It says here under hobbies you've put "video games"

It says here under hobbies you've put "video games"

Care to explain user?

that's somthing you hook up to your tv grandad.

"Sure. What would you like to know?"

There. What now?

Yeah, I enjoy videogames. That said, I understand that too much of anything is unhealthy. And so I balance my time between videogames and other activities.

I make videogames in my free time

But what occupation asks for your "Hobbies"

Any job besides gas stations you neet

Yea I play games with my free time because women my age are obsessed with bbc, thanks to the (jews) who control the media and porn industry. I can't find a woman worthy and pure enough for my perfect Aryan genes. When do I start?

I play video games

You mean posting about video games on the net?

I got asked this once, the guy was clearly high on cocaine and it was a door salesman job.

Sir this is an audition for Poor little white boy 2

No *swaggers away dancing and rapping*

It says here under your master plan you've put "getting caught"

Care to exbane user?

Every job that matters. They wanna see if you're a complete loser or not. Don't worry tho they'll google your name and find out anyway

HR's have told be that they never look at the "Hobbies" part and said they don't really care what you do outside of work, as long as your well qualified, good at talking and not appear like a psycho.

>It says here under hobbies you've put "internet surfing" and "forum posting"

Lol good luck googling my name i have one of the most common combinations of first and last names in existence. Youll have to sift through thousands of pro sports players and thousands of pages on facebook until you find me.

Ok Dongus

Who the fuck puts hobbies in a CV?
Is that an american thing?

>It says here under hobbies you've put "You got a fucking warrant, cop? Then I ain't gotta say shit."
>Care to explain user?

You think you are superior because you read pretentious books instead?

>It says here under hobbies you've put kemono and furry shota
>care to give a source, user?

Hobbies can tell you a lot about a person.

You probably don't work in tech, or if you do your interview was done by some slut in HR.

>What's your biggest weakness XD

Asked by no qualified project manager ever.


>He's perfect for the job but I don't like his hobby
>Let's not hire him!
I bet that's how it works

In murrica you are owned. The corporation is your life, even outside work.

could be something simple like this other dude with the same education and work experience didn't even bother to fill out the full form. let's not even bother to call to an interview.

or maybe you have interesting hobby and you get to an interview. after all basic bullshit "you listed this thing as your hobby. sounds interesting want to tell me more about it?" and the chances are that the interviewer will remember you better than some other applicants.

i don't know there's lots of stuff.

Explain what exactly?

Sorry, you're were not accepted to the police academy

>It says here you aren't really telling everything about your past

I suggest you never do this IRL. You will end up looking like a turbonerd that needs to be avoided like the plague.

>be interviewer
>candidate seems like a 10/10 skilled and personality
>hobbies : collect widget spinners and meme posting

What should I say my hobbies are if I only like playing video games, watching anime and jerking off?

>Letting digital data at your name

I google my name once a month to be sure that there is no relevant info about me.

It's more like:
>"candidate X has Y hobby or interest that many of the other people in the office have, he'll probably make a good fit and acclimate quickly"

tfw all my social media is all different people

Hobbies should only ever be mentioned very briefly if at all in CVs unless they're particularly relevant to the job you're applying for. It's mainly just to let your potential employer know that you're a "well rounded" individual who has interests and pursuits outside of work like a normal human being.

/fitlit/ is all you need

>google my name
>nothing but obituary entries
I could imagine some millennial normie actually getting spooked and thinking I'm a ghost


>putting hobbies on your resume

don't. it's none of their fucking business to know.