>finally bought a switch 3 weeks ago
>worried to play zelda cause Sup Forums said it's overrated and not good
>140 hours in
>it's legit the best game I've played at least in 10 years, possibly goat
why did you lie to me Sup Forums?
>finally bought a switch 3 weeks ago
>worried to play zelda cause Sup Forums said it's overrated and not good
>140 hours in
>it's legit the best game I've played at least in 10 years, possibly goat
why did you lie to me Sup Forums?
The only lie here is you thinking you have good taste in videogames
Agreed. Only good 3D Zelda after MM
>it's legit the best game I've played at least in 10 years, possibly goat
You can't be serious
>listening to Sup Forums
Form your own opinions, faggot.
>he cannot recognize salty Sonybro trash-campaigning
Everyone and their mothers hailed the game to heavens. Fans and first-timers a like.
Not him, but I am.
I am.
Because Sup Forums is Neogaf 2.0, and invaded by console warriors babies.
Is it worth 65€ tho?
I'd buy it for 40€ but even used games go higher than that
Glad you're having fun OP, you should pick up splatoon 2 if you're looking for another switch game, I probably have more hours in it now than I do botw.
>Is it worth 65€ tho?
I'm 140 hours in and I don't see stop playing anytime soon. So yeah.
meant to quote op but w.e
I'm glad you're enjoying video games, OP.
Just buy it off the American eShop. It's only €49 due to exchange rates.
It's good. I wish I could erase my memory and start it all over
Are you taking into account the foreign currency exchange fee the bank will apply to you?
Doesn't matter if Sup Forums is more than one person, you're all bandwagoning millennials with no opinions of your own
>worried to play zelda cause Sup Forums said it's overrated and not good
>Listening to Sup Forums's opinion on anything
It's overhyped and overrated but its still a very good game I put about 50 hours into it on CEMU
Well hopefully you learned to stop listening to reddit and ecelebs.
As a non Zelda fag I was curious about the game, gf got it for me with a Switch as a present. It is definitely a very nicely made game, especially when you take into account that the Switch is a glorified handheld. Still, BOTW is no where near as good as people make it, it's impressive but there is a lot of stuff which doesn't work. Reviewers all giving it 10/10 is seriously dubious, solid 8 sure but certainly not a 10.
If you like 4 recoloured enemies, retarded-friendly puzzles and huge areas full of nothing, yes, it's the best game ever.
Just ignore review numbers, all they are good for is shitposting
>it's legit the best game I've played at least in 10 years, possibly goat
No, because I have a credit union and not some scam bank. There's no fee on top of their exchange rates, which are around 1.20 EUR to USD now
And here they come
>140 hours in
>it's legit the best game I've played at least in 10 years, possibly goat
Glad to hear you're enjoying it, OP.
Personally, I bought a Switch to play BotW and ended up selling both before I'd even reached the first proper dungeon.
Easily the biggest vidya-related disappointment I've had in years, but I suppose it serves me right for believing the hype.
This game did a lot of things right in my book.
>No hand holding
Right from the start you get some tips and hints but you have to figure out what to do on your own.
>Massive world.
By Zelda standards; the world is Gigantic
>Get all your puzzle dungeon items upfront.
I got a chance to play with bombs, time freeze, ect right from the start.
>Clear progression with better armor upgraded armor and getting better weapons.
Its not without flaws though.
>Side quests give poor rewards
I only did them to do them
>Dungeons are a bit... weak.
You can do them in any order so they don't get harder and aren't build around a mechanic.
>Last boss is dissapointing
All in all it was
This always happens when a great Nintendo exclusive comes out, especially if they're GOAT
Sonygros are gonna nygro
>No hand holding
The old man refuses to let you leave the training plateau until you've done the dungeons there and walks you through every step of finding them.
>Massive world
I remain unconvinced that this is an inherently good thing.
>Get all your puzzle dungeon items upfront.
See above.
>walk you through every step
He does? Unless my memory is spotty he just tells you where they are and they let you be until you complete them all
Isn't it funny how the same old dumb complaints are always accompanied by reddit spacing?
This shit right here.
It's rather shallow, admittedly I get bored of games quite easily if they don't have some sort of mechanic with a. Bit of depth, be it combat, crafting, puzzles, or difficultly.
Outside of lionels(can't even remember how to spell it) there was no challenge. There were, few resized and recoloured guys,guardians, and lizards that posed no challenge.
I got a little past hattori village and I sold my switch which I bought for BoTW.
I wish I liked it as much as you. On the other hand I've put 300hrs into witcher 3
Don't drag in the witcher please. Some of its fans are really autistic and you don't want autism mixed with autism
You know what? Fuck this Sup Forums culture.
Video games are F U N and I'm having so much fun with my PS4, Switch and Win10 pc (doubles for xbone)
I still have my old consoles so I can go back to old games whenever I want. I have access to new games and have a lot of fun with stupid little shit. I love it.
I hope you people find fun in your life.
BOTW has lots of depth, far more than any other Zelda game just from the physics engine
I've spent over 150hours twice on this game, and will probably start again when the DLC comes out later this year.
It really is a good game, worth buying a Wii U for
>I wish I could erase my memory and play it all over again
Man, wouldn't this be fantastic, to be able to replay every game for the first time again? Too bad it can't be done, or couldn't, until today.
desu zelda games all aren't deep so it's not a high bar
yeah I know but these are the same nostalgiafags that claim Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time have more depth than Breath of the Wild, which isn't true at all
Sup Forums ALWAYS lies user