What is the game of the year so far?

what is the game of the year so far?

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Hollow Knight for me.

If we're going by sheer volume of players, PUGB. Beyond that, it's more subjective.


>what is the game of the year so far?

Persona 5.
The most well directed game of the year. It's also well designed, pushes the series significantly forward, is one of the best JRPGs in years, has exceptional music, has a unique style, etc.

BOTW obviously

I honestly don't even know which games came out this year. I didn't start playing Bloodborne until like a week ago, so I'm gonna name that my GotY, despite the fact that it's 2 years old now.

>indie shit

I think Nier Automata effected me way more than any other game this year.

Overall pretty good year though

Zelda desu
4k is glorious

>BOTW obviously

Yeah, a game that regressed the series.

Yakuza 0. Nier: Automata and Persona 5 felt like one huge chore.


>Go on Metacritic and check the best rated PS4 games
>Several games in the top 50 are indie titles
Still annoys me.

Who cares, it is all subjective.

I re-played Dark Messiah so I nominate Dark Messiah.

The greatest and most bestest game that was ever released an ever will be till the end of time of course. What else could possibly compete with a game transcends criticism?

This reddit meme has to stop

The only real contenders are Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey, Persona 5, and maybe PUBG.


Breath of the Wild. Persona 5 is a close contender

Persona 5, Nier Automata, or BotW. Any other answer is wrong

>regressed the series

yeah after skyward sword i dont think thats possible bud

Mad blockpuzzlefag spotted

I like Darkwood. Automata was also great.


>Sonic Mania is not a contender
>Mario Odyssey is

Fucking nintenfag.

Super Mario Oddysey

for me it's warframe. this game is fucking amazing. GOTYAY

>PUBG over Yakuza 0

Dumb nerds

Grimoire. And it's the GOTY retroactively for the past 20 years

My guy pubg barely even made the list as an honorable mention. Yakuza 0 is a great game but it can't compete with Zelda or Persona.

>ubisoft generic open world #3452 is the game of the year


what makes these so good?

Has my vote


nice meme

2.Hollow Knight
3.Nier A

But I'm honestly hoping the new DIvinity will be fucking amazing and take the prize

The butthurt will never end, I can't wait till oddysey does the same

Zelda will get it, there's no contest.

Epistle 3

Sonic Mania or Splatoon 2.

I'm looking forward to trying Uncharted:TLL shortly.

Horizon Zero Dawn

No contest you say?

In that case, I'll just have to steal it.

hollow knight deserves it but zelda is going to win no doubt

>Weeb teen simulator

Sonic Mania
Runner up is Shovel Knight Specter of Torment

Persona 5 or PUBG

As I said, it was extremely well directed, pushed the gameplay and design forward, had great music, etc.

Where's the guy with the smug zelda?

>the state of Sup Forums 2017

why the fuck does Sup Forums like this game? its literally a dating sim without the best part of dating

>there are people that unironically think some ps4 exclusive weebshit will win goty from western awards

The absolute state of sony niggers.

P5 probably gets my vote, but Nier and Prey were also solid contenders.

We're talking about our GOTY not the media's. Horizon will win those awards for obvious reasons.

>why the fuck does Sup Forums like this game? its literally a dating sim without the best part of dating

The best social links are not even with females.
The best parts of the game are
>the dungeons
>the gameplay
>the style
>the music

It's not just about dating. It's about life. If you want to play it as a dating sim, you can, and fyi you actually do get to sex all of the girls except Futaba I believe. But also the main part of the game is infiltrating the palaces. The "life simulator" part of the game is meant to be downtime in between palaces, where you can rank up confidants who give you advantages when you're inside a palace. For example, spending time listening to a certain politician gives you the ability to better negotiate with enemies inside palaces, and spending time with the doctor gives you access to more and better medicine to use inside the palaces.


doesn't p5 count as 2016?

Hollow Knight.

it's not out yet, but .hack//gu: last recode is going to be goty material for sure

the dungeons and gameplay? really? there is no possible way you can seriously think the combat and dungeons were fun or creative.

the style was unique i'll give you that. the music got repetitive fast.

yes i realize you technically have sex with the girls, it's implied sex though. if i wanted to play a dating sim i'd play one that actually shows the sex

Well if it's Sup Forumss then it's definitely p5 or yakuza, this place is pretty much sonygaf

If it's the media then it's zelda, Horizon was a fucking meme.

Hollow Knight
Nier: Autobots

Are the top contenders. Prey and BotW was okay as was P5 but not GOTY material for me since the initial enjoyment/hype wore off and I could be more critical. Gwent is another worthwhile mention assuming the singleplayer and draft mode come out this year and CDPR gets their heads out of their asses.

There's implied banging at the end of each route.

Its more of an Dating sim with an RPG element added to it, thats why Sup Forums loves it. It's alright but the people who tend to hype it up are the loneliness of people.

Well then don't play it as a dating sim, and enjoy it for the intended reason: The palaces and the fantasy of being a rogueish charming Japanese high schooler.

I forgot re7 came out this year for some reason. That's more than likely my GOTY

>the dungeons and gameplay? really? there is no possible way you can seriously think the combat and dungeons were fun or creative.

They were better than in prior series and better than in more recent JRPGs.

>the music got repetitive fast.

What? Even Beneath the mask had 4 versions just to keep it more varied, this is something most games do not do.


dating sim is literally half the game. you cant just dismiss half the game and think it's good.

the combat was boring as fuck and you're either raped by the rng or raping everything due to how simple it is. hit weakness for auto win. how creative!

the story was pretty great though. eff adults man! shitty adults. slavery is wrong, stop treating everyone like they're your slaves!


Notice how nobody says Pyre?

Where did Supergiant go wrong? Transistor and Bastion where GOTY material the years they came out.

>dating sim is literally half the game. you cant just dismiss half the game and think it's good.

You're not forced to interact with social links. You're not forced to interact with female social links.
You can go play baseball, fish or whatever when you're not increasing your stats or fighting.

Dating sim is not half the game. You don't even have to romance anyone if you don't want to. If you're talking about the sections of downtime in between palaces, that is not meant to be used as a dating sim. You're supposed to use that time to rank up whichever confidants you like best. If you want to play it as a dating sim, then this is the time to do that, but there is literally no reason why you should play the game in this way unless you want to. If you don't want to play it as a dating sim, then spend this time ranking up people who you like.

anyone who says breath of the wild is a babyman

Critics still loved it and it has a strong woman protag. Zelda is Nintendo.


Zelda will win though

Where is smug Zelda guy when you need him?

But you just said it.

Path of Exile: The Fall of Oriath

>don't play the dating sim side of the game
>social links don't go up
>combat and everything else related to social links suffer as a result
>game actually gets hard

maybe this is the right way to play the game...

You social links will go up. You don't have to waifu anyone and you get no combat benefit from doing so. You can still max out social links with girl characters without romancing them. My advice would just be to spend time with whoever you like best.

there are only a handful that go up unavoidably. the rest go up by spending free time with that person and giving them gifts i.e. dates. i also understand you can intentionally choose to not bang the chicks, thats not the point. the whole social link thing is you going out on dates with these people.

look, i realize you can play rpgs by executing only the basic attack or doing nothing to power yourself up. people do these things for challenges. this is not how the devs intended the game be played. gimping yourself intentionally just to try and prove that x aspect of the game is not even mandatory is the most retarded argument ever

Post your Goty so we can make fun of it already.

nioh or rising storm 2

Sup Forums can't handle the truth

why is the game not just called 'battlegrounds'? whats with the autistic title?

You can play on higher difficulties than normal you know.

**oh my**

I have to agree.....because it's the only one I've played

Using your logic Dota 2 is one of the best games of all time.

It's pretty good. You're just mad cause you're bad. Prove me wrong? Probably can't.

Prey but none of the weebs on here will admit it.

Between Prey, BOTW, Hollow Knight, Nier: A, Sonic Mania, Persona 5, and with Ys VIII and Mario Odyssey on the horizon, I don't know. It's been a pretty good year.

i dont know tom clancy
t. sid meier

Game of the years are just as pointless as any other award.

>You're just mad cause you're bad.

I stopped playing before ranked was even released but I have no recollection of ever having a hard time. I stopped because of Valve and the community going downhill. In retrospect I was correct and made the right choice.

Either way if you think something popular has to be good, then you should probably go rewatch your favorite Bayformers movie for the 10th time.

>he unironically calls rainbow six games; tom clancy's rainbow six
i realize his name is also on those games. no one says it in the title though, faggot. on the other hand, everyone always refers to this other game as PUB or something similar.

but his name isnt PUBG
they arent calling it by his name

So you played it and admit it's a good game, but hate on it because its popular now? You sound like a fedora wearing gentleman of the highest degree sir.

It warms my heart that good game devs are leaving your kind in the dust just like Jenny.

Hollow Knight is pretty good
I suppose CoD:WW2 is your choice?

>go into thread
>immediately check for NieR fags
>less than 12
>already called the game was dying at release while they shitposted for months

and PUBG stands for what?

stop pretending to be retarded