First time playing pic related on pc what's the best mods

First time playing pic related on pc what's the best mods

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Floris, if it's still a thing.

just play vanilla until Bannerlord is out.

Early Access supposed to happen this year.

Vanilla is perfectly OK for the first time with it.

Floris or Silverstag for a vanilla-ish experience.

Prophecy of Pendor for a generic Fantasy setting.

Then there's a few themed overhauls, like GoT or Warhammer that are breddy gud.

I like gekokujo

early access?


>But just how soon will players be able to try Bannerlord for themselves? Armağan told us that there’s a good chance that the game will be sold via early access, and that such a paid beta scheme could even launch this year.,471435

play it without mods or with just diplomacy to start out with. freelancer is also a good vanilla+ (and it should include diplomacy)
sands of faith for deus vulting
hispania 1200 for reconquistaing
gekokujo for uniting the nihonjin under one flag (there are at least 3 different forks out there, good luck picking one)
the last days of the third age for the war of the ring (quite a different experience from vanilla, not recommended as a first mod)
europe in flames for the 30 years' war
sayazn for a unique fantasy world

get last days of the third age for original mount and blade, download janus battlesizer and the 4gig ram patch, have fun with 500+ guys on the screen the way god intended it


Main development halted but people still improving on it.,363705.0.html

I did do 700 hours on Xbox dont know if that's relevant

Play vanilla, then play slight vanilla enhancers like dip/dickplomacy, then 1257, which is the best mod.

What's the differenxe between dip and dickplomacy

Why the fuck would you wait that long? any potato computer on xp can run this game better than my brand new comp on win10.


I refuse to believe you.

do you even have to ask

Didnt get my pc till last month

Its easier on the Xbox since the low troop limit on screen so full swadian knights let me take the map twice


I think that if you play as female you can become a sexslave for a night to boost morale of your party

Perisno or DICKPLOMACY God I love pc

Well enjoy I guess.

Does the console version even has the Napoleonic Warfare and Viking Conquest DLCs?

Just take a look at the workshop many of the most popular mods are there, although some are buggy in MP unless you install them manually.

>(there are at least 3 different forks out there, good luck picking one)
Gekonewer is complete memery with fucking ridiculous shit like people capturing entire towns with 25 men.

Always stick with gekokujo.


t.supreme authority on warband

well there is this relatively recently released version that's apparently good

>until Bannerlord is out

We're close dude, this time it's for real. :^)

This one is alright. Haven't played it because I've played the original Gekokujo to fucking death and did everything possible on a long as fuck campaign so I'll probably take a breath from geko it until next year.

Prophesy of Pendor
The Last Days of the Third Age(LOTR mod)

No it doesn't only vanilla

Sarranid master race reporting in

How is the console version of this?

>how is the console version of a game compared to the pc version?

Seriously nigger?


Garbage. Play it on PC, even the toastiest of toasters can play it.

It was okay limited amount of units made knights op as fuck since it was always equal and nothinf outnumbered them but it just became a slog as forts were just tons of spawn killing

Can I capture ladies and do the same?

Floris but avoid the player character of the same name
A clash of kings, a GoT mod based on it
Swadia never survives for long, Vaegirs and Nords are way superior if you ask me

Id play vanilla for as long as you can, then switch to 1257

I dont remember

>playing native expansion
>make own kingdom
>capture Dhirim, make capital
>Dark Knights arrive
>Only at war with me
>Queen evil tits has besieged Dhirim
>Are you and your 579 soldiers ready to fight against their 4643?
>they still essentially one-shot everyone
>even on lowest difficulty

Abandon ship mate take as many as you can and run and bend da knee to someone bigger till that shits delt with

>5 years since announcement
>early access

I have no idea
like all the progres they made in five years and they still think 'No, not finish yet!'

really not sure if jewish or just really slow

After so much time working on muh optimization it better be DX12/64bit using all six cores on my R5 1600 and making my GTX1070 warm the room this winter while I battle with more than a thousand units on a castle's walls...

No, it better fucking not be Mr. Botnet10

Yup, it's got a big huge version called "Floris Expanded" that I consider to be pretty much the definitive version of warband. It's good to play kind of a "test-run" campaign to get a feel for all the features, especially the new city tournament options jeez did that fuck me up lol

chronicles of might and magic

Would dickplomacy and this work?

>join Khergits for once to live the Mongol Horde dream
>mass up a bunch of veteran horse archers
>every battle they smash themselves into the enemy and then begin fucking around
>lose way too many of them
>decide to just make everyone into khergit lancers instead since they seem to survive most battles
>suddenly my army is wrecking face

Is there some specific tactic I need to use with horse archers? This isn't really what I hoped it would be.

Yeah, probably a DX11 game. It should run really good on my Geforce.

Just play vanilla for a while before you mess with any mods. It'll most likely help smooth out the gameplay for you because youll know what you're doing

>niggers suggesting floris
>niggers suggesting vanilla

NO. FUCKING NO. Goddamnit the fucking plebs in this thread.

Just get the Diplomacy mod. Which is essentially vanilla, plus useful army and infrastructure management. It's all you need.


You can also fuck captured ladies in castles you sieged with them inside, as well as prevent them from leaving and hold them for ransom at the cost of a fuckton of honor

The bad guy options in dickplo are kind of funny but everyone on the continent will despise you so don't do it willy nilly. Better to just take a good Christian wife (or six, you Sarranid dog)

Aren't there lords that will automatically like you if your honor is negative? Kind of like the opposite of the good natured lords.

>cavalry follow me!
>run around and hope no one bug on trees and rocks while your cavalry is shooting


Will try, because my rhodok playthrough isn't doing so hot

You can also capture ladies and enslave them in your brothels. Although the whole brothel thing doesn't seem very profitable.

vanilla is good though faggit, nothing can patch the end game

Ottoman mod

Vanilla is okay, diplomacy is vanilla but better. It doesn't fuck with the unit/factions of vanilla and keeps it true to the base game. Literally the only mod a new player should have. Bitch

OP already said he played vanilla for ages on another console though, diplomacy's additions to it are minute, if you weren't such a pleb you'd have at least recommended user's diplomacy/dickplomacy, otherwise never have given him a mod that does nothing but make kingdom management a tiny bit more bearable.

this, but you should ask /mbg/ on /vg/ for tips for how to best use Floris

>recommending mods for original M&B when they exist for Warband
people like you should be castrated, luckily you won't ever use your dick.

what's wrong with floris?

wait is it even on xbox?

As a lady you can strapon-rape anyone you capture including enemy lords. No joke. You can also bang your individual troops to raise their morale.


/mbg/ meme that faggots pushed into popularity. Floris is still great, just use vanilla troop trees

You can change battle size without downloading shit. There's guides for it on Steam Workshop.

Dickplomacy actually adds a bunch of neat stuff. Worth playing for a vanilla experience even without the dick stuff enabled.
>Heraldic horses with custom banners

fuck this i wanted to enjoy floris but it makes my high end PC all choppy and stuttery and it's the only mod i'm running literally can't even turn the camera around in battle without stupid milisecond freezes fuck

Recent blog posts say they want to make sure it's the best it can be, and is actually finished

I also like them. All those Northerners can't handle the heat (notice how instead of winning wars, all they do is creating HILARIOUS images)

post your reign

>don't use the best feature
fuck off you autistic /vg/irgin

What the fuck did he mean by this?

You did not just call him a /vg/irgin.

I want more dick stuff. It's great. Although I don't know why they did animations instead of text.

Also what's the best way to capture peasant women and ladies to fill brothels?

use blunt weapons

Floris with the vanilla animations patch.

And just assail random traveling farmers? I'm pretty sure that doesn't work when raiding a village.

it's the sound 's mother makes when she tries to say that her son is a virgin, while my cock is in her mouth

yes attack traveling farmers, I don't remember if you get prisioners from attacking villages

You can enslave everyone at a village when you pillage it, but it sucks because you don't get loot for some reason and every village is filled with dudes. I like your idea better.

Any mod that makes town and castle management deeper? I like having to defend my shitty village, build stuff in it and help it prosper, but it's totally barebones.

The Diplomacy mod?
What kind of features does it have? I heard that it is considered an absolute must have.

mate, scroll up a bit and read

Custom banners. Nuff said.

>mfw every time my faction is close to wiping out another one they have a truce

Why don't you start you're own faction my dude then you can wipe them all


Yes and and op back ill prob get dick no floris yet but stuff that ads more to actually running the kingdom would be nice

>let lord go free
>next time I meet him he throws a fit about how I let him go and my relation with him goes down 15(FIFTEEN) points
What the fuck man

Some lords are just like that. Others will like you more, though.

Apparently /mbg/'s got a working merge of Dickplomacy and custom troop trees now.

i've been playing for close to 200 hours and have never encountered the Dark Knights.

how do you get to find them?