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>wanting a YT channel after the ad-pocalypse

ok i guess

pretty good

fuck off

I keep lying to myself and telling myself I'll record a few videos. People generally like playing with me and think I'm pretty funny. Multiple people have told me I should start a channel. My excuse used tovbe that I didn't have a good enough computer. I've had my new rig for oved two years now. There's no real excuse. I'll probably never even record a video deapite playing videogames all day and just having to hit the record button. I wish I wasn't like this...

all my videos are being demonetized

>6 subscribers
>30 views per video
It could be worse.

>current year
>twitch exists

>YouTube 2006: Broadcast yourself
>YouTube 2017: Whore yourself
Can't a man just have fun with his channel anymore? Why does it have to make money?

pretty good, 72 subs now, I don't care about money or not, if you do it to make a living, then you do it for the wrong reasons.

My channel got banned before it started because everything was flagged for spam.

I'm not even sure what I did.

I took down all videos after realiasing how shit they were.

We fly high
No lie
You know this

I have a script I've been working on about ludonarritive storytelling methods in games, it's been a lot of fun, I hope to put it out soon.
I know this genre has been oversaturated by everyone wit ha recording mic and a video editor, but I wanna make a video essay kind of channel.
But I'm planning on branching out to other stuff too.

What's this?

>look up some music to play in my car speakers on trips
>have to listen to the same Rabbit Air and HP ads over and over
>bad music and acting kills my music boner
>Howard's on vactation this week so nothing to listen to on the radio
I'm gonna have a mental breakdown if I hear "You have bug eyes!" one more time.

>idea guy

Why didn't you bring your own music?
Okay. I'll post it.

>What's this?
There was a huge controversy with YT ads playing during racist videos which caused advertizers to pay more attention to which videos their ads are being played on. This caused a huge decrease in overall ad revenue and many content creators are shitting themselves trying to make ends meet through other sources.

Just started it. Not sure which direction I really want to take it.

>have no editing software
>cant make a frag/gmod video
any good software? used sony vegas pro but i lost it somewhere

This legit works.

I hope not, currently the script just needs to be formatted and I need to finish gathering video clips for editing.
The last video project I did an AMV of EoE set to Runaway got copyrighted

buy it off of steam or pirate it you filthy poor subhuman
otherwise use "shotcut", it's a pretty basic freeware but was more than enough for my first few months, you're welcome

sup bitches

everyone post their shit so they can get dislikes

>friend always talks about his TGWTG-styled movie review and Let's Play channel
>never shares his channel name or any videos with me because he knows I'm gonna laugh at it for all the wrong reasons
Sometimes I wonder if I'm just a shitty friend or if I'm slowly making them more self-aware.

i just upload random stuf for shigs.minimal effort twitch stream has been a bit better lately

10 viewers yesterday

I wanted to make some comfy videos of playing nice video games and sharing it with friends but turns out the mic picks up too much of the background static and keyboard clackety clacks so sadly it's not going at all.

>can nowshorten down videos from 45+ minutes to whatever i like
thanks mate, gonna get some griefing videos done and just showcase people i've made assmad

use a noise gate

r8 but no h8 pls

Pretty poor. I started a vidya review channel, and I've only two subs. Still going to keep at it though.

I'm doing a series of videos on the Wolfenstein fps games at the moment, though I have some plans for what I want to tackle afterward.


67 subs but usually from 6-20 viewers per stream
The subs actually have stopped growing so maybe I need to change games?

Had 1k subs when i was in highschool on my shitty recorder. Never had enough money to upgrade my equipment or even buy a new console. Haven't recorded a video in 7 years, which is ironic considering my last video was about me coming out of a hiatus.

I understand that it would be a simple enough to fix the background static by just raising the amount of volume required for it to pick up, but that wouldn't fix the keyboard problem.

I'll finally have a decent internet connection, I'm going to start streaming stuff, I'll be doing SFV lobbies with Sup Forums and /fgg/

That sounds pretty fun, actually.

I wish I was doing better.

dont press the keys as hard and or move mic farther away

Found your problem.

I mean, I'm proud of my most recent video, it got 84 views, I just wish i had more time to make videos. if anything im disappointed in my work ethic.
all I do is play normie shit and talk about how the govt. is gonna fuck us all over

Better than me, my man. You're going places, just have to be consistent and keep going on if it's your passion.

I don't even care about the "youtube career" meme, I just like making videos.

>mfw joined youtube early, went to dc++, typed in "funny videos", uploaded like 6 of them
>forgot about that channel
>log in back
>all those views
>I could have monetized it
>could have had about 5-6k dollars out of it

fuck my life

Then you're already on the right path. Do it for pleasure of creation alone, which too few get into it for.

It's alright. Not everyone's that kind of person. Some people just prefer to keep things to themselves and there's nothing wrong with that.

If you're really intent on sharing your fun with other people then streaming is the easiest way to start off imo. Don't have to cherrypick for good content to upload.

Still writing review for Magical Pop'n for SFC as my first vid. Also working on a thing for a youtuber's 10y anniversary since his Action 52 review was uploaded

300 subs now, hopefully I keep growing at a higher pace again. Now got two videos on trending, which is nice.
Latest video:

YTPs and other shit:

also Youtube has a learning algorithm running real time on a shoot first, ask questions never basis that is demonetizing entire genres (ASMR is the latest victim) and secretly blacklisting channels (Valve News Network just got hit so all their new uploads since their Half-Life 3 video are restricted).

There's no warnings either so Youtube is basically a broke employer refusing to pay people and strongly hoping that they don't notice and the ones that do can't get into contact with anyone to fix their issue anyway lol.

youtube is not an employer

i dont know why people think this

Is it even worth it anymore? I just want to express myself but it seems copyright bullshit always happens.

I understand you're upset about balding, but please fix your hair up at least a bit

Copyright really only messes with people trying to make money off of their videos. Don't monetize your content, and do it for the fun of the craft alone, and you'll be fine.

I had an old channel and I didnt monetize anything and it got anal blasted anyway by someone for copyright

It is natural to hate your own voice? I can't stand my Northern English voice.

Did you dispute the claim?

I hate my voice too, desu. No one has told me if it's actually bad or not, but still

Yeah and they waited til the last day and they just didnt give a fuck so I got fucked over

how do i make my videos more interesting? just edit in the highlights and the best bits or????

>twitch exists
I want to stream but don't want to be locked into streaming for hours at the same time everyday.
YouTube is more comfortable.

then just stream whenever you feel like it, you don't have to make it a chore you know

I'm sitting at 134 subs and I make shitty "videogames are art" videos mostly.

I know im aping oxide / phontomen

also my videos keep getting jewed by youtube even though i have adverts turned off.

Jeez, sorry to hear that.

>make le meme video
>millions of views
>put effort into the video
>1k views at best

Meant for

I'd love for 1k viewers to think my shit was worthwhile, man.

yawn my account is 11 years old and I have 8 million views, I just post whatever including irl I want because I was done with college when the whoring came about in 2011.

>had a funny idea for a video
>spend 100 hours collecting the perfect footage
>video coming along nicely, exactly as I had imagined it
>open project in editor one day and find that all my clips had been corrupted
Kill me

>make a fangame of something
>release trailers with quite a bit of work put into them
>some fuckass lets player steals all the youtube coverage and hides my stuff
>literally all of the other, smaller lets players do 10x a better job playing through it and are more fun to watch
bonus points to the people who put it in top 10 videos but obviously haven't fucking played it based on what they say/show
fuck youtube

>make a fangame of something
What's your fangame, assuming you speak from experience?

What do you mean they stole the coverage and hid your stuff?

All I really post are personal videos with friends from Project Reality and other niche shooters. Can't really be bothered to edit them or try to make them appealing to anyone else.

Pretty good

I make RAW AND UNEDITED CONTENT and you could say I'm the next Pewdiepie

Also, I forgot to ask: Are there let's play\walkthrough channels okay with you using their footage? My next review is going to be for Wolfenstein 2009, but I have to play this one on console because of Bethesda's attempt to wipe it from history and therefore can't currently record my own footage.

where do you shill your shit? youtubes recommendations dont work for small channels

Are you sure you didn't just move them into a different folder?
I thought I had fucked up the other day too, but I just had to redirect the clips to the folder they were in.

>Are you sure you didn't just move them into a different folder?
Absolutely sure. I don't know what caused it, but I lost every single clip I had saved.

It's Tevin C here...

what kind if videos

>but I have to play this one on console because of Bethesda's attempt to wipe it from history

Can't you just torrent it ?

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't say things like that.
You have a credible link?

micspam videos and general gameplay videos

switch to vidme you little fucks

give sony vegas pls

Squeeze his hand off.

your friend is kind of hard to hear over the music, try reducing the volume of the music every time he speaks. :^)

>you talked to vinny
damn brody, i was wrong about you last year, you ain't no failed abortion. the girl you are talking to is a qt btw, did you fugg?

thanks buddy. Ill do that more


Nah but I played a pirated copy a long ass time ago.

I think it's pretty fun too

gave up on it years ago before i even started doing it

mostly because i'm lazy and partly because i kinda hate the YT community

Got my fill of making Youtube content pre-monetization, when making videos was fun and you could actually find new and interesting things/people from obscure channels using search/recommended because the algorithm wasn't ass cheeks and designed only to promote samey bullshit copypaste content yet. Before the Youtube "community" went to total shit in more ways than one.

I've grown out of the attention whoring phase and now I only make videos for funsies, most set to unlisted, purely for myself and my friends to enjoy.

Feels good man.