference the framerate they use makes side by side near the end and the lowered one looks better

exactly this

Does the 2D art show off her delicious navel?

Why does she look so different? She's flat as a board in this picture

Bengus + Capcom

I agree she looks too big in game, we need a flat chest character



What the fuck is this anatomy


Seriously, what happened to him? I get he was rushed to pump that shit out, but HOW do you do something that bad?

She's Brazilian, idiot.

She's clearly had work done to her body to increase her ass, hips and tits which is topical for Spanish girls.

You'd know that if you were more cultured.

Sup Forums fags can fuck off she's a tanned Egyptian with white features she's not a KANG

There's nothing wrong with some delicious brown, I just wish she was as flat as she was in her art, but then capcom might offend all those people who don't play fighting games that they're trying to cater to

also dusky dravidian best

I agree, she's a delicious chocolate

I have literally not seen anyone call her a shitskin
most people are fawning over her being delicious brown
Do neofag posters get some sort of pleasure out of straight up lying?

Sup Forums is the most easily triggered group of man children though, anything that isn't bleach white makes them piss themselves as they reeeee and fap to their cuck porn to calm down

If you are on PC jsut get a trainer for infinity HP and beat a few hard and hardest survivals.
May take 2 hours thou.
You cant abuse 1 hit kill you have to beat the hard survival in 20 minutes minimum and hardest in 40 minimum. Any ting over that may make capcom think you are cheating.
I also recommend you do one Hell survival a weak. You can do multiple hard ones in a day.

This i how id did it and i even managed to beat a few legit.

Never got ban or a warning in the past 2 years.

You can also do other SP content like cinematic story mode or challenges or easy and normal survival for FM legit.

Doing the trials, character tutorials and story modes were enough to get me all but 4 characters. Only got one through playing off and on so far.

You know that is incredible easy to get 100 000 bikemoney. Even more easy if you havent done any challenge. Or story mode.

What, they can't state the age of a flat girl because it offends someone?

I'm reminded of that whole "No breasts under C cup allowed in porn" thing that Australia did.

I didn't know they also removed all the organs from their torso also

For a country of shitposting criminals fighting the wilderness every day they sure are a bunch of pussies when it comes to censorship

>You don't really see anything like pic related for instance
except you do

a lot

What sort of Brazilian plastic surgery voodoo shrunk her head to half the size it should be

gib Menat gf

Where did this person see this? Does Neogaf have the same love/hate relationship Sup Forums has with them, only instead of Sup Forums making up situations where they're being SJW and triggered, they make up situations where Sup Forums is being racist and misogynist so they have a boogieman of their own?

>legendary artists become terrible as they get older
>legendary composers can't make good songs anymore like they did at their peak
pretty terrifying if you're in the arts

There was quite a bit of Sup Forumsposting in the reveal threads, actually

>Has Capcom confirmed her age yet?

Yeah, it was on her profile that they put up this morning

Shes 14

>Spanish girls
Brazil was colonized by Portugal, they have nothing related with Spanish.
You'd know that if you were more cultured.

Drawing something good takes a really long time. SFV's art looks like they just cleaned up the lineart of a very rough draft without fixing the drawings themselves.


Doesn't actually say anything about age, but it's nice to see how the orb works. Seems like the smart thing to do is to keep it with you most of the time because of how much better it makes her normals, though obviously the high tech setups are going to involve sending it away and bringing it back with precise timing.

Time to fap

Capcom SF art is dreadful. I thought all the 2D was already lazy and rough. The 3D looks like it was hardly concepted or iterated on, she looks so bad and her animations look bad too. Thirsty fags are muh waifuing her when she's not even sexy or cute during her animations. It's a lot of movement for nothing and it's completely unnecessary. There's so much more potential with the idea.

>It's a lot of movement for nothing and it's completely unnecessary.
Mind making a few examples? I don't see that.

you cant model a 3D face with 2D anime eyes

people always have to give them normal eyes or just paste a flat anime face onto the front of a generic head