>Finish Ending E
>Kinda emotional from the ride
>Lost someone's save data by letting them die during ending E.
>Game asks me if I want to sacrifice my save data to help someone
>Can't help but think of user, since I deleted his save by letting him die.
>decide to sacrifice my save.
>40 minutes later
>Get message from someone.
>"I just wanted to say thank you."
Finish Ending E
Other urls found in this thread:
>>Lost someone's save data by letting them die during ending E.
This happens the moment they volunteer to help another player, not when they "die" because you took a hit. So, you could say they were already dead.
>Get message from someone.
It's true user. If the thread's still up when I get home from work I'll hook up my PS4 to my elgato and take a screenshot just to show you.
Also that can't be true because then there would be way more people who sacrificed their data than where are people who finished the game. Impossible.
>every time someone beats the game six other people need to sacrifice their complete sav data
That makes no sense. The numbers don't add up. I know we're on Sup Forums but come on nerd.
You're not making any sense.
They need to sacrifice their game data in the first place for it to show up to help other people. Their save data already got erased from their system. The ones you "lose" by getting hit don't disappear anywhere from the game servers.
What makes you think sacrificed save data is only used once?
>deleting your save when others gave up theirs to let you finish
>essentially making their sacrifice worth nothing
>continuing a cycle of save deletion until none are left
>essentially making their sacrifice worth nothing
But that's wrong.
I meant that people can NEVER USE IT AGAIN if that person dies. No one else can use their lost data.
Someone else can use the save data if they don't die during your end credits. Only one person died trying to help me and I sacrificed mine so the balance is zero.
It isn't? that's what I'm trying to say. It's used until it dies in someone's ending E.
Dude wtf are you talking about?
When you get to the very end of The credits you are asked if you want to delete your save file *immediately* in order for your ship to help out someone else.
Your ship can show up in multiple people's endings
>It's used until it dies in someone's ending E.
Even if that's the case, which I highly doubt, it's pretty hard to lose those extra "ships" in the first place, because once you get them, you start killing the credits too fast for them to even attack you most of the time.
Unless you're failing on purpose. But then it would be too abusable, in case someone wanted to delete everyone's save data. I'm sure the devs wouldn't let something like that happen.
No shit? This is exactly what I'm saying why are you failing to comprehend? Activate your almonds fampai.
If someone's ship dies in your game it doesn't matter. Theyll still show up in others
Route E was the only great part of Nier Automata.
>can't get past the virus part at the beginning of Route C
What do you mean you can't get past it?
I remember falling down the cave system for the alien base and Copied City and being unable to get out
It is true, you're just being retarded. You lose your save data the moment you choose to.
Couldn't you just reload an old save?
Not him, but it's a bitch to limp across the map while not getting hit and having several heart attacks and trying to find the right route.
Just lower the difficulty if you're having trouble with that section.
>there's a new Automata concert going with a new scene
>scene was promoted as about 6O and 2B
>it's actually about 2B/9S again
I lack reading comprehension: The Post
Does anyone actually give a fuck about these two? 2B flops from being a bitch to 9S to caring about him seemingly out of nowhere and 9S loves to 2B for literally no reason.
I got it the second time
I keep either attracting huge groups and getting raped to death or fucking up jumps and falling so far I have to reload.
Lower the difficulty then.
That's more of a symptom of the localization. I replayed it in nip recently, and 2B was way less of a frigid bitch towards Nines. Like, during a lot of the casual banter, she really loosens up quite a bit, compared to the constant cold of the english dub.
Why did ironic weeaboos and tumblrites latch onto this game so hard?
9S loves 2B solely because of sexual attraction
2B loves 9S because she feels guilty
It's an illogical and painful love, but that's what makes it beautiful because it contrasts their android constructs
Wait you can actually die on normal in Nier Automata? Do you not play a lot of Platninum games maybe?
Damn. Wish I'd known this prior to playing it.
Sounds like two 15 year old's idea of romance.
>2B flops from being a bitch to 9S to caring about him seemingly out of nowhere
It's like you didn't even try to understand what's actually going on between them.
>9S loves to 2B for literally no reason
For him she gradually became his entire reason for living. He was alone and she was there for him, and even through her cold behaviour you can clearly see how much she cares about him.
And then she dies and he learns that his feelings towards her were mutual for a long time now.
It's not losing a fight. It's a scripted sequence where all you can do is walk forwards slowly, occasionally glitching out, bleeding health the whole time. It's not about skill, it's about making your way to the finish line with gimped as hell controls.
>out of nowhere
>no reason
Looks like somebody didn't read the secret extra material transcribed from the audio play that only aired once on that defunct Japanese radio station. Learn to Taro, nerd.
But for real, Taro leaves like 80% of the info you want out of the game and relegates it to side materials. Like the fact there's a goo androids can slather on to grow working genitals.
True. Kaine and Nier are a way better couple.
I never had any trouble with that part. Right keep right and keep walking to avoid the enemies. Finished it in one try. Actually had to go back to die during chapter select for ending X
Why was she his reason for living? They knew each other for a pretty short amount of time and most of the time he tried talking to her she shot him down.
Why does Nier Automata get away with this bullshit but FFXV didn't?
I didn't know the route, it took me a few tries to figure out the best one, after that I didn't fail it, but it's a pain in the ass if you don't know the route.
you run out of time
Both wrong. 2B started adoring him since their first mission together (read Cruel Blood Oath, it's about her feelings for him) and that adoration grew into such a powerful feeling she can't imagine her life without him. It's pretty much the same for 9S as above everything else he hated being alone.
>They knew each other for a short time
You did catch that most events of the game has happened in several cycles, right? And that some of the endings is 9S and 2B breaking out of the cycle?
That's not even side material shit, you idiots. They fucking EXPLAIN IN THE GAME, That her job is to kill him whenever he gets too close to the truth, and that they've done it dozens of times before
Sure, it's not gone into a ton of detail about it like in the stage play, but it's still SPELLED OUT blatantly.
You get plenty of time. I fell down into the cave the first time I did that part due to a fucked up jump. I had time to climb the ladder all the way up and move around the pit to climb. It was a very close one but I made it.
Did you play in English? English 2B is just a bitch who no dere.
>game has a shit load of cutscenes to explain it's story
>decides to place story details in obscure, out of the way items
What was the point?
Isn't each cycle with a different 9S though?
You know you can just take screenshots on the PS4, of the systems menu as well if you want.
>Why was she his reason for living? They knew each other for a pretty short amount of time and most of the time he tried talking to her she shot him down.
She became progressively more open towards him over the course of a game to a point she grew jealous to redhead in Amnesia and accepted his proposal to go on a shopping date after the war. You can see it even in her gestures, her subtle smile towards him when she freed him from Adam, the way she was touching him during the A/B ending, everything shows that she valued him greatly and as the most advanced Bunker unit he quickly understood who she really is and that in reality she's just a lonely tortured soul, just like him.
On top of that his entire existence and personality was shaped by his life alongside her.
This was the worst
part of the game
The entire section from dodging shit that one shots you in the flying section when you are "injured" as 2b and can barely move, to the "walk here and hope you don't go bzzt at the wrong time and fall down the big hole" the game went to shit. The endlessly spawning yorha androids during the part before was stupid too, especially since their attacks have almost no tells and they swarm you from every side.
Game got good again but from after ending B until 2Bs death it's all just bleh
Ok. Still doesn't explain why 9S loved her so much.
Wow you're so good at video games man
Because that's how Taro writes.
There's a ton of details about the original Nier not presented in the game, and fuck, you don't learn ANYTHING about Zero's past prior to Drakengard 3s events without reading the novella, despite the fact they actually give context to why she's so utterly fucked up in the head and wants to die.
>What was the point?
Weapon stories are some of the best things about Taro's games. They give a shitload of context so you usually upgrade them just to see their stories.
>Isn't each cycle with a different 9S though?
He was still pretty much the same according to side materials. He learned about her true role again and again, proceeded to sacrifice himself for er time after time or just straight committed suicide so she won't suffer too much. And he was totally okay with it as long as she lives and they get to meet each other again.
From what I remember it doesn't seem like she became more open to him gradually, it actually felt pretty abrupt. I hear the dub changed their relationship and made her out to be more of a bitch, so that might have been where I went wrong.
>That final DLC ending with that god tier ost and seeing the destruction of the dolls with 2B at the final scene
Fuck that got me for some reason. I never felt that way after playing a video game before who else knows what I'm talking about?
>posting the same picture as OP
What's the point?
It's seems counterproductive to have some many cutscenes, to then hide a shit load of pretty important details in obscure, out of the way and easily missable places, but that's just my opinion on it. If you like it then fair enough.
>according to the side materials
Here we fucking go.
Wanna guess how I know that you're a retarded secondary?
You've most likely missed a lot of smaller interactions thrown around in side quests too. She starts as a cold person but starts showing signs of affections here and there, it's just when shit goes down she's completely unable to hide her true emotions and begins to panic.
It's really a shame Plato wasn't used more and we will never understand why dolls he loved so much looked like main characters.
>It's seems counterproductive to have some many cutscenes, to then hide a shit load of pretty important details in obscure, out of the way and easily missable places
Taro wanted the player to think and make his own theories. Side materials are there to spoonfeed you on everything, and aside from Zinnia they didn't really introduce anything that wasn't already theorized by fans since the moment of release.
I got the trophy for completing 80% of the side quests. They were pretty cool for the most part.
I didn't really feel like there was much to theorise after completing it. It seemed like all of the major plot points were laid out, it just didn't feel like they had the necessary set up to be emotionally impactful to me at least. I get that I'm in the minority on this though.
If Taro wanted players to make up theories, why did he create the sidematerials with answers at all? So the retarded tarocucks won't shut up about how everyone who didn't read them is a "secondary", despite the games being the primary material?
What do you mean by "a retarded secondary"?
You're complaining about side material and the game not spoonfeeding you when the game handles those things the exact same way as all Taro games.
Sorry. I expected a video game to tell it's story in the game itself.
Having relatively inconsequential companion pieces is one thing, but putting important details in other mediums is another.
2B has been close to 9S since before the start of the game.
Just play the prologue again and you'll see it.
"my whole squad has been killed by laser fire and I'm not going to even flinch"
"oh god this guy who just introduced himself to me is badly injured I'm going to shout at my pod to fix him please oh merciful deity help"
She's had to murder 9S countless numbers of times and she's really bad at trying to not get close to THIS 9S because it's only going to end up with her getting hurt again, but she can't help it because she's an emotional broad who can't keep her feelings in check.
9S isn't dumb and catches on that this has been going on for ages, and can see 2B is in pain, and realises that it's because of him, and he's sad because the only person who cares about him is sad, so he wants her to feel happy.
This isn't rocket science.
Pretty much the theme of relationships between 2B and 9S.
>the way it starts playing during ending D
>you work alone, risk your hide going into the enemy territory to gather information
>it's cold, you could die any second, nobody is there to help you
>you get assigned a new partner who you can trust to cover your back and who you can talk to
>also she's pretty hot
People have loved others for less.
Why would 9S believe he's the reason for it when as far as he knows, they've only just met.
New concert script.
>The timeline of script is located in game. Because of the Rose of desert is sent to 6O already. At the start, 6O inform 2B the bunker request 2B and 9S exchange their Pod for technical test. Then 2B is assigned to repair the machine of transport in desert. When 2B and Pod153 arrives and start repairing the machine in halfway, 34 medium—sized machine life form ambushes them. After they are all destroyed by 2B, pod153 suddenly get out of control. Pod153 activated weapon system without bunker or Yorha member's permission. She use the gravity program shot and hit 2B's right leg. Then next strike is fully charged Laser shot. 2B is forced to cut her leg off and dodge the shot from pod153. She manage to take pod153 down.
>Then an emergency call comes from 6O. She say the possibilty of pod153's got mad to attack 2B is a trap set by 9S. But 2B says 6O is not the real 6O. Because she found inside the machine of transport exists some small pieces of machine life form. So she didn't activate the laser communication system. But the sandstorm is not disappeared yet. So it's not possible for 6O to contact with her. The fake "6O" smiled. In fact, she is N2 as we know. But in the script 2B can't figure out who she is. N2 want to mislead 2B, and let 2B and 9S kill each other. N2 fails, but she keeps hinting 2B that maybe 9S already figured out 2B killed 9S multiple times. Maybe 9S DO tries to kill 2B with pod. Then it ends after 2B get angry and strike Pod 153 with her cut off right leg. After a while, the weather is cleared. The real 6O communicates with 2B. 2B try to pretend to be strong, but her heart is tortured again.
>new partner who you can trust to cover your back and who you can talk to
He got shot down most of the time.
He got truly shot down like once, all the other times they actually had dialogues, sometimes really cute and entertaining ones, like the way both of them were sperging out on a question about children.
>Why would 9S believe he's the reason for it when as far as he knows, they've only just met.
Because he's not a retard.
"Hi, I'm 9S and this my friend, 2B, who I've only just met! It's really weird, because scanner models almost never get partners."
"Oh, 9S, 2B, you always work so well together!" -operator on the bunker
"hm that's odd, why do we always work so well toge- oh."
>go up to the resistance camp
>sit by the little jump to the right side of the pond that goes to that small broken underpass
>jump over
after that it doesnt matter if you get ill again, you already saved a huge chunk of time
>be scanner model
>see everyone you know lose sanity
>see orbital hq get annihilated
>scrape by
>get forgotten
They sperg out in the original dub. In english, 2B is like: "I dont care, you work it out".
There's a lot of instances in which she sounds like a straight up bitch in the dub
I don't know about you two, but I found it really tense to dodge wild machine swings while trying to wait to be able to jump past a five foot barrier because a fucking worm knocked me into the centre pit.
What was her fucking problem?
So fucking glad i played with japanese dub.
Even when she turns down his attempt to get closer to her in the park, she sounds very shy and sad about it in japanese dub, like she literally forces herself to say that.
Was that during the amnesia mission?
The one where it's revealed that there are some YoRhA models are type Es that get close to their targets so they can easily kill them?
There's actually an even easier reason why 9S is predisposed to love her; it's so that 2B can dispose of him much more easily if he loves her.
It's Kotomine Kirei with smug anime girl avatar
And he's just too much of a human.
They aren't predisposed, androids in this setting don't work this way. They can override even base programming.
Or it could be that 9S is just a lonely sperg
>Kotomine Kirei with smug anime girl avatar
Huh, for once a smug anime girl ISN'T an improvement
Yeah i felt good too.
>final DLC ending
What? I thought it was just arena.
What if he was multiple smug anime girls?
>they aren't predisposed
>they can override even base programming
which one is it, motherfucker? If they aren't predisposed there wouldn't be any base programming to overcome, would there?
He's a scanner model, those are designed to be autistic fucks who get curious over the way birds flap their wings.
Just get good really.
Go out the tunnel and climb. Then just walk to the bridge in a straigth line.
>Was that during the amnesia mission?
No, when you go to the desert to get the little sister back to the village
The amnesia side quest was very well performed in english
To jump to the conclusion of "she must have killed me over and over before" is pretty extreme.
You beat the 3 arenas to uncover a new ending
By "base programming" i mean direct orders like "protect the humans" or "complete YoRHa project". Both of those are getting broken over the course of a game, one by 9S who gets absolutely irrelevant to the fate of last remnants of human data on Moon despite understanding he has an outside directive buried in his mind demanding him to protect them, another is done by Pods breaking their programming directly.
It also shows that 9S' feelings for 2B were genuine because he didn't feel them being forced onto him from outside.
remember that he can hack the server and find out that way. I think it was explained in one of the concerts
Oh, it's that music video. But how's it an ending? Wasn't it a PROMO video before the game even released?
>To jump to the conclusion of "she must have killed me over and over before" is pretty extreme.
It's not quite so hard to see the evidence "I keep dying - frequently, given I keep getting reset, and she's trying to keep her emotions in check despite her being easily familiar with me. I wonder why she's so sad over that."
and come to the conclusion that
"maybe she's feeling sad because she has feelings for me and I keep dying"