what should I play in dragon age
i dont wanna use wynne or morrigan do i need to be a mage
what should I play in dragon age
i dont wanna use wynne or morrigan do i need to be a mage
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Uninstall wizard
You can solo the game using either mage or rogue. Hell, as a rogue you can even finish the game naked. But mage is more OP.
Mage is great and fun to play, just get two fronline fighters and someone to shoot the bow and thievery.
bows are shite m8
go mage then arcane warrior and take the blood magic that gives you mana, enjoy
yeah, for da1 you probably need at least one healer
the heal spell is on a really short cooldown
you will also need a rogue so you can pick locks
and also a tank warrior
unless you want your mage to be a healer AND tank
This, it actually makes you more warrior than warrior itself
You don't need to but mage are pretty fun, just don't fall for the arcane warrior meme
>think about replaying
>it's 23 gb
>23 gb
I was about to call on your bullshit but then I checked mine and it's actually at 39 gigs with mods. How the fuck? Not even my Skyrim folder is this big.
Mage is the best specialization, it gives you enormous crowd control capabilities you will never have otherwise.
i was actually considering something like this, arcane warrior and either spirit healer or blood secondary and then just bring a rogue and 2 warriors
id like to use shale since i didnt have her back when i first played the game some time ago maybe the dog too
Mages are OP as fuck if I remember correctly. I think I did my second playthrough as a mage and could shit out damage (which kind of doubled as crowd control too as a lot of spells can knock the enemy down and they take forever to get back on their feet), and keep the party healed up really easily.
You kind of need a balanced party for this game, yeah. You might could do some weird paladin-style build, I guess? Not sure how good it would be.
Are there any mods fixing awful itemization?
It's literally my only gripe with the game. Going into DAO after BG2 with its enormous shitload of unique items with cool effects is fucking painful.
Nope, the world doesn't need Mages you should kill them before they become abominations.
Dual wield rogue is the most fun, though I'd advise you to take one mage with you at least.
I was surprised
Shale's fine as a tank but her DPS mods Earthquake will fuck up your party as much as the baddies
>want the Human Noble origin
>but as a mage
>can't because no matter what race you pick, if you pick a Mage you start in the shitty rape dungeon tower
Fuck this game
Its what mages deserve.
It's actually quite involving as it shows how much of a garbage the life of a typical mage is.
I like that you can be a backstabbing cunt securing your own future at expense of your "friend", however.
I played through the game two times and did all of the origins, I just fucking hate how boring and irrelevant the Mage origin is to the story.
Human Noble is the only one with actual direct ties to the main plot itself and it pisses me off that Mage somehow overrides that shit and isn't a separate option where you pick if you start with your race's origin or class origin.
This game made me rage harder than any I can remember since.
There's plenty of unique items though just have to make sure the effect aren't bugged
>decrease hostility does nothing
>weaken nearby darkspawn does nothing
>+X% to healing effects received does nothing
Fucking hell
but that's how mages are in the setting
it was the first thing i tried to do
it's funny that at the time i didn't consider it to be extraordinary that the game let me do it
tfw no better sex scene mods for female dwarf
maybe that's for the best
>It's actually quite involving as it shows how much of a garbage the life of a typical mage is.
It doesn't seem that bad desu
The only way it should be different is they should have included a Dalish Mage Origin where you're an apprentice keeper.
>but that's how mages are in the setting
Literally all they had to do was add 1 NPC into the Human Noble origin that's an apostate mage, but a good one working for your family as a teacher that happens to get tragically killed in the assassination on your family. Fuck you for defending BioShit.
Wasn't it planned but got cut along with the keeper specialization?
You could also have an apostate origin where the Templar come from you and Duncan conscript you
>treated as literal abomination potentially bringing demons into human realm
>no rights against templars, they can do everything they want with you up to killing you
>can't freely move around, can't live a normal human life
>joining has a good fucking chance of killing you or even worse, making you drift into the fade for eternity
Human Noble was my first choice and it made some elements of the story fucking infuriating
it exposed Duncan as a complete psycho but then the game still expected you to sympathize with him and feel sorry for Alistair
the way the dick ass stealth archer was pushed on you (an how he becomes boss of the grey wardens even if you killed him) was even worse
at least with Loghain you can make it clear that you see him as disposable and don't expect him to survive the whole ordeal
Play a gay dwarf
I remember checking the requirements when i got the game back in 2009 and it required 19gb, shit was pretty ridiculous back then. 23gb ain't that much nowadays tho. Odd how the expansion and DLCs only take up 4/5gb tho.
>treated as literal abomination potentially bringing demons into human realm
By people you never meet
>no rights against Templars, they can do everything they want with you up to killing you
No every circle is like DA2
>can't freely move around, can't live a normal human life
muh uneducated peasant life
>has a good fucking chance of killing you
Don't be a shitter
I don't know all the cut Origins, but there was a Human Commoner from Red Cliff, and an Avvair Barbarian from the Korcari Wilds.
Loghain is objectively the better choice than Fagistair.
Also Fagistair gets cucked in Inquisition and falls to the corruption if you picked him in DAO, but Loghain is the only, ONLY Grey Warden (other than the unseen MC of DAO) that resists the corruption.
Loghain is the MVP.
play dwarf, install auto clicker, and jew it up with potent lyrium potion crafting
You're treated as a ticking time bomb which you basically are, any wrong step and you can become a horrible abomination, or maybe you went down the wrong path and became an evil blood mage it'll take dozens of men just to bring you down, everyone is afraid of you for good reason and so you're treated as a prisoner as an alternative of just slaughtering you and if you can't handle being a mage your only option is getting all your emotions taken away from you.
It's a pretty shit deal to throw some fireballs around desu.
o shit, now that i think about it, Bioware wrote one (1) non-irritating gay character
he was an unapologetic cock slurping faggot too
He was a cross between Yoshimo and Haer'Dalis, that's why he was actually fun
sry, didn't play Cisquisition and I've no intention to
>oh no poor mages are oppressed why do they do this to them
>welp, turns that poor oppressed thing was an evil blood mage. and that one. and that one too
Dragon Age in a nutshell
If it is your first time playing, download a mod that skips the fade
nothing too horrible about the fade imo
it has great companion lines and it's the only level with puzzle elements as far as i remember, i'd try it just for that
you might miss an attribute bonus or two, so what
>Dragon age 2
>Templars are supposed to be in the wrong for suspecting all the mages are blood mages
>They all are
The shittiest thing about DA2 is that you can't reasonably side with either faction and Templars go full retard because of their RED LYRIUM CORRUPTION even if you sided with them and you need to kill them too.
Literally no middle ground or siding with one faction, your choices don't matter at all and you end up wiping out both, the only thing that changes based on your decision if which faction you kill first.
This pissed me off in literally every single one of the DA games. There's always at least one, and probably several times each game where you can try to help mages out in general, only for some/all of them to turn out as blood mages and turn into abominations. Three games. How am I supposed to feel bad about their situation when it's warranted 9 times outta 10?
In DAO I played as a religious human noble who believed all magic should be destroyed and mages locked up, but I can never go through with purging the tower.
I need Wynne for healslut.
In DA2 I went through with wiping the disgusting fucking mages off the face of the earth for the glory of the maker.
In DAI, you never ever get any choice about it, you have to play nice with everyone.
It's pretty nice the first time players but for people that just want to replay the game it's too fucking long and just inferior to the Awakening's Fade. Also;
>it has great companion lines
Skip the Fade mod won't skip any companion battles, so it's not a problem.
Skip the Fade doesn't skip any of the story content in the Fade, only the shitty teleporter maze labyrinth portion which had no dialogue whatsoever.
I think it was one of those comical scenarios where story guys didn't talk to encounter design people to get the point across that whole blood mage vs templar conflict is kinda central to the game. Encounter design team just used mage enemy templates they had and that happened to be blood mages.
You can recruit her and go through with the purge if you want to.
> Wynne disapproves -25
I will never get this meme, at least 3-4 areas are way more annoying than the fade.
Is it because youre all shitters with retarded build that cant do shit the instant they are soloing?
No, it's because we hate samey looking clusterfuck teleporter maze dungeons, fuck off back to your Shit Megagay Tenshit thread where your cancerous kind belongs.
Human Noble is good if you want a very generic fantasy prologue.
Dwarven Noble is good if you want to feel like you're royalty and shit on the people below you.
I literally was so shit I gave up and started over when I got lost in the fade.
Nothing some presents can't fix.
SMT suck ass though, almost as much as your life if you must rely on projection that hard...
>tfw i didnt even know Wynne was recruitable because i purged the fuck out of the tower never thinking twice
Same here. Only learned years later that she was a companion.
>never thought zevran could join you
>always thought his truce was a weak trap that would just lead to another fight
Human noble feels like the default option, Howe plays a central role to your character and you have a stake in the conflict, the way dwarf noble lets you play is amazing though
>Have people put to death for the slightest insults
>Intrigue and able to pick sides in political debates for profit
>Can go fuck gold diggers because you can
I miss the days when a game could surprise me like that. Now they reveal all the interesting stuff and shit in pre-release hype campaigns.
dalish elf is super terrible in comparison to those too
and mage is very mediocre
>tfw no apostate human mage start
and elf mages shouldn't HAVE to start at the circle
da:o doesn't make sense financially
why spend so much time on content that 70+% of people will never even experience?
that's where the money is, normies that play the game once
it's like they actually cared about making a good game
Exactly, Dwarven Noble is real good if you want to flaunt the perks of being royalty. Then have it all torn away
Female city elf is pretty good though.
I don't get the Dalish Origin hate, true you're less tied to the story which works both ways. Your character can make more unbiased decisions because they're not directly invested, you can switch up your endings and they make sense since you're not tied down to Ferelden. The Origin itself, and your interactions with the other Dalish clan are pretty good and do convey that sense of a guarded, scattered people.
DA:O was the last BioWare game NOT made under EA.
When EA bought them, the game was already in beta testing phase, that's why the only rape they could do was cut some content as DLC.
>He didn't played Awakening
Everything was broken in awakening.
Not as much as archery
NOTHING came close as stupidly op DPS of Rogue Archers.
>even the mc
>tfw lecturing people about blood magic as a blood mage