What's the best theme on PS4?
What's the best theme on PS4?
Other urls found in this thread:
the buyers remorse theme
Firewatch, without a doubt
Persona 5 Makoto
This or the RWBY one
>trying to find a comfy winter theme
>only one that looks good enough is something you could only get by pre-ordering I am Setsuna
wasnt a massive fan of undertale but i want the theme. fuck rebuying it though
King of Fighters Girls Theme
Your own screenshots.
>best P5 theme is one you can only get by buying a $100+ JP only digital version
>paying money to use backgrounds
>paying money to use your own internet
>paying money for timed exclusives
>paying money for services that get hacked daily
>playing online
Try the japan amzon exclusive 20th anniversary preoder special themes set (i shit you not)
-Persona5 character dynamic themes
-FinalFantasy World train dynamic theme
-FinalFantasy14 original guild theme (EU / Japan)
-Let It Die theme (Japan)
All other tiers:
you have to be retarded to use anything else
The Bloodborne strategy guide exclusive dynamic theme
>no firewatch
Ironically No Man's Sky theme that came with the limited edition of the game. That pretty much was the only good thing about that fucking thing.
>paying for wallpapers
It truly is 4 da playas
which one is that?
Is anyone selling a code for these
Default (I use the red version, but color is preference at that point) imo
The 20th Anniversary theme.
I don't see why paying for wallpapers is any cringier than the unironic gacha generals Sup Forums is infested with nowadays
Dancing Skeletons
Ryme (or rime) dynamic theme. It's free right now and is a lot like the firewatch theme. No watermark, changes with time of day, and it's just some crabs chilling on a beach. It's good
>cant use a themes icons with your own custom wallpaper like you can on the PS3/PSP/Vita
Fuck you too, Sony.
only the kinoest theme
Far Cry 5, Dishonored 2, Nier Automata and Nioh themes have good music
I really like the N:A one, nice music, sleek and minimal design
If you're not using the 20th anniversary PS1 theme you're fucking dead wrong.
None of them? They're all just wallpapers. None of them change the awful anti-user interface one bit as far as I can tell, and that's on purpose: instead of trying to make the best user experience, it is designed specifically to slow users down and drive them into the shop. Just like the obnoxious 360 interface.
Is there anybody alive who preferred the 360's busy scheme to the clean, sensible XMB?
Hunter's Dream
I use the Rez Infinite theme I got with the physical copy of the game.
This is pretty true though. PS4 hardly allows for any user customization. Sad days
Lol what are you even saying?
The icons change, sure, it's still a clusterfuck and it's only aesthetics though, you are right; not being able to choose what to show in the home menu and the icons order is really retarded
This. That intro sound with the twinkle at the end really samples my brand.
random screenshot with matching color scheme :^)
You can make your own folders though to dump the shitty apps you cant delete.
Used the 20th Anniversary theme from release but been using the RE7 dynamic theme since January
>Those RE1 menu theme sounds
Are there any Gravity Rush themes?
I use the Qirex wallpaper that came with my Wipeout Omega Collection pre-order
>mfw I have that one and legitimately like the game too
I plan to use it as my theme again come the end of the year
>that music
Only disappointing thing is that there's no subtly animated snow on it.
Agreed, but they didn't do this because they are stupid. Digital has pretty much overtaken (steamrolled) retail and the UI design, arguably, has been a big part of that. The new method of design begins and ends with marketing, with the user being the absolute last consideration.
The XMB had some of this, in measure, off to the side and only if you selected a relevant menu. It was not intrusive and if it failed to load quickly it did not impede basic function.
It's all part of the same story: the ways in which this industry changes, and the ways in which the market base changes, all point to a market that fundamentally abhors quality. For this reason, I hope MicroSoft comes back with something incredible and socks it to Sony, because it's obvious that Nintendo competition isn't enough to reform Sony's atrocious new model. I hated the XBox but it's very clear by now that their domestic-market dominance in the past was probably very good for Sony fans.
That sounds right up my alley. I love themes that are just chill landscapes. just wish I could find a good one for winter.
There's a really cool beach one that's what I use
Is the fire watch theme 4K?
Why don't they tell you if a theme is 4K, I don't want to pay for blurry 1080p shit.
Makes sense.
>he fell for the 4k meme
lmaoing @ your life
>download the everybody's golf theme I got fore pre-ordering
>love the UI changes
>not really fond of the background itself
life is suffering
The music is baller, so best one : youtube.com
If only XB1 had interactive backgrounds, it hunts me down everyday.
RE anniversary wallpaper
how do i get?
Since I don't want to open a new thread i'll ask here. A friend of mine gave me his PS Vita it's firmware isbupgraded to 3.65.
He want's me to put a nintendo ds/3ds emulator on it. But I've been reading that there isn't a hack to put anything pass 3.60. He claims that there are people who had this ds/3ds emulator. But I have only seen people streaming some games from pc to psvita and I doubt that.
Could it be done or not?
3DS' emulator struggle on PC anyway, he's full of shit
The Knot themes are pretty good, dont know bout the game though
Thank's for the info i'll just give it back then.
>The ones that are free. I got a key for a Patapon Remaster dynamic theme and I like it, but I would never pay for a theme.
>I use the Rez Infinite theme I got with the physical copy of the game.
I don't know when but, at some point, the Area X theme was free. I like it a lot but the other Rez theme, Garden of Eden, is also really fucking nice. Nothing worth paying for though; I'm glad I got it for free.
I've been using Transistor for a while
paying is 4 the prayers!
I bought kid liquid avatar and it's beautiful!
I quite like the Witcher 3 ones, they usually have pretty cosy sounding music.
Which one has the best music though?
My favorite is this forest glen one with a small waterfall. It's got birds chirping in the background and leaves rustling in the background with the constant sound of flowing water from the creek and waterfall. I leave it on at night and it helps me fall asleep.
particle is clearly the best, closest to the ps3 theme and has good animation
Does xbox backgrounds count too?:c
The instrumental version of the tune from persona 5 in the background of this theme has made it my personal favourite ever been since playing the game.
I find that really relaxing when I'm coming out of a more intense game.
Unironically the best
Do you get this with the game or is it a seperate thing? That's pretty great.
Fight me.
1 dollar in the store
I got the digital preorder so I could have it downloaded and play it asap, that theme and some avatars came with it.
I just got this as my first theme, its great.
Rez is the other one I was looking at but the pure white was a little harsh.
VS theme.
God-tier comfy
>you bought it too
Mah nigga!
>make weeb console
>don't cater to weebs with weeb backgrounds
fuck you sony you were supposed to be 4 the players
>paying for themes
>not using your own screenshots
this one is the best bloodborne theme.
Fuck that's nice
It even uses the vocal version of the song
What song does that Let it Die theme use?
This thread makes me feel depressed, i hope one day microsoft adds Interactive Backgrounds, i mean we have the hardware.
>>paying money to use backgrounds
Most themes are free and you can make your own for free as well.
But I agree the people who buy the paid ones are retarded.
I've been using the kuro version of the theme for a year now. Love it.
i have the joker theme for maximum comfy
I think it was free to download until December 31, 2016. Pisses me off that because i was waiting for the physical copy of the game, I didn't check for any downloadable content until I received the disc. By the time I got the disc, the theme was no longer free.
I just picked up the theme for the new Life is Strange and it's the comfiest one I have. Wish I could link more than the music but (((they))) took the actual dynamic theme off YouTube.
This, one I've been using.
I really like the free paper craft/ paper boat theme.
But there is plenty of weeb backgrounds. Most are just from digital pre orders.
>i'm too retarded to use PSN
what a clusterfuck jesus