It's a good game, but it's not a good [franchise] game

>It's a good game, but it's not a good [franchise] game.

>it's another episode of jaded 'veterans' of a series shitting on everything new

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag/Assassin's Creed: Rogue
Atelier Sophie/Firis

Fallout 4, Dark Messiah

But that's true. A game can be good in its own right but still fail at adhering to the conventions of an established franchise.

Planescape Torment is a good game, but it's not a good Mario game.


Dead Space 3

Why the fuck do people have anything against saying that? This is a completely legitimate statement. A game can be good on its own, but stand out of the rest of the franchise too much or not focus on parts for which most of the fans like said franchise. An example that immediately comes to mind is Black Flag, already mentioned ITT

>new game finally takes a different direction for an old and established franchise in desperate need of change
>new game also adds various improvements to the old formula without sacrificing the basis of it
>still not a proper [franchise] game

A company sell good oranges, and you are used to then. One day they sell a lemon painted orange, and you buy it to make a juice: If you were expecting a orange, don't matter how good the lemon is, you will still get fairly pissed, while someone that bought the lemon for the first time won't really care and analize the product by itself.

New X-Coms

It's like how so much of the criticism of fallout 4 was about how it was missing something that the previous games had.

You also get the completely nonsensical arguments like killing floor 1 fanboys saying that killing floor 2 isn't a "real sequel" because the voiceover doesn't have the same accent or it's missing a portion of rust on it's textures

Yes? So it's a good juice, but a bad orange juice. The statement is still completely true and there is nothing wrong with it.

>it's a shit game, but it's good because it's a [franchise] game

Fallout 4 is a shitty game and a shitty Fallout game.

Dark souls 2, halo 4 and 5

>It's a good [franchise] game, but it's not a good game.

>want to buy A
>you get B

If they wanted to make "new stuff" they shouldn't use the name of the franchise as a bait. When the franchise already have an identity, it's obvious that people will go for the new titles expecting something like the later titles, instead of a entirely different thing.

Eh, I liked it.


>It's like how so much of the criticism of fallout 4 was about how it was missing something that the previous games had.

Like the RPG mechanics, a coherent world and lore and well written story and dialogue?

Well, I personally think that Fallout 4 was a horrible game all around, not just a bad Fallout game, and I even liked fucking FO3 so not really a good example for me, but I don't feel like getting started on this. I mean, sure, this "argument" can be used inappropriately or stretched out to fit whatever you want, but so can any statement. There are still cases for which it is completely appropriate, yet Sup Forums seems to think that it's always bullshit.


Tenchu Z

I had fun with it. It nailed down the core gameplay loop of >explore place > fight baddies > scavenge stuff. If, rather than thinking of a character and experiencing the story (like a fallout game) you just pick a direction and explore, then it's fine.

Exactly. If you ignore all that and just take it as an open world shooty looty type, it's decent enough for a playthrough.
Fallout 4's flaws never really get in the way of it's good parts


I wil never be a child again and find this show funny.

Resident Evil 4 is the posterchild of this, however it isn't even the best game in its own series even if its good

breath of the wild


Fallout 2, not even trying to be a hipster


Marvel vs Capcom thanks to Infinite

When it comes to writing, mostly yeah. When it comes to gameplay, not really.


>game seriously deviates from the standards of a franchise and/or casuallizes itself
in what way does that description not work

I would say the setting and themes are such a huge proportion of what makes FO1 great that it still counts, even though the combat mechanics and stuff are much the same. The second one is still 9/10 just on pure fun though