>still not owning VR
What's holding you back?
>still not owning VR
What's holding you back?
Other urls found in this thread:
>buying this shit
>not buying PS4VR with actual games
>>not buying PS4VR
>>with actual games
what... did he mean by this?
No games that I want for it just yet.
Same meme as buying a ps4 in general. He's autistic.
I had enough waggle motion controllers with the Wii in 2007. I just want a VR headset to use with shooters, man.
>holding me back
Something's gotta make me want to go forward first
It's way more expensive then initially promised. Once it drops down in price to the $200-350 range they first said they'll cost, I'll consider.
Should have been singular because it only has one actual VR game, RE7, everything else is shovelware across all VR platforms.
I'd rather put up $500 towards neuroscioence so we could jack into the Matrix sooner, this shit is basically Virtual boy 4.0
People don't know what they're missing but I'll say this , it is annoying to "suit up" before playing vs. just sitting down and playing.
I thought that trailer for RP1 was kind of funny how the characters suited up so easily and militarily lol , I find it annoying but I really enjoy VR
>only have a msi 390 8G
>no 3x3m space in my homeoffice to move around properly
With the recent sales it was tempting but no
Bull shit. There's a bunch of games VR right now with more on the way. AAA ones too and RE7 is supposed to get PC VR support at some point too. PSVR has nothing.
Wiimotes are not comparable to VR controllers. At all. Wiimote was essentially mouse/pointer. VR controllers give you full motion in all directions with 1:1 tracking.
>one actual VR game
Ignoring Farpoint does not make it nonexistent, same with RIGS.
>everything else is shovelware across all VR platforms.
What a bunch of bullshit.
Eagle flight, Archangel, Star Trek Bridge crew, EVE: Valkyrie, all pretty great games only ignorant Sup Forumstards whose all knowledge consists of watching 5 minutes of random let's play would call tech demos or shovelware.
Then again Sup Forums is full of idiots expecting shit like full body haptic feedback, 32K for each eye @600FPS, infinite threadmill build in into your indoor shoes and all of it costing $100.
Waiting for the next generation VR headsets.
motion sickness
no games
Was playing Elite Dangerous last night too. Have the game forever but could never get into it. Tried it again because I have a headset now and played for 2 hours straight. It's like a completely different game.
The hardware is too shitty. I'll buy gen 2 with proper screens and independent positional tracking figured out.
Do you have a stock for your motion controllers, when you need to use rifles?
I dont know which to buy
I want psvr but im not sure about pc compatibility. A rift is ok but facebook. A vive is also a good choice but im not sure the extra cost is justified.
Cost and space. I've stuck by my shitty toaster for about 10 years now and it straight up wouldn't handle VR, so I'd have the cost of updating a PC on top of buying a VR set.
Also I live in a shitty alleyway in a tiny basement apartment, and the idea of hiding underground and literally shutting out reality seems a bit too hermit like.
>psvr but im not sure about pc compatibility
literally zero?
I've got no walking space in my room. I'm about to spend a grip of money on computer parts. I want to see what Microsoft is gonna put out. Things like Gorn and Robo Recall are really fun, but there just aren't any actual games on the platform.
Trinius vr is a thing
you can buy or make them but it's not necessary. Your mind plays these tricks on you when you're in the VR space. Because everything seems real, you're just as aware of the stocks are you would be if it were physically there.
>RE7 is supposed to get PC VR support at some point too
>supposed to get PC VR
keep waiting you cuck
Just ordered one of these. What am i in for?
>but facebook
This is overstated by Sup Forums. It's literally nothing. I have no facebook accounts and facebook was never once mentioned while using it.
Literally wrong.
>I want psvr but im not sure about pc compatibility.
Google around, there are some threads on Reddit how to make it work though it isn't pain free and requires some tinkering.
There's also Github repo with people working on drivers/framework for PSVR.
Someone have that webms of VR shit?
>An updated FAQ on the Resident Evil 7 official site reveals that the VR experience in Capcom’s upcoming game will be a timed exclusive to PlayStation VR
>the exclusivity window for Resident Evil 7 on PlayStation VR is only 12 months.
>PSVR has nothing.
Except for 1M+ units out, continuous support, set of controllers that doesn't change weekly based on what some Kickstarter startup shits out to get some cash from VR early adopters and more support because even indie PC VR devs realized that making shit for 50K people isn't really profitable, hence shit like Arizona Sunshine coming to PS4, getting extra AIM controller support in the process for example.
How long until I can play Monster Hunter in VR?
>only 12 months.
>set of controllers that doesn't change weekly based on what some Kickstarter startup shits out
Oh man... That's what I hate about my oculus. The controllers keep changing every week! They're changing right now! What the fuck??
What even is that?
Dells new vr system for windows 10.
I can't 'feel' the VR boobies
Thanks for beta testing.
VR support for cockpit mode in Ace Combat 7 on PC
>buy a rift
>takes almost two months to arrive
>think it isn't going to be worth it
>put it on
>try random shit out
This is definitely not the garbage fire I was expecting after the delay. The games made for VR are crazy. The games not made for VR are still impressive. Playing Alien Isolation and Doom 3 was seriously cool. Going through the tech demos was actually incredible. And the porn's okay, too.
Already have a Rift and it's nice to have for games and porn.
Now I'm just waiting for tactile feedback gloves/suit and a headset that covers your entire field of view.
I'm already autistic enough, I don't need autism goggles to make it worse.
>What's holding you back?
My PC, while a bit dated now, it should be enough to play it fine. But the Oculus Rift tool says my MB's USB 3.0 ports are not compatible. I don't want to buy it then have it not work.
Next round of PC upgrades push around $500 to be worthwhile but I don't really NEED them yet.
>Tfw Alien Isolation supports vive now
Why is it Dell and not ayylienware?
>call it VR
>it's not actually VR, but a scam to sell you fucking techdemos
Stop pretending to be retarded.
On the of chance you're natural idiot, here's a hint, it's much easier for devs to target same typ of controllers everyone has than make 6+ different control schemes for various versions with various button numbers / layouts, gyros or some experimental shit like gloves with force feedback.
If you're ignorant about the subject you can still google around instead of making yourself look like a retard commenting on things you have no clue about.
>Will be $450 with controller
Might as well just get a Rift, since it comes with the touch pads at $399 now
Microsoft is coming out with VR , I have a psvr but will wait for Microsoft before buying a PC vr.
We'll see if Microsoft supports it or not.
>Hot sweats and motion sickness that lasts for hours after 10 mins of gameplay
No thanks jeff
Wait what?
since when ?
Is it a official one?
Or just some sort of shity mod
The price tag, lack of games, and the fact the concept of VR is still very much a beta thing, it hasn't nearly been realized as much as it could be. I'm waiting for something big before I'll put $600 burgerbux on this fucking thing.
It had VR support at launch user
>Empty space needed
>Lack of quality games
Paying hundreds of dollars to play tech demos doesn't seem worth it.
>price tag
Rift with the Touch controllers are $400
>lack of games
Robo Recall
Superhot VR
DiRT Rally
Alien Isolation
Lone Echo
To name a few good ones
>the concept of VR is still very much a beta thing
It's still in its pretty early stages, so it's really up to you. But it would be good to try it out somewhere like a Best Buy.
I've got the DK1 and DK2, but will wait until next gen for my next purchase. The games and porn for the rift works just fine on my DK2 for now.
No inexpensive force-feedback gun controllers. I mean VR gunplay looks the business but without any kick it doesn't feel great.
Because its not Ready Player One yet.
I'm not rich.
Besides, VR Bangs are showing up in Korea. No need to buy one, for now.
Let's hope the third VR boom in the 2030's will bring us such features.
I don't want to pay hundreds of doubloons for a thing that plays phone games in 3D
This. These giant goggles feel like a early prototype. Sony made some glasses with screens on them back in the '90s and they were the size of sunglasses (don't know the name, but LGR did an episode on them). Having said all that, I'm probably going to get a used vive soon becauae the price has dropped significantly.
Not enough good games. Hard to justify the money.
blob of the year post.
Money. Simple as that.
I've got the room for it so I'll probably get a Vive.
But my machine is getting old, so I'll need to upgrade it first.
My disposable income is super low right now, so I'm just slowly saving up until I can afford both things.
>I'm just slowly saving up until I can afford both things.
Why get both?
If VR some games were made with Live2D it would make the Vive so much more worth it.
Other than that, it feels like you're paying full price for a prototype.
>own a vive
>haven't used it in months
there's absolutely zero compelling experiences in VR, not are there any casual ones that give me a reason to just sit at my desk and use it.
plus I get extreme motion sickness.
>yfw playing robo recall the first time
used it for one day, ruined my eyes, i constantly feel like i'm crosseyed now.
>people with brains so inferior they get dizzy and motion sickness etc.
your opinions are useless to people who dont have mush for brains
Waiting for a VR Switch Headset to play Skyrim and Mario Kart.
They Joycons are literally perfect for this.
Dont even care if its 720p, just give me stable 30 FPS and make it cheap.
What good is getting a Vive if my machine can't properly run it?
It needs to be 90FPS for your head motion to work.
Thought you meant both HMDs.
Was going to get a Vive for the family this christmas.
But seeing as though it was released mid 2016, I'm thinking I will just wait for the 2nd generation VR, Vive2 probably.
Most of the 1st generation titles are just gimmicky minigame stuff or tech demos.
Space or price is not the problem, I just don't think it's quite good enough yet.
>Phone tier vr
>Dont even care if its 720p
For 3D you need to render the image twice, increasing hardware requirements by a huge margin, so this puts switch hardware our of VR territory already.
And with 30fps VR you'll be puking within the first 2 minutes.
>lower res than oculus dev kit
no thanks
Literally just bought a rift yesterday user. I was thinking about the vive (for chaperone and the knuckles controllers) but I would've had to sell my Xbox.
What are some good VR games. All I have are the games that came with the Oculus and some free ones
Because by the time there are actually games, the vive and rift will be outdated and cheaper.
Super Hot VR
Hotdogs, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades
Lone Echo
Pic related is what happens.
lmao welcome to vomit city. Have you tried a Gear VR? My Note 5 has a 1440p screen and I still get the screen door effect that makes me nauseous.
I will only get it if Ricochet 2 comes out.
So who's gotten simulator sickness or knocked over something yet
I punched my monitor (I was pushing a cart in rec room)
Anything with artificial locomotion knocks me sick in 5 minutes.
screen door doesn't make you sick, its only like having poor vision.
I fell out of an open widow playing it drunk.
Vive is the only fully fledged vr experience. PSVR for exclusives. Oculus is dog shit tier
Spent the money on a racing simulation setup instead. At least not wherever i get a headset I'll get more immersion out of it.
>Rift with the Touch controllers are $400
That's not exactly cheap, especially if I need to upgrade my computer to run it. Then you have to factor in the cost of games for VR, including the fact that many of the non-native VR games have to be bought separately to access VR even if you already own the non-VR version.
Personally I'm going to wait a couple of years for the price to go down and the tech to get better, I used a friend's rift lately and it was pretty good but not $400+ good.
Oculus has everything Vive has but with worse tracking
Because it's a toy for rich non-gaming trust fund kids and overpaid youtubers. Nothing more, nothing less.
Every "Game" being a glorified tech demo that loses it's wow factor after the first two you try.
Since the "VR Genre" is the following. (I say genre, because VR seems to be crippled with how it's implemented or utilized- Not liberating. So everything falls into a very narrow band of what works/what's safe to make given the audience is much much smaller with the prohibitive price point.)
1: On rails experience/pseudo walking simulator- More than likely a horror or severely retarded down point and click game
2: Teleport around physics sandbox
3: Shoot things simulator
Nothing fresh, innovative or creative has come out of the VR "Scene" since it's inception. There are no real games which you could call an actual "Game" that requires it.
It's not just a gimmick- It's wasted still born potential that wasted it's chance to impress anyone still on the fence about it.