Post hidden gems
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>The boredom of JRPG gameplay combined with ugly western designs
Funniest game I've ever played. Good taste.
Fucking pleb.
Abyss Odyssey: Extended Dream Edition.
I only played this game because I saw a preview of the shower scene. I was a kid and thought there would actually be nudity. I think I did the same with the Sega CD version of Lunar because of the ending.
Would kill for a remaster.
>massive cliffhanger ending
played the heck of the sequel, didnt care for the first one, i hope they make a third game or remake the old ones after they finish with their newest game which is Kingdom Come Deliverance, i loved HD because of its immersive gameplay even thought the controls sucked ass
I'll always remember the emptiness I felt that night.
what a shitty game, american mcgee never made a good game anyway im glad that dude has disappeared from gaming scene
i want sadfleck to fuck me cosplaying as the Brave Fencer Musashi
Right, lol. Took me forever to find the name of this one. I legit looked for a couple of days.
the writter of anach has made a cinematic video that serves as sequel to the game and concludes the loose ends, so if u want to know what happens next just search it, it even won a machinima award for best video
a fps platformer within a surreal universe.
Atmosphere is top tier.
Are you for real? Holy fuck.
You are like a baby. Watch this.