>no DRM
>no publishers
>no lootboxes
>no microtransactions
>no casualization
>no exclusives
>all digital games free
Is gaming just objectively better under socialism over capitalism?
>no DRM
>no publishers
>no lootboxes
>no microtransactions
>no casualization
>no exclusives
>all digital games free
Is gaming just objectively better under socialism over capitalism?
But how are you gonna play videogames when you live in a hut? lmao
idk I didn't think 599 US DORRAR was too good, why I would want that but everywhere?
>only indieshit
>japanese market ceases to exist
>nobody makes games
doesn't seem that way to me, user
you forgot no creativity
Tetris was made in Soviet Russia. All right were taken away from person who made it. Almost no one else bothered to make games, because why?
But soviet russia wasn't real communism ;^)
The video game industry in socialism would be as thriving as gay communities in Arabic countries.
But user, it would all be creativity. Without the need for profits there would be no dumbed down focus tested open world trash
>implying that real socialism in a first world country would look anything like a totalitarian reigime masquerading as a socialist one like the USSR
>But user, it would all be creativity. Without the need for profits there would be no dumbed down focus tested open world trash
This sums up why socialists are retarded.
Soviet Russia was real socialism, Trots are faggots
>it would be all creativity
Good fucking luck holding a team together over some shared bond of creativity, user.
You retards are Americans, aren't you?
user, houses predate capitalism.
>indie games dont exist
Socialism never works for design based businesses and industries like video games. If the government controls all workers and all production then all creativity will suffer, if you've ever had a bad experience at a government building, it's because the government knows you have to use it. get a job commie
More like how are you gonna play video games when you're starving because the state decided you don't need any food this month
Syndicalism or fascism > socialism
>implying you can actually get to communism
Now watch him pretend like most indiefags have a hope of ever turning a profit.
>no money to buy a console or computer
>no one makes games because it's not productive
>the existing games are tetris and atari2600 like
you forgot these retard
Indie games already exist under our capitalist system you twat
>starts a SJW thread
>gets turbomad when people don't like your bs
classic moralfag.
I'd be more concerned feeding myself than playing games in a communist shithole.
Just follow the rules please.
So the only victim of a non-capitalist system would be AAA?
What's the problem here?
Do you go into porn threads and kvetch about that, too? Fag.
This has to be the most retarded thing I've read in months.
I'm speechless.
>I don't like AAA games
>therefore nobody else can have AAA games. Society should change for me and only me.
I don't think you understand socialism very well, user
Who exactly makes games under pure socialism?
No really who? The smart get out as soon as possible, the few that stay get killed as per usual, and everyone poor fool to brilliant scientist is basically getting the same amount of money... so again who would even make games?
No, just pol threads actually. Please go to your designated containment board.
How about leaving politics and do games with its own story and objetives with no bullshit like decades ago? You didn't see this kind of stupid shit in any ame, complany or platform in the 90's and 00's.
The next thing you're going to tell us is that communism has never been tried besides some faggy French commune.
That you're failing to grasp there would be no indie scene at all.
>american education
Its from neogaf so it shouldn't surprise you.
>user you don't need more than 2 hours of videogames per day
>Now go back to work like a slave in the factory while I write random 2deep4u thoughts
>Don't worry I don't pay you so it's not wageslavery
Gaming can't be good under both systems if it's popular and not made for kids and classic nerds
>any ame, complany
any game, company*
and no games
you forgot that part
Well, he's making the argument that socialism would kill AAA games, and I'm asking what the problem is there.
I don't even agree with him, but it's not like AAA is worth a shit anyway.
He understands socialism perfectly well. It's all about entitlement and feeling you should get more from less.
>mfw commie dicksuckers now have the balls to crawl out of their holes in this day and age
We should have wiped them all out along with the fascists.
F2p games like LoL, Dota2, csgo are pretty socialist already.
People with more money support the developer much more than people with less money and even a completely poor 3rd worlder can enjoy playing the game by leeching from the people who do pay for stuff.
explain the key differences if you dare, my fellow
i promise to read and respond to your post and not skirt off to watch a movie
Reminder that the Cold War wouldn't have had to be fought if we'd just teamed up with Hitler.
The problem is that many people do enjoy AAA games.
I'm from Spain :^)
There would be no video games under socialism, just like bountiful harvests.
Socialism is the first step to Communism. - Vladimir Lenin
You're absolutely right, which is why the Soviet Union, the Khmer Rouge, Fidel's Cuba, and Maoist China were such bastions of free thinking and unrestrained creativity.
under socialism, there is no gaming.
The soviet union funded great art you retard, such as andrei tarkovsky
>team up with one group of scumbags so we can fight
Nah. The mistake was not putting them all in the same grave.
There will never be "real" socialism, you retard. Someone will always gather the masses and rise to the top. No one will ever be perfect.
If you enact socialism/communism nobody will stick around to produce anything for zero net profit, they'll just go to countries that don't abide by socialism/communism, leading to a brain drain and turning your communist/socialist country into a poverty-stricken brain-drained shit hole.
This is the real reason why you fags want every country to be communist/socialist. You want to ensure no one can escape your shitty failed ideology, figuring "if the entire world is communist/socialist and there's nowhere to flee, maybe one of them will be prosperous!" You would doom the entire planet just to test your dumb theories, presumably because like Marx you're a lazy sociopath.
>fight another*
>no DRM
More like more DRM, but DRM that means you can only play government mandated games.
>no publishers
>no lootboxes
>no microtransactions
>no casualization
There would be more. As all games have to be equally accessible to everybody.
>no exclusives
All games are exclusive now
>all digital games free
And all crap, devoid of creativity and government mandated and censored
>we live in an age where socialists and communists run amok
why can't all you cancer just fuck off to canada and yurop
Well, I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you but one of those groups of scumbags was measurably less bad than the other and it wasn't the Soviets.
Indie studios count as self-employment.
That concept does not exist in socialism.
I don't tolerate cockroaches just because there are rats crawling around.
The only thought these bloody communists have produced is pondering whether to eat their own children or not.
I'm from poland
>all these American liberals with no understanding of Marx or Socialism
If that commie fuck FDR didn't allow Pearl Harbor to happen, the world would have been better off. Nazis would have wiped out themselves along with the commies and we'd be living in a golden age.
Games would be one of the first things to go. No point in frivolous bullshit when everyone's starving.
reminder that no political system perfect because it will ALWAYS end up being an oligarchy if it last long enough
the best you can expect from one is giving the most amount of resources for the most people while remaining stable for the longest time possible (something between 100 and 200 years)
The capitalists teamed up with the communists because the rivalry and proxy warfare was intensely profitable.
The fascists were right, and were the only ones interested in actually stopping the Soviets.
Hard to praise that when your population is threatened with a trip to the gulags.
>The fascists were right
Goose stepping scumbag detected.
Socialism doesn't work and will never work until we achieve a post-scarcity society. All it does is empower the state itself and creates oligarchs that horde the riches with no means of economically upsetting their stranglehold. It's modern feudalism.
>trying to shill communism in Sup Forums of all places
This is a fool's errand. This place is 99% corporate dick suckers.
The capitalists teamed up with the communists because option number three synthesized the two into something that wasn't nearly as shitty.
>dude what if we just like don't be dogmatic retards and use economics as a tool to get what we want
It's party because American conservatives continually decry any centrist politics as "socialism". Most American liberals are centre/centre-left, but they believe they're socialists because they're told they are.
If its a SFW board then yeah
What do you expect from a country who unironically think Fascim and Nazism are the same thing
Commie enabling cuck. Churchill and FDR got more people killed than Stalin and Hitler combined.
>Socialism doesn't work and will never work until we achieve a post-scarcity society.
Thus allowing socialism to create scarcity and remind us why socialism is bad
As opposed to a government dick sucker serving a lifetime sentence in a gulag for wrongthink?
>Sup Forums constantly decrys corporate jewry time and time again
>but when it comes to capitalism they're suddenly good goys
Do you know why games now a days are shit?
1) They are made for kids and you guys are adults
2) You NEED to make profit
That is why we have so many DLCs, microtransactions and things like that.
When you don't need to make profit, you do what you like, so games would be more like art.
we like having food
One is a variant of the other desu
>n-no we're falangists/national syndicalists/legionaries/whateverthefuck
Communism is just letting those same kikes into the government though.
>And all crap, devoid of creativity
so that stays the same?
>explain the key differences if you dare, my fellow
communism is alcohol
socialism is diet coke
haha nice
I come from a socialist country and it sucks fucking dick.
>60% income tax
>20% tax on literally every good in stores because fuck you
>340% tax on gas
>dog taxes
>alcohol taxes
>energy taxes
>water taxes
From my entire income I maybe have 10% left for myself. And that's used up for the rent.
You're right, it would loik like nazi germany.
It's better to stick with the evil you know and understand. You can actually plan around people who are actively looking out for their best interests. It's harder to deal with people who pretend to be your friend while destroying you slowly.
It's party because Europeon leftists continually decry any centrist politics as "fascism". Most American "fascists" are center/center-right, but Europeons believe they're fascists because they're told they are.
Unless your name is Rachmaninoff you are not creating art under socialist roofs, unless you are talking about how shitty starving to death is.
This thread needs Pinochet and VIDEOGAMES! you commie faggots
Whereas fascism it's literally just "You don't like it? Fuck off then, we'll literally help you leave the country."
Hmmm. I wonder why that difference might exist. Really gets the mind working.
No, that reversal doesn't work at all. You guys are the ones with the radicalised 2 party system, not us.