Holy fuck, it's like X-com but actually Fun. It should easily be game of the year unless theres any surprise releases

Holy fuck, it's like X-com but actually Fun. It should easily be game of the year unless theres any surprise releases

>X-com is not fun
It requires intellect you fucking retard.

is this numale xcom ?

That's a funny way to spell dumb luck

>$0.02 have been deposited into your account by Ubisoft

What does it do better than XCOM?

Xcom 2 is not fun late game where you require 0 intellect.

This game is garbage.

>no permadeath
>no geoscape
>no research
>no bravery/morale mechanic
>braindead skill trees

hurr but it has an overwatch rip-off and blocks are destructible (which is totally the same thing as destructible environments), that means it's X-COM!


Shut the fuck up, if you're going to shill for this game, you can do better than bring up this disgrace of a fight.
>the boss is an extremely simple gimmick
>he jumps to each side of the area as "stages" of his fight
>the fight is poorly drawn out to last literally over half an hour

I love X-Com, but missing three 90% shots in a row is not intellect.


That's as likely as getting quads. Not a big deal if it happens once.

Oh man, I can't wait to get this game so that I can cum hard to Rabbid Peach also the real Peach

>attack misses
>alien crits killing one
>soldier panics killing another
Yeah real fun

>rabbids easily goty
>same year as zelda
>same year as odyssey

Wait, there are people over 8 playing this?

> Le Virgin Mario Rabbid
> Le Chad Xcom

There is permadeath but only during the current map.

Every nintendo game is game of the year according to ninten-cloppers

Nu-XCOM is casual RNG garbage.

> permadeath
> only during the current map

Nintenbros confirmed for retards.

>There is permadeath in Super Mario Bros.
>But only until you restart the level.

GOTY?? Holy smoke are you high, it's boring AF

So.. there is only regular death then?
How did Ms. Peterson class for special children go today?
Timmy still shitting his pants?
I'm impressed you typed that whole post by yourself! Good job!