Why did Capcom backstab Nintendo?
Was it personal?
Why did Capcom backstab Nintendo?
Was it personal?
I'm not going to make it to Early 2018.
It's only natural to get off a sinking ship
they were tired of pandering to the autistic nintendo kids
The year is moving fast user, just hunker down and wait it out. I'm dying too but we must persevere.
I think they just wanted to see what they could do with stronger consoles, as well as selling to a larger audience
They want a mainstream audience to get into MonHun. This is their way of doing it.
Tired of low end hardware limiting what they could do with the series.
these are companies you're talking about, not people
they're not high schoolers, they're not people who decide to shit on one another for the sake of it
companies are out for profit
the sony/microsoft/steam user base is undeniably larger than the nintendo user base is and research probably showed that these users would be more interested in world than nintendo's user base would be
also they released mhxx switch ver. in japan
this isn't rocket science user
If anything they shot themselves in the foot.
Monster Hunter is niche in the west so I doubt they will even sell anything over 2 million.
They should have stuck with 3DS/Switch as they will get the most sales there. With 3DS games reaching 4 million in Japan alone.
Seriously dumb move by Capcom
Before you shitposting fags jump on my back I am an idort, PC, PS4, Switch and 3DS.
Switch can't run the game , is that simple
If that were even remotely true they would't have conveniently moved from PSP to 3DS so that they had an excuse primed for why the series still looked like a low resolution PS2 game.
Western audience, I should have said
Well, switch will be getting a mh game (only in japan), so i find it hard to belive
Early 2018 = June 30th, fyi
My guess is that the Switch's hardware can't get MHW to work. But at least MHW gets a PC release :3
Just look at what's become of Monster Hunter and its fanbase since going to Nintendo.
Thankfully, that's all in the past now, and they can finally start undoing the damage that almost 10 years of exposure to Nintendo's toxic fanbase has caused. Almost the entire philosophy of the game screams 'reinvention', reinvention in this case meaning they are taking back control of where they want MonHun to go, rather than what entitled, childish Nintendo fans demand it goes. They can't handle change. It goes against their entire being, since Nintendo also does not like change. Nintendo kids bitched about every little change Capcom tried to shake up the series conventions, and the 'fans' shit on them for it. and it all stagnated, leading to garbage like X/XX.
It's a new day, and one that Nintendo kids will thankfully be excluded from.
God damn this so much.
The only people who will get MHW in the west are those already interested in the game.
You wont see the chads who but Battlefield, CoD, Fifa get this game at all.
It's going to fucking flop.
It's nothing personal, It's just good business.
They moved from the PSP as a necessary business move. PSP games hardly made any money because of the start of pirating for handhelds and Playstation lost all confidence in their handhelds making money for devs so everyone avoided it like a plague.
>backstab nintendo
>didnt know it came to sony first but was bought by nintendo to stop the growth of psp
if you ask me, its a long-awaited release from a nightmare. monhun should be multiplat
Yeah many just like when you sonytards bitched and moaned when MH went to 3DS
>Was it personal?
Remember Capcom 5 with the Gamecube?
Capcom is a slut whore. They will never keep their legs closed.
They didn't want their game to be played on a shitty gimmick control.
The Monster Hunter fan base did not change, it migrated. And it will migrate again.
>Nintendo kids bitched about every little change Capcom tried to shake up the series conventions
What actually happened was Sonyfriends aka Monster Hunter "fans" who continue to swear by FU and haven't touched a game since bitched that every change was a casualization to the series and blamed Nintendo for all of it.
There's a difference, I personally didn't bitch and moan I was annoyed sure, but I simply went out and bought a Wii, WiiU, and 3DS. I'm finally glad that it's moving back to a platform that's relevant.
We all knew it was a bad idea even back then, guess who ended up being right after all these years.
Even back then it was apparent what kind of faggotry Nintendo fans represented back then, it's only gotten worse with time.
Nice revisionist history
Capcom has a compulsion to take a successful franchise and change it completely to appeal to a Western audience. It has never worked before, but they just can't help it.
Why do all armchair economists on this board suddenly forget that sony has millions of PS4s sold in the east.
>Nice revisionist history
Sorry that you can't handle the truth.
Monster Hunter was always a PSP/PS2 series, you imbecile. It's only moved onto Nintendo consoles because Wii was so impossibly, phenomenally, mind-boggingly successful.
Stupid user.
The Switch is selling like fucking hotcakes right now.
Especially in Japan.
They'll see MHW do poorly as the only people that will buy it are those only interested in it in the west.
It will do a small 300,000 in Japan as Japan is handheld land.
They'll change their minds yet again and bring another traditional Monster Hunter to Switch and it will sell 4,000,000 in Japan alone.
then why didn't they move to the master race?
I know, I know. It was real in your mind right?
Why do all sonyfanbois forget that the only game to break a million sales on PS4 in Japan is Dragon Quest.
Not even FFXV broke that (970,000) sales.
Japanese dont console game they play handhelds.
They wanted at least one mh game with functional controls
Didn't the series start on playstation?
And multiplat is nothing special for bigger games nowadays.
>tfw haven't played a Monster Hunter since the PSP days
Good times ahead.
>kids are so new that they dont even know MH was a PS exclusive until 2009
jesus christ
yeah too bad the best selling monster hunter are on PSP
people owing DS are just not interested in MH
MH fan surely bought 3DS just for MH though
Japan is not the only eastern country to buy video games, user
>The Switch is selling like fucking hotcakes right now.
So? You can't do MHW on the switch and it's high time the series moved past low poly ps2 models/areas and shitty handheld controls.
it did but people just want to start shit for no reason
They're attempting to widen their audience with this one, simple as that. They've been talking about wanting to make the west be as into MH as Japan is for a good while now.
They seem really confident about it too with the way they're doing this. Home console MH historically has sold pretty bad compared to portable versions even on consoles far more relevant than the PS4 is in Japan right now so personally I have my doubts.
You can play it off all you want, anybody that has paid attention since Tri knows this is how it went down up until this point. And unlike people who sling their shit posts about how Nintendo ruined the franchise, despite it only getting better over time barring X/XX, I've seen it all because I've happily played it all.
I said they are tired of it now. Back then they didn't need anything more powerful to make what they wanted but now shits holding them back.
>Switchfags actually want another upscaled 3DS game on their console
>Switch was only announced less than a year ago.
>Games usually take around 2 years to complete
>When they started making this game, the only Nintendo console was the Wii U, with less than 14 million sales worldwide
Really, they just made a normal business decision. Their next big game is guarenteed to be on the Switch though.
>Switch is a proven success with projected 16 million sales in its first year alone
>A handheld and console
>Disproportionately large Japanese sales
I expect to see MH5 on the Switch sometime in 2019. They'd be stupid not to.
They didn't like having their advertising paid for them as well as the Monster Hunter fanbase.
So is the ps4 going to be the most played one ?
Came here to post this. Unlike consumers or Sup Forums, game developers are very rarely console warriors and make decisions like this purely for money.
2006-05-09: Announced development of PS3 "Monster Hunter 3" at "Capcom Official Press Release"
2007-10-10: Wii "Monster Hunter 3 (Try)" announcement, PS 3 version "Monster Hunter 3" canceled at "Nintendo conference 2007 autumn"
no, it was personnel
I was awaiting the announcement of XX before buying a Switch but then at E3 they announced World so now there's no need. If they don't push World any further in future releases and go back to Switch or 3DS then I'll buy/stick to those platforms.
You fail to realise that I'm not some retard that sticks to one platform. I actually enjoy games and with MH being my favourite series I'll follow it anywhere, so I'm not complaining either way.
It would have costed a ton of money to downgrade this game to the Switch.
Choose one. It's just a bigger better excluding battery life handheld.
Serves you right. I'm not even gonna play this but I'm glad they did it.
It's just not relevant to the conversation at all as to which platform it started on when the last sony MH game came out nearly 10 (i think, fuck looking it up) years ago. The conversation is about how it will sell
It will happen again when MHW bombs due to it being niche as fuck in the west.
maybe the MH dev are tired of the limitation of such low powered handheld
Can anyone actually explain to me how this game has brought so much butthurt? Surely people don't stick to one thing, like console or PC etc? How do people not have at least one console and a PC?
They're expecting 1.5 million sales worldwide. They don't really give a shit. Ryozo wanted to do a huge new console MH, and Ryozo can do whatever the fuck he wants, nobody's going to stop him because his family literally founded and run the company.
Are you kidding? Handheld MH always sells an order of magnitude more than console versions.
What will save MH from being niche as fuck? By niche as fuck I assume you mean over 1 million sales for all western titles since FU right?
So any bets on how long the Nintendo shitposting will continue?
For almost 2 months straight any mention of MHW anywhere gets dogpiled by NIDF and it becomes impossible to discuss the game because of the sheer amount of textual/visual diarrhea they spew all over the threads.
I think we all know it's going to continue straight on to release and beyond, especially when it's been a year or more since release and a Switch version still hasn't materialized and it finally sinks in for them that they truly won't be playing this game on their rebranded low-end tablet hardware.
>How long will the shitposting continue
Japan is responsible for 80% of all MH sales.
>hurr but they're going for the Souls audience!
Yeah the Souls audience is smaller than MH in just Japan.
>muh nintendo
Every time.
>Games usually take around 2 years to complete
They said they started on it about four years ago so even more than that.
MHP3 sold 4.8 million in japan only, that time PSP was cracked as fucked, until nowadays P3 is still the best selling MH
try again
>mfw PC+PS4 masterrace
all the games worth playing
World is MH5. Ichinose's portable series is going to continue on the Switch while main series MH is on consoles.
yeah but maybe the dev wants to do more than just map pack and res downgrade from MH 2 on psp you know ?
i'm not talking about sales here
I dunno it seems like they have a pc and a switch.
Oh these threads are ruined forever, at least compared to what they were before. Sup Forums's insistence on turning everything into a console war will see to that.
THen he should've mentioned sales instead of dumb backstab my favorite console maker shit
And you know that it will sell like shit or what?
Sales are all that matter, if rehashing the same assets over and over on low powered handhelds is the most profitable route to take then you're supposed to keep doing that.
No company wants to make a good game, they want to make the most profitable game possible.
Then what are you doing here not importing MHXX Switch? Buy at least 10 per person. You and your friends
It's a home console Monhun game.
Even Tri on the Wii only sold about 1.9 mil as a whole.
So play it on PC, why are people crying? The game looks amazing and it's definitely the push that the series needed to go forward.
That's more than MHXX
Of course it's Nintendo fanbois, they've not only been denied the newest game and any future games but the last game they will ever see on Nintendo hardware is import only, and a lot of them are EOPs. Insult upon insult to injury. If they can't enjoy it, no one can, That's how they think. You see this with every game Nintendo doesn't get, it's pure spite and jealousy.
Consider what board you're on. People come here just to instigate shit and turn it into a platform war, regardless of the game in question.
Capcom backstabs everyone indiscriminately.
lot of people here only buy a console because "MHU BRAND LOYALTY". Shit is real, remember bayonetta? It's happening again witg MHW.
that's just not true sales do matters but people have a project they don't just want to make money or they wouldn't make video games like MH they would just make cash grabs like candy crush
Switch is still getting Monster Hunter dummy.
I mean they should be confident. Shit looks really good so far. If any monster hunter is going to get the west in then it will be this one.
XX did 1.7 in less than a month dude.
It's still 1.7 now based on Capcom's numbers.
>Tired of low end hardware limiting what they could do with the series.
>still on consoles
I don't know about that, I don't see the normalfag audience they want jumping on board. Probably still too anime and all that.
It's at 3 million dude.
And we dont have switch numbers yet.
huh, how can a company backstab another company, if the franchise was a sony thing to begin with?
>This entire thread
Capcom became sick of rewriting code and experimenting with lower performance builds, for a game that was originally intended to be complete and shipped out the door.