2 years ago

2 years ago

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still too soon

9 years ago... Their was an experiment

The Switch is what the Wii U should've been.

We had classified intelligence that a new
type of Metal Gear was scheduled for transport. The whole thing stank..but
our noses have been out in the cold too long.


Nintendo is much better off with pic related in charge desu

>Iwata released gamecube 2 times
>Iwata fucked up the Wii U
>Iwata almost fucked up the 3DS
He was a mistake.

>but muh Wii and DS success


fucking word filters

Shame it didn't happen sooner

DS and Wii success at the expensive of flooding the market with shovelware
Iwata and Myiamoto were a mistake

Fucking faggot, unbelievable.

>2 years to go

Sure he may have done some neat thing but I think the guy who took his position has started to steer Nintendo in a much better direction. Miyamoto taking a back seat seems to improve some games as well.

Will never understand people who get too emotionally attached to people they never met though. Like this guy

>all the edgy faglords in this thread without an ounce of compassion for a obviously talented man
activates the almonds

Did you understand?


This shit will never not be funny

So you mean like the Xbox 360, Game Boy, PS1 and PS2?

Shit kids, its almost like tons of dogshit games get made for whatever platform is dominating! The main reason the PS4 isn't as bad is because Mobile is absolute king baby.


Save your compassion for your family and closest friends otherwise you become an overly emotional wreck that cannot function under even the slightest pressure.

Be a fan of Iwata all you like the most his death should have gotten out of you should have been an "aw well, what a shame".

>Will never understand people who get too emotionally attached to people they never met though. Like this guy

He's doing it for clicks

Argument invalidated, please try again.

my god, nintenbros were a mistake

>a reaction image determines politics
>a reaction image invalidates content of a post
overly sensitive dumbass

Other than that I agree. 360 and game bo ywere garbage

I was a mistake.

Smiles and tears playing on Sup Forums was what made it sad.

>Other than that I agree
It doesn't matter if you agree user, its a fact that while the PS1 and PS2 have some of the greatest games ever made that a huge chunk of said games are outright shovelware pieces of garbage. The PS2 in particular.

>Will never understand people who get too emotionally attached to people they never met though.
I won't understand why people get attached to people they never met like Trump or Hitler or MLK.

t. buttmad leftist

My point is that the Wii and DS have more shovelware than PS1 and PS2. And less great games than both as well.

>My point is this
Your post was literally this: I don't agree that PS1 and PS2 had shovelware. You're being a bit silly because I never said that the PS1 and PS2 had more shovelware than the Wii or DS.

by replying to your post I was simply stating that whoever is on top at the time, especially before the rise of Mobile games, would see a shit ton of shovelware on their platform. I don't really know why you want to conflate this into something it isn't.

dont remind me user

honestly his death was completely unrelated to what happened to me but his death felt like the beginning of a downhill slope in my life

within a week of him dying i was fired from my job at the time and a month later my gf left me
and look at me now
poor and alone

I personally don't like Nintendo stuff too fucking Disney like for my tastes but that man was funny and didn't take himself too seriously. Its understandable why he had his fanbase.

Time is a murderer we will never put to justice.

>I don't agree that PS1 and PS2 had shovelware than DS and Wii

>crying over the death of a CEO

CEO of my heart, nigga!

>hurr all CEOs are the same

>typing like this
Even if you're being ironic you need to go back
>hurr I'm emotionally attached to a business
I know this board has become Nintendrrone central but geez.

i felt profound sadness when MJ passed

didnt cry like a numale remembering him though

Back to where?

I remember the time when were people clamoring on about firing Iwata from Nintendo. They got their wish too soon it seems.

Is he Yakuza?