Half life leak was a decoy. Paid mods are back

Half life leak was a decoy. Paid mods are back.

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In other news, mod piracy is back.

A decoy for something we knew was coming months ago? Don't be stupid.


Steam already has paid modding/DLC

It's to bring the attention elsewhere while it's being released.

Dank... Absolutely Dank...

Why do you oppose purchasing ToddBox, friend?

>unironically shilling for Horse Armor

What you see here, can be yours. Only 2 000 ToddBux. (~$15)

One of the best parts of PC gaming turned into third party DLC. Fuck this.

How come nobody shit themselves for other paid mods we've had forever like Black Mesa?

Someone should make identical mods, with identical stats and appearances to the paid microtransactions Todd is selling, and put them up for free on the Nexus.
That would raise hell.

>horse armor
You are not funny nor clever, Todd.

Black Mesa is a fanmade total conversion remake?
How do you even equate that with paid mods?

>One of their cover mods has a fucking transparent hole in the right front leg of the Power Armor
While it's not as fucking awful as that armor from the Paid Mods shit that was T-posed, out of natural position, had no female body, and was just a chest-piece despite being a full-body cover, the fact that made it through in their first set of shit is just sad.

There already p much are.

Pic related, two left one are ToddBuc (CC) armors, the 4 others are variations of the free one on Nexus

>3600 credits
>owning all this shit
It means you bought 5500 credits, which costs $39.99. This is just amazing. There are probably millions like you.

>marketing campaign who's goal is to drive the markets attention away from a new release

I don't know why you guys are surprised. The industry has already decided there is untapped profit in mods. Before, people couldn't sell their mods because they'd get sued. Now with the game companys' blessings they are free to monotize their mods which most will jump on the opportunity to. Would you turn down money for something you loved doing? I didn't think so.

Mods are hard work and time. The modders deserve some money.

Capitalism at work.
>People doing work for free, out of passion and the goodness of their hearts? Let's find a way to make money off this.

I did it ironically to shitpost on /vg/, and withholding the content from the vultures going "ZIP IT AND UPLOAD IT!!!"

Away from the new normal, which is paid mods.

You can get the earlier build for free, the paid version is more like a way of supporting them if you feel like it

>I was only pretending to be retarded
Oooooh. Clever. You totally got me.

If people would have accepted paid mods, Valve might have actually made HL3, they wanted hats for HL3 or some other continual revenue source.

This isnt new. As soon as dlc was introduced it was over. Someone will pay for half finished games and crappy add one.

A singular team turning something they worked on into a quality game modifier for profit with the help of the game's parent company =/= a parent company commissioning its community to make game modifications and improvements for them and then pay them a pittance and sell those modifications for a stupid amount of money.

nah man i ain't even pretending to be retarded, i'm literally shitposting, and spreading fake news about the content, which spread rapidly fast

it's almost like that video game piracy thing, remember?

>remake of an entire game for 20 dollars
>2 armor sets, a weapon, some furniture and a paint job for 20 dollars


The hell fire armor helmet reminds me of that droopy faced taxidermy dog

Now that this finally means mods are actually hurting their pockets, I don't doubt they'll try to break places like Nexus.

Yah *someone* should spend their free time so I can get free shit. Yup... someone.

you unironically spent money though

>mods on pc for years, free
>mods come to consoles, suddenly mods have prices

anyone see what im getting at?

yes that is completely how it is

Yes, everyone already knows this.
>When companies get involved, they try to rake in every dollar they can get
>This means they're ruin everything they touch if it means they can get an extra buck
>Console-tards are the lowest-common-denominator of game-player and the easiest to manipulate to drain every buck from their pockets

Why would someone recreate content from the worst Fallout 3 dlc (even mothersit zeta was better than this garbage). The design isn't even faithful to the universe, looks like it came from some cheap tv sci-fi show

Yes, yes I did.

How far down the slippery slope can we go? Next thing is probably unskipple ads in games unless you buy an "ad pass" or something. Devs are kikes.

Delete this before some dev sees this!

>I SPENT MONEY to pretend to be retarded

yep, you got us all fooled user

You can still mod the game right? It's bullshit, but I don't think all the modern are going to jump ship and work for scraps when they can add a donation button.

So what's the cut off point on a paid mod being worth it and a paid mod not being worth it? What if it was a small expansion with a few quest? Worth it or time for the community to flip their shit?

t-thank you friend

There's always a new low. I was going to say they could make us pay for a product that doesn't even exist but kickstarter/season pass is already that.

What's better than stepping on toes legally?
Of course I'll be trying to get the pirated versions of this microtransaction DLC.
But that's not going to really stick it to them, what will stick it to them is denying (((them))) the money they want.
I plan on telling all the normies I know about the free alternatives.


I never even understood the point of most mods in games. If all you're downloading is a single weapon, armor, or utility item and you get them immediately upon download why even bother? What's the appeal to just be handed some good shit? You may as well be cheating. If there's a mod that adds a new quest, rewards you with a balanced item, and actually has a lot of work put into it maybe it'd actually be interesting and worth a download.

>and you get them immediately upon download
you are confusing mods with cheats
>f there's a mod that adds a new quest, rewards you with a balanced item, and actually has a lot of work put into it maybe it'd actually be interesting and worth a download.
this is what most mods are

>implying they will have to break nexus
>implying nexus won't jump at the chance to start selling mods

There's an argument to be made for a genuine expansion-sized mod being paid. I wouldn't have minded throwing a small amount down for the skyrim Falskaar mod if it'd been better balanced. Retextures and armor mods absolutely shouldn't be charged for though. Nickle-and-diming is an inexcusable practice in anything that isn't f2p, and even that isn't universal.

>the modders deserve some money
yup and noone else

not these ones
these are simple models and texture reskins.

Without game creators there would be nothing to mod though.

>paying for mods
>paying for mods in a single player game
>paying for mods in a shitty single player game


and they get their money from the game's sales

And game creators get paid for their games. Not for the modifications other people make for their games.

Why is no one pointing out that curse has had modders getting paid without locking mods behind a paywall for years?

everyone knows curse is scum

yarr harr once more

Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that it's possible to pay modders without creating a paywall.

>there are people defending this
>there are people buying mods
>not nearly as much outrage as the first time around
>Bethesda is getting away with this

>total conversion
only the idiots like Tyler McVicker would believe this drivel

why not?

Great, now I can buy Steam/PSN/XBL coins in order to buy Bethesda coins in order to pay for mods!
Truly, we live in great times!

The reason they're getting away with it is because you have to go through a tedious shitty process as you make mods for them and they're not gonna lock out the free versions unless they're direct rips of the paid versions.

neofag went on full IDF
predictably, they went with the "mods and games are art and artists deserve money" angle
god artists are human garbage these days
you wouldn't see this shit from a game that required actual programming skill to mod for

because the stealth suit and unbreakable armor were the only reason anyone ever played it

Yep. We live in dark times.

I'm sorry about Half-Life, user. I really am. It's a really nice FPS.
If it makes you feel better, I've already talked with Gabe about acquisitions...

As a pirate I kinda welcome this new initiative. Developers milking the goyim for more shekels only makes the plunder better and bigger. Hell, I might just pirate Fallout 4 now that I can expect a steady stream of quality content.


user the modders who signed up for this are the human garbage """artists"""
you're not going to get anything more than asset work most likely

Paid mods are bad because mods were the last remaining sector of game development where creativity was permitted.

Video games cost too much to make, today, for creativity to be allowed. It costs hundreds of millions to make an AAA-fidelity game. They cost too much to permit that risks be taken. Everything must be a proven continuation on the norm.

Mods were different, there was no money in them. Now there is money in them, and they will have to adhere to the same creative limitations as any other developer.

Big developers harvested the creative fruits of modders to make their huge super-hits, the games with mod-quality creativity but AAA-quality fidelity. League of Legends, DOTA 2, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Team Fotress 2. These all started as mods. The consequences of mods being monetized will be far reaching for the games industry.

When mods stopped being free, as in 'without cost', modders stopped being free, as in 'without constraints.'


>implying the average top 100 mod on nexus is any better than these

What is 500 good-boy-points in USD?

>When mods stopped being free, as in 'without cost', modders stopped being free, as in 'without constraints.'

It doesn't matter whether they are better or not. You don't pay for Nexus stuff and they do it out of their desire to make stuff.
This is a for-profit thing and if it's not up ot par, there's a serious problem.

Yes, I am.
"""Artists"'"" never produce good content.


Paid mods started on PC ya dingus

So they are going to take responsability over mod quality and compatibility? If yes then whatever.

Their cut is just what the industry wants in exchange for letting content creators monotize their content.

It's either give a cut to the devs and make some money for your mod. Or don't give them a cut and recieve nothing.

I think most mod creators would be happier to recieve some money for their mods instead of none. Anyway if they really would rather take the recieve none option they easily can by uploading the mod somewhere for free.

Don't get me wrong, I want mods to stay free too, I'll have to pay for them as well which sucks, but I do recognize that it takes time and effort to mod a game and maybe some modders can become successful and make a living doing it and can continue to pump out higher and higher quality mods regularly.

I just wanted to be smug about this...

Not before mods were on console

Assuming $15-1500 Credits is their baseline, ~$5. But you get a discount if you buy more!
And you pay a premium if you buy less.

>modders start pulling mods from the nexus to put them on this

Can't wait to steal shit from the Nexus and sell someone elses work for real money.

Thanks, Todd!

>it's all in weird amounts with higher prices at low points so you never know how much real-money you're spending
I shouldn't be surprised, this is nothing new

Or you can use advertising money to pay modders at reasonable rates per download like curse does.
Oh wait, that makes jewish scum like zenimax/bethesda less money and benefits everyone instead of just them.


Valve tried paid mods before Skyrim SE came to consoles

The thing is, they did make is super convenient. You click a button and shit world. You don't have to fuck around with folders, mods not working, shit like that. That's got to be worth a few dollars in itself.

Yet if this was Communism the game itself would never even exist.

There has to be a third way.

Actually, the Steam Paid Mods debacle happened well before Consoles had mods in general.

Also @ the retarded Frog above me, you can't put mods on the Creation Club, you gotta make new stuff.

>can continue to pump out higher and higher quality mods regularly.
The main problem with your post. Monetizing doesn't increase the quality of things, in fact monetizing encourages shovelware.

Shit's hillarious though.

*shit works