How would MGS4 be seen today if the rest of the game was like the first two Acts?
How would MGS4 be seen today if the rest of the game was like the first two Acts?
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it'd still be good.
People always bitch about gameplay and too much cutscenes, but at least it actually plays and feels like an MGS game, unlike TPP which has no story and cutscenes, but also has no gameplay to speak of because all you do is choke out 3-4 soldiers in tent outposts for same 4 missions over and over.
Like an actual good game that deserves praise and isn't trash
>but at least it actually plays and feels like an MGS game
TPP feels way more like an MGS game than 4, because it didn't ruin the whole series. Fuck off, 4 defender.
>TPP feels way more like an MGS game than 4, because it didn't ruin the whole series
Someone call a doctor! This man is going insane!
V would be the worst game of the series if not for 4 (and PW)
>im-fucking-plying I'd ever want the final act to change
Actual perfection.
>TPP feels way more like an MGS game than 4,
On the polar contrary.
>because it didn't ruin the whole series.
except it did.
and MGS4 did not. Infact, it fixed MGS2's horrible mistakes.
You can go ahead and jump down from a cliff. Peace Walker is almost as great as MGS3, and MGS4 is literally MGS3-lite.
but it isn't good now!
MGS4 is really confusing because it has some of the best moments in the series, and also some of the worst. The plot was absolutely the most insane and bullshitty of the series, and it's this game coupled with Rising that led to the rise of the meme of MGS being some sort of incomprehensible constant anime shitshow as opposed to a largely serious millitary fantasy series with anime/wacky elements mixed in.
Kill yourself. 4 is the absolute worst game of the series and calling it a MGS3-lite is a fucking joke.
Barely no gameplay worth a shit. You had the first act, the first half of the second act and the boss fights. That makes for a total of 4 hours of gameplay worth a shit at most.
The game shoves codec calls, cutscenes and "playable moments" that are gameplayless (you running through Shadow Moses and having a dozen ingame cutscenes saying "REMEMBER THIS? JUST LIKE IN THE ORIGINAL GAME" and the retarded microwave hall)
The above wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for the fact MGS 4 also happens to be, by far, the worst story in the entire Metal Gear saga. Not only is it complete shit, it ruined a lot of the story from MG 1, 2, MGS 1, 2 and 3 with the most retarded of retcons and changes in characterizations.
The whole "game" is a soul-less pandering to the most retarded of Metal Gear fans with no actual substance of its own.
But the absolute worst thing about MGS 4 is the retarded fanbase it spawned. People that now cried when MGS V decided to not shove fanservice down your throat at all times and had actual great and fun gameplay with a story you can easily ignore and skip.
Seriously, off yourself.
>playing MGS to skip the story
nani the fuck?
this is a copypasta
it makes the poster not even worth a you
It's not copypasta, if it only shows up once in the archive.
The story is pretty shit too with lots of dead air in the cutscenes, and isn't strong enough to make up for the dire gameplay
It's worse. It means the guy wrote these 200 or 300 words in less than 90 seconds at most. The autism is off the chart.
>but it isn't good now!
It's as good as it has ever been. Meaning pretty fucking awesome.
Best gameplay, best MGO.
>No arguments
MGS 4 defenders eternally blown the fuck out
Worst game in the series confirmed
>best MGO
This is patently false.
Even the shotgun hell that was MGO1 was better
>no one liked MGS4
>I loved it
>no one liked MGSV
Will I love it?
>Kill yourself. 4 is the absolute worst game of the series and calling it a MGS3-lite is a fucking joke.
No, I won't kill myself.
MGS2 is still the shitstain of the whole series, beaten only by PO, but no one worships that trash the same way as Raiden-fangirls do #2.
MGS4 is literally based on all things MGS4, and a brilliant ending to the series. There's plenty of gameplay to be found, and the cutscenes are very well done.
It's just funny how MGS2 has the EXACT same cutscene:gameplay ratio as 4, but nobody complains about that. Not even when majority of #2's cutscenes are fucking Codec calls.
tl;dr: Drink bleach, shit taste kiddo.
Probably, MGSV is good, if a little underwhelming since it didn't live up to the hype either due to konami fucking over the game or kojimbo being autistic.
MGS4 is certainly flawed and while I think the good outweight the bad, that's certainly not something I can (or even want to) discuss with autistic people with a rageboner for this particular videogame.
>MGS2 is still the shitstain of the whole series
Pfhahahahaha. MGS4fags, everyone.
>>no one liked MGS4
I always liked it.
The "haters" only arrived much, much later on, and kept on parroting the original JOKES about the game being like a movie.
I greatly enjoyed MGS5 gameS (yes, you need to play Ground Zeroes too), at first. GZ is like a hot teaser of things to come, clearly hinting that this is not even its final form. Not to mention it being a direct sequel to Peace Walker, one of my all time favorite games in series, I was hype as fuck for TPP.
Then TPP arrived. I loved the beginning of it. But then you start to feel like something's missing. Like, nothing's quite going anywhere. That things are mentioned and introduced, but never explained or even brought up anymore at all. Then you realize that you are suddenly doing literal copy-paste filler missions, and many promised and hinted things simply are not there.
At that point, it was I who got the phantom pain.
Sick argument
MGS2 confirmed shitstain
>no argument
Sasuga MGS2-fags.
I'm an MGS3 fag, btw.
3 => PW => 1 > 4 > GZ > MGR > MG2 = GB > 2 > PO > MG1
>Best gameplay
lol no, most unfinished gameplay maybe.
>The "haters" only arrived much, much later on, and kept on parroting the original JOKES about the game being like a movie.
Holy shit, this revisionism history
>We all loved it, only newfags hate it
>Actually, we mocked the shit out of it back then too
Delusional. As expected from a MGS4fag.
MGO2 made MGS4 better in for me. I already liked it, but spending so much time playing in these maps, engine, universe, it made me love it. MGS4's gameplay is still underrated because no one will replay Act 1 and 2 (especially 2) to discover all the hidden paths and use everything, so it's a good thing MGO2 happened.
It's too bad MGS4 couldn't get a smaller MGSV-like open world / mission structure to pad out the story
>The "haters" only arrived much, much later on
Next in line for MGS 4 defenders:
>The only people that dislike the trash heap that ruined the series did it because they didn't own a PS3
>most unfinished
That's MGSV. MGS4 has the most and the best mechanics in the series. Some are clunky so I can see why one would call it unfinished (it needed more polishing), but there's so much more in it than any other MGS.
nope, the gameplay in V is polished af dude with a game that actually makes use of it.
MGS4 has a lot of ideas, but ends before it gets off the ground.
No, that's 4. Only the first two acts actually had core stealth gameplay.
>MGS2 is still the shitstain of the whole series
>There are autists who still screech about Raiden 16 whole years later
>Holy shit, this revisionism history
Press loved it.
People bought PS3s just for the game. And loved it.
Yes, jokes about its looong cutscenes were made, but nobody truly cried out about them.
I can dig out a pile of the era's gaming magazines and stuff if you want. 2008 era internet forum posts are still available as well, and youtube was already a thing too.
>nope, the gameplay in V is polished af dude
typical moron generation posts.
MGS5's GAMEPLAY is fucking horrible. Only the hands-on controls when on the ground is good, but that is NOT the same as the entire gameplay.
MGS5's gameplay consists of too much waiting and grinding various things.
>worst bosses in the series
>longest cutscenes
>gameplay literally stops after Act 2
>most retarded story in series
>on that note, it ruins MGS3 cast
>Big Mama lol
>those fucking ball droids
seriously, what's GOOD about MGS4?
>I can dig out a pile of the era's gaming magazines
We're talking about Sup Forums, doofus. We shat all over this shitty game because, guess what, it was shitty
>But you guise were just kidding, rite? :'(
Here we fucking go, the old "no this game actually sucks and ruined the series" train.
>no one worships PO
Well, you're wrong about that. It's the only good big boss game after 3. Has the objectively best mgs theme and the best villain especially in comparison to WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
>Only the first two acts actually had core stealth gameplay.
Shadowing a guy on the streets of generic European city was not stealthy?
Plus, even the first two chapters are as stealthy as YOU make them to be. I know many people have ran through them, guns blazing, not giving a fuck. Even I mowed down dozens of PMC troops with M14 + PKM, only to get the "You enjoy killing!" flashback and Snake literally puking.
>the gameplay in V is polished af dude with a game that actually makes use of it.
ppppffffffffff what the fuck are you talking about are fucking high the final mission has turtorial propmts and cut content lead ons all over the place.
do people not realize that Konami booted Kojima and his team HALFWAY from the game being done and then just shipped the rest? Polished gameplay, holy fucking shit.
le epic poor offbrand tekken rip off fistfight with liquid
le "had a hard life"
le "this is good, isn't it?"
I'm not even kidding. There are actual MGS 4 fags that defend the last cutscene of the game where Big Boss shows up and turns into Exposition Boss.
>make a mgs thread
>most people shit on mgs4
>make a ps3 or ps3 vs 360 thread
>most people list mgs4 as one of the best exclusives for the ps3
>worst bosses in the series
thats V
>what's GOOD about MGS4
grumpy snkae
The same 3 copypasted tents with the same 3 guys doing the same thing over and over waiting for you ot fulton every goddamn thing doesn't make the gameplay polished. The controls are good, but there are so many things that could've been improved with polishing that it's sad.
These fucking helicopter waiting times. And then you can't ride them to go anywhere else. And the empty Mother Base where soldiers would repeat the same sentence over and over. And then you judo throw them for that +5 thing. What the fuck
>Bringing up Act 3
>Bringing up the fact that the game is designed for people who just want to shoot shit
Wait a minute, are you arguing for Metal Gear Solid 4 or against it?
>m-muh Raiden argument!
Yeah, keep ignoring the absolutely abysmal map-design and gameplay. Or how it literally turned the series into a first-person tranquilizer. Or the fact that it's literally an MGS1 rehash on purpose.
Welcome to Sup Forums, you're actually not allowed to enjoy games unless you're shitting on something else at the same time or it's from a select group that are beyond reproach even if they do have issues or faults.
I am pro-MGS4.
Chapter 3 is literally all about stealth.
Complaining about "lack" of it in 4 is oxymoronic, and just shows lack of discipline and skill from the player's side.
>le Act 3 is bad meme
Only for people who can't sneak.
It's almost like PS3 didn't have many good exclusives. Even then, who the fuck seriously brings up MGS 4 when defending the PS3? Seriously, nigger? There's Uncharted 2, God Of War 3 and A Crack In Time right there.
Actual good video games
>Control has nothing to do with gameplay
>Chapter 3 is literally all about stealth.
nah it's a fucking slow-as-shit "follow the guy" mini-game. fucking boring.
The Afghan levels are the worst part, so fucking boring to look at.
this guy
>Chapter 3 is literally all about stealth.
It's about following a dude around empty streets. Then it's about machine gun fights on motorbikes and then it's about a boss fight. Oh, and it's about half hour long cutscenes.
MGS4fags are so delusional they think bringing up Act 3 favors them. If I were retarded enough to like MGS 4, I'd do my best to pretend that act didn't exist.
>God of war 3
It's the worst game in the series
i like the idea of playing as a character who is past his prime, more games should do that.
"Controls" do not equal "gameplay".
>follow a guy without being detected
>"not stealth"
now you're literally grasping for straws.
Something it and MGS 4 share in common. Except God of War 3 is at least still fun.
This isn't Reddit.
Mgsv has the best gameplay between all of them and maybe the entire genre, 3 was the best mgs, 1 was ground breaking
Rest of them were trash
>calling it a mini-game is legit criticism
It's the same gameplay, the same stuff, with an added condition : don't lose that guy, don't let him see you, sometimes save him. And midway you even drop the "save him" part, making it like literally every other part of any other MGS.
Guess what, the level-design in this chapter (and in most of MGS4) is one of the best too, allowing you to sneak using walls and stuff instead of being a pacman simulator (MGS1-2) or a crawling simulator (3)
>empty streets.
Those jeep patrols, helicopters, etc, sure make make them "empty".
You can keep on putting words in people's mouths, but act 3 literally does nothing wrong, besides ending a bit anticlimactically.
Yes. So please go back there, this instant.
>Mgsv has the best gameplay between all
No, MGS5 literally has THE worst gameplay.
But without MGS4 we wouldnt have the good old days after 911 and nanomachines son
I mean, if you like being bored out of your mind and then being rewarded with possibly the worst cutscene in the series and then a literal on-rails shooters, sure, Act 3 is great
>pacman simulator (MGS1-2) or a crawling simulator (3)
>"legit criticism"
That's one of the best things MGS4 did. Old Snake struggled all the way, almost like a living corpse
This. Best final battle of any game ever.
I'm not the one with Reddit-tier posting who needs to "literally" go back.
Cringing at these faggots.
Act 3 has no gameplay
Why are you talking about cutscenes or the shooter section when your point was the sneaking part? Moving the goalposts?
And yes, it's legit criticism to bring up that MGS1-2's guards were blind and that MGS3 forced you to crawl all the time because no crouch walking
Sounds like you got attention-span and immersion problems. I have no idea how could anyone without a severe ADHD be "bored out of your mind" with MGS4.
you seem to be awfully aware of that mystery site's ways of doing things, so why not return to your kin right this very instant?
>Bad gameplay
Kek. It's still better than the stupid, clunky menu simulator known as MGS3.
>TPP feels way more like an MGS game than 4
t. someone who hasn't played mgs
Act 3 is pretty boring, bro. And many cutscenes throughout the game are unnecessarily padded out with filler
>you seem to be awfully aware of that mystery site's ways of doing things
Because I've had to put up with faggots like you shitting up this place all Summer long. Thankfully, it's almost over now.
Nice ""arguments"", all while being totally wrong to boot.
Nothing boring about 3.
Only problem MGS4 really has is the pointless repetition of things in dialogs, which prolly is one of those "lost in translation" things that don't work right in English.
Lemme guess, you've been here since last Christmas, which makes you an "oldfag" now?
>Why are you talking about cutscenes or the shooter section when your point was the sneaking part? Moving the goalposts?
we're still talking about act 3 lol
>MGS1-2's guards were blind
but they weren't
>MGS3 forced you to crawl
it didn't
>ad hom
then it'd be pretty good
Its game play is really solid, the options are more than sufficient, there is nothing wrong with it
You sound like a faggot who just uses m4 sniper and tranq and an occassional rpg for skulls, which is easy and doable, but lame
Did you try doin all objectives?
Act 3 is the only bad one. 4 was awesome and 5 was a bit short but if Act 3 were like 1 and 2 then overall its would be well-rounded.
MGS4 in general was incredible, but not having Metal Gear Online readily accessible hurts the rest of the game since it was intended to be played after beating the game and just be a sandbox for MGS4's gameplay.
>MGS4 fags shitting all over the rest of the series
No surprise. They like the abomination that ruined it.
>Act 3 is the only bad one.
>MGS4 in general was incredible,
>Lemme guess, you've been here since last Christmas, which makes you an "oldfag" now?
No, I've been coming here for a good while, but none of that is relevant. All I'm saying is I notice how your opinions are shit, your posts are reminiscent of the retards from that site, and you'll probably be gone come September.
>Nothing boring about 3
following that guy for 30minutes followed by an hour+ cutscene followed by an on-rails section was pretty boring
>A Crack In Time
Nigga I love Ratchet but you best be jokin
not an argument
Mgs2 substance is the most replayable entry. It literally was just the right amount to proceed mgs1. Mgs4 and 5 are complete opposites. But no actual hard mode, vr missions, new game+ etc really degrade 5s whole package. At least 4 knew exactly what it was. >a movie
aCiT was definitely the best of the PS3 games
almost as good as one of the PS2 games
>hear someone singing IM NUCLEAR adn shouting STANDING out of his window
>go to his door
>knock on it
>he opens it with his greasy hair and beard, an eyepatch and red paint over his fat arm
>he is in shock
>he notices my grey hair, mustache adn black suit
>put the gun in my mouth
>blow my brains out
>360 and walk away
doesn't need one. MGS4 was a clusterfuck of poorly implemented game design where they gave up half way through and just threw in some QTEs to finish the story
>no story and cutscenes
It's nice to know that you're a lying faggot
>things that happened
go shout STANDING outside your window and see what happens bitch