>jump off tall building that will kill you from the fall damage
>jump mid air 1ft before hitting the ground
>take 0 fall damage
Jump off tall building that will kill you from the fall damage
>jump off tall building that will kill you from the fall damage
>save 1ft before hitting the ground
>take 0 fall damage because the game doesn't record your falling speed when you save
>always survive the jump if you land in water, regardless of height
>always drown in water, regardless of the depth or your swimming ability
Name one game that does this
>jump off tall building that will kill you from the fall damage
>spin mid air before hitting the ground
>take 0 fall damage
Jak & Daxter was great for this stuff.
This angers me more than anything ever in vidya.
Do land dwellers not understand the concept of swimming?
>We needed more hazards so we had to-
You can put hazards IN the water. Making the water a hazard is just lazy.
if you manage to double jump mid air with that much inertia on you, you should take 0 damage, any other way is retarded
>You can put hazards IN the water.
yes, but those are the things of nightmares, user
Not that poster but I remember doing that. I cannot remember what games though. Might have been in one of the Elder Scrolls, either Morrowind or Oblivion. Otherwise I cannot think of which game it was.
Any game on GameBryo except for Catherine
as it should be
Developers have the opportunity to put eldritch horrors in their game and instead they make water insta kill you.
And even kid friendly games like Mario allow you to swim with fish and other sea creatures with cartoon faces as hazards so you can't even say that they'd have to be scary.
I don't get it. this works in real life.
>jump from a lethal height
>hit a slight slope
>take no damage
>jump off tall building that will kill you from the fall damage
>spin mid air and orient your ass toward the ground
>kill the ground
>jump off tall building that will kill you from the fall damage
>Attack with a sword making a downwards stab
>Take no damage and look cool
>Tall mountains
>Face the rock while walking forwards to descend the mountain
>Reach the floor safely while going down at insanely fast speeds
>a rat touches your face
>you take damage
>walk into a vertical spike from the side
>jump from height that won't kill you from the fall damage
>hit a slope on the way down
>hit the ground
>the combined damage kills you
name 2
Destiny 1 and 2 :^)
>walk by a stream of boiling hot lava
>you are fine and your face doesn't melt off because of the hellish heat the lava produces
>touch the lava with your big toe for half a millisecond
They're really sharp spikes.
>fall damage is calculated by the length of time between dropping and landing
>walk off short drop
>get stuck on a piece of scenery for a couple of seconds
>die when you touch the ground
Just cause 2
>save mid air
>your jump got refreshed
>jump again
>do a series of jumps and mid-air turning
>become faster than sound
Well what's wrong with that? Your double jump essentially acts as a new, semi-malleable surface that absorbed your initial momentum, you're starting your jump from a new height.
>tfw can't double jump in real life
Doesn't Fallout 3 do this?
>play dragon's dogma
>fall of high place where you know youre going to take damage
>do a double jump just a couple feet before hitting the ground
>fall and take damage as if you had never double jumped at all
The fuck is up with that shit?
>go to beach in GTA 3
>put feet in the wave path
>take health damage
you can though
Fuck you OP, I love this shit. I'm irritated as fuck if I play a game where this is NOT the case
>birds can literally space-jump
It all makes sense now.
That broke my neck irl when i first tried to do that double jump trick in dragons dogma. All i could think is FUCK.
That's enough video games for you mister.
someone post the webm. skull splitter down the pre-endgame everfall that makes you take zero damage
>He's so fat he can't double jump
haha videogames are silly amirite
what if videogames were more like real life
Using an ability doesn't actively count towards the inherent double jump and taking damage even though you just double jumped right before hitting the ground. Original argument still stands. Bitch.
I remember playing a spiderman game where the beginning tutorial made fun of the fact that you can defy gravity and double jump.
Good times.
Scout from TF2 comes to mind.
t. the kid that can't double jump
>he's so thin he can't butt pound
Fallout 3, Fallout NV, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrimjob.
>jump off tall building that will kill you from the fall damage
>crouch mid air 1ft before hitting the ground
>take 0 fall damage
>jump from a lethal height
>float before landing
>hit the ground hard and eat shit anyways
Dragon's fucking Dogma and it's mage floating
Actually I think Ocarina of Time does this if you have an "L to levitate" cheat on, if you jump off a height and fall to the ground slowly with L you still take damage on landing.
is there any more lazy game design than this?
> Kill a skeleton and loot it
> You received (1) bone
>jump off tall building that will kill you from the fall damage
>take out your dick and jack it quickly
>you cum an eruption of sperm from the adrenaline just before hitting the ground
>still take 100% fall damage
You obviously smashed all the others in combat
Making an invisible wall.
>Grappling the ground and reeling yourself in to the earth faster than you're already falling somehow lets you land safely taking absolutely no damage
Bravo, JC2.
then I should get some bone dust
>big box of ammunition
>5 shotgun shells
depends on the setting
You mean bone meal
>big box of ammunition
>you are already full of that ammo
>it still uses up the box of ammunition
What the actual fuck?
>you caused the skeleton 5 damage
>you got bone (1)
>the skeleton now likes you
that's bone dust mixed with other shit
>drop an item from your inventory
>it is erased from the universe
>Dash down short flight of stairs
>Violently splat against the ground at the bottom because fall damage is based on speed
>Have to restart entire chapter
Metroid Prime
>jump from tall building you know is going to splatter your fatass all over the concrete below
>ask god to save you
>he doesn't even do it
>run down a hill while jumping
>die from breaking your legs 4 times
>jumping around stairs and hills
>die from fall damage
>jump off small ledge onto snow
>Sprain ankle, bruise self, and damage clothing
Name the game
Name (2017^0.2017) games that do this.
>Server host sets gravity to 999999999
>Die from falling less than an inch
>jump off tall building
>die from ball damage before even hitting the ground
just do the edge bug
>join a swingers club as a masochist
>die from ball damage before even hitting the ground
>Play at internet cafe ages ago
>Half-Life 1
>Host LAN game(16 shitters)
>Set gravity to 3
>Wait a few seconds and set it to 99999
>Kek loudly as the entire internet cafe goes apeshit
Fond memories
>set host_timescale to almost 0
>fucking matrix fights everywhere
thanks for reminding me user
Thanks bro, you just made me laugh loud and wake up the baby. Thanks fuckface
>tfw was a kid and really wanted to double jump bc of vidya
>tried so hard but couldn't do it
>If I jump off a higher place it'll probably work
>Climb a 7foot tree in my backyard
>jump off, do a double jump animation right before hitting the ground
>Instead kick the ground really hard
>Because I jumped with one leg first, kick the ground first with that one leg
>Knee bends inwards, fall on my back.
>wake up in hospital afterwards, broke my knee
Learned the hard way
>double jump
>pause game then unpause
>double jump again
>repeat for infinite flight
>Run as fast as you can
>Jump a bit to the side
>Jump a bit to the other side
>PROFIT eventually break the sound barrier.
>Pick up a board.
>Place it under your feet while still holding it.
>Jump from it.
>It somehow stays in your hands
>Jump on a building.
This. The weird bit is the double jump, if you can suspend your disbelief enough to allow for that then it would allow you to safely land just fine.
'I cannot go any further in this direction'
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
>jump in elevator going down
>fall slower than the elevator moves
>die from fall damage when it stops
This motherfucker scared the shit out of me as a child.