Why the fuck do they insist in shoving these dark&edgy faggot trash down the playerbase throats?

why the fuck do they insist in shoving these dark&edgy faggot trash down the playerbase throats?

look at me im such a dark reaper xD

>Anthony Burch

Is this moron still working for this company?

most of the playerbase is underaged so they still think dark and edgy stuff is cool

>tfw most happy go lucky champs are the strongest

Because Blizzard.

Because you are playing a game made for teenagers? They are literally pandering to their main crowd and getting money for it. Perhaps you are the idiot here.

because the game is for children who like that sort of stuff?



because 12 years old

No they don't.
There are over a hundred video games that don't give the things you don't like. You just like to notice the things you hate so you'll have an excuse to talk with anonymous people on the internet using shitty questions you don't really want to talk about.

They know their audience.

Why is shadow fiend on the right?

Ornn's pretty cool despite his black/red splashart shit.

Just a cool ass blacksmith.

>shoving these dark&edgy faggot trash down the playerbase throats

There's literally 137 champs in the game for you to choose from. No one is forcing you to do anything.

>he's a dps tank with % health damage, multiple cc abilities, a mobility spell, a giant flashy ult, who outscales everyone just by existing thanks to built in stats
I almost fell asleep reading about this dude when he came out. Champions are designed by corporate suits, not by actual people who play the game.

Are you kidding me? All the champions they have released for the last year have been fucking "lol so quirky XP" joke characters. They finally throw us a bone with a serious character and you bitch about it. Fuck you. They went back to joke characters with Oryn so don't worry, you will see another year of joke chars.

Allright. Gonna say it since it seems you guys are missing the point.

They are not to be taken seriously. That's literally all. If you think Reaper from OW or Kayn from LoL are to be taken seriously, you have a serious problem understanding what things mean.
You're saying that we should hate a character because he's trying to make us believe a mexican got fucked up and became a fucking wraith that flies, has infinite shotguns and behaves like a 13yo in the 2000s who just started listening to Tokyo Hotel.
You're telling us that a character that's an apprentice of shadow assassins got such a hard on on his master that he went out to look for a fucking DEMONIC SCHYTE and he's so cold blooded and cool he fucking possesses the schute and becomes the ultimate shadow assassin. As if being Zed's apprentice wasn't enough flags to show you the point of the character.
You genuinely believe that we should take Reaper seriously in a game with a fat asian that throws ice, a turbo lesbian, a guy thats so old he wears socks with sandals and a ninja cyborg Xbox 360.
That we should take Kayn seriously in a game with furry midgets, a tumblr girl with guns, a jew that throws rocks and a giant catfish that eats people.

No, seriously, how old are you? Maybe you're still able to revaluate your life.

The visual design is terrible, but mechanically he's fun as fuck so I'm okay with it.

>still playing Shit of Niggers

Oh boy you're gonna love hearing that they're gonna buff his stats.

>but mechanically he's fun as fuck so I'm okay with it.

watch it nick

Because gooks love edgy characters with CRAZY abilities that they can include in their montages. Twelve year olds then lap that shit up, download LoL, and use their parents' credit cards to buy skins.

It's all marketing.

I miss Smith-chan

Yeah man I'm sure it's because of blizzard. Ignore the fact that
All came out years before overwatch

I like how they didn't actually learn from their mistakes and just doubled down on it.

How is he as a support? My gf was thinking of buying him

I don't know, he looks pretty fucking hot to me. What did you want instead?

But Reaper is canonically not intimidating. No one buys into his dark 'n' edgy schtick.

Kids love these. I would've preferred this over any other type of character when I was 13 too.

It can work but it's not great. He needs items otherwise he's not tanky enough.

How do people like playing this in ranked?
If you get shitty teammates that feed, there is nothing you can do.
>inb4 just carry bro
>inb4 It's just you bro, not your teammates xD


>Tumblr girl with guns
>Jew that throws rocks?

Normal draft is the only thing that keeps me playing the game. No ranked competitiveness but without retards scrambling to see who can type "mid" first like regular blind pick

Once you get to an elo where the majority of your team isnt braindamaged, it gets fun.

A LOT of Blizzard employees quit when their cushy Activision buyout contracts ended. Some either went on to work directly under Riot, or they asked for funding to produce their own games...under Riot. Riot Games itself is just a subsidiary for Tencent, whom is actually signing their checks.

Well good to know I'm still a child.

And also it might be because it, y'know sells well?

Ironically enough, the Scythe is just jovial about how much he loves to kill. He's like Palpatine in regards to how much he enjoys being evil, whereas Kayn is a colossal faggot

I like how despite having all of this, he's still a shitty champ because you can't hit anybody with his abilities cause they're so hard to aim at people and he's slow as fuck

>Jew that throws rocks?
Taliyah but technically she is from NOT EGYPT and I get a middle eastern look from her design than jew but you know the nose..

>So evil he went to Hell's hell

the fucking patch notes for when this guy was released said "nothing personnel, kid"

if you think kayn's edgyness isn't ironic you're fucking stupid. his writing is honestly fucking hilarious, he's the best new character the game has had for a while

> rhaast: i've seen your nightmares kayn, do they trouble you?
> kayn: not nightmares; plans

shit's hilarious it's like playing as a darksteel the hedgehog. look at maokai's new VO if you want some garbage half-edgy-half-quirky bullshit

And Kerrigan, Arthas and Illidan came before that

Thank god for draft. Ever since I finished highschool I only play draft. I have enough stress in my life, don't need ranked to add to that plus I don't have the time to invest into getting better so I'd just stay on the same spot anyways. In draft I still play to win but it's more like a friendly match and there are no stakes.

>no mirror matches
>10 bans still not enough for all the bullshit in this game
>able to pick a lane before starting

Normal Draft is the best of both worlds. And if you play with friends it's even greater since you can simply ban whatever you like without worrying about getting the role you want.