The absolute state of WoW

This shit cant even be considered WoW anymore. I come back after 7 years and this game is beyond salvation.

>Just what the fuck did they do questing?
You dont even need to traverse the map and talk to NPCs anymore, they just give you a list of shit to do and you can claim the rewards right where you are standing, points of ineterest dont matter anymore, theres absolutely no reward for exploration. You just rush throught the game's content, theres no enjoyment at all.

>Fucking Dungeon Finder?
This is probably the worst experience ive had in any multiplayer game, you get thrown into a dungeon with random people that 90% of the time wont even write "Hello" to you, everyone just runs forward and do their thing, its like playing with bots, hell they might even be bots, who knows. Theres no need for a tank or a healer anymore (at least in low level dungeons). I manage top get a character to lvl 40 before the disgust just made me stop.


Other urls found in this thread:

>Gear scaling in pvp
After the fiasco of trying to level up a character i decided to use the instand lvl 80 character option they gave you and tried PVP, i used to main an Ele shaman in the good old days so thats what i tried and its something else entirely to what it was, mana is no longer used to cast offensive spells anymore, instead you go through your rotation and by doing so you build a meter to then use in a "special" attack (wich does no fucking damage btw) there really isnt anything inherently wrong with this but it just feels mindless not having to manage you mana anymore. My biggest gripe is gear scaling, they might as well get rid of your character and give you a preset character if they are going to pull this shit, it feel moire like a MOBA than a MMORPG PVP. Also whats with everyone being a fucking raid boss? I rarely saw people get insta killed for making bad decisions, everyone is a fucking sponge now, every group fight is now decided by which sides healer runs out of mana first, its a fucking joke.

Seeing what WoW has become just makes want to play old WoW even more. I know its not posible for a private server to be %100 like Blizzard, but id like to try one thats the closest to that experience. Help a bro out, what are some good BC servers?

For the faggots that cant be bothered to read the entire thing, here:

TLDR: I fuking hate what WoW has become, recomend me some good BC private servers.

Just got in. Maintenance is finished for 7.3. Let's go explore Argus!

Post your character that you're maining right now.

If you're going to play a themepark MMO, why not play a good one, like FFXIV?

Just a remind that "Warchief" Sylvanampf is LITERALLY A TRAITOR TO THE HORDE and is LITERALLY the second coming of THE LICH KING. She has a severe racial hatred for Orcs and is going to run the Horde into the ground for her own personal gain. Saurfang was meant to be Warchief.


Fuck, I was literally starting a DK on Emerald Dream too after deleting all the characters off my previous shit server. I just run out of gametime in about 2 weeks and don't have the time to reach cap by then. I'm super sad about missing out on Argus.

>You dont even need to traverse the map and talk to NPCs anymore, they just give you a list of shit to do and you can claim the rewards right where you are standing
You do realize WQs are a replacement for daily quests, right? Also, you surely realize that daily quests were literally the same dialogue over and over?

>Fucking Dungeon Finder?
Sure, this is an actual argument, but the reality is that everyone just used addons with similar functionality before dungeon finder was introduced. Obviously not in WoW Lua's infancy.

>better visuals
>better music
>steady stream of content. No "gotta wait a year+ from last patch to next expansion" bullshit
>dev team actually cares about you
>far more interesting class and crafting systems

Need I go on?

If you have a problem with dungeon finder then don't use it. You can still get in the old school way. The problems lfd brought were fixed with mythic difficulty.

This fucking trasmog. Dropped from San'Layn Princes on 10HC ONLY. took me more than 5 months to get.

What about ESO?, i read that they got over 8M players now.

Zenimax actually turned it into a decent game.

Its $9 on Steam now for the standard edition, worth?

>with random people that 90% of the time wont even write "Hello" to you

Nigga you expect people leveling their 30th alt to act like it's their first day at WoW? It's a 13 year old game, give it a rest. Everyone is probably only interested in getting shit done quick, not have an RP wank fest.

yeah shame about the unbearably floaty as fuck "action combat" and literally the worst animations to come out of a AAA game
i can only steal shit from boxes for so long

WoW has much, much more to do than XIV. As a game I like XIV much better but I've quit SB and went back to WoW simply because there's nothing to do on it.

Holy shit, you are right. What was i thinking expecting people to socialise in a fucking MMORPG

>>Fucking Dungeon Finder?
>This is probably the worst experience ive had in any multiplayer game, you get thrown into a dungeon with random people that 90% of the time wont even write "Hello" to you, everyone just runs forward and do their thing, its like playing with bots, hell they might even be bots, who knows. Theres no need for a tank or a healer anymore (at least in low level dungeons). I manage top get a character to lvl 40 before the disgust just made me stop.

You know when I re subbed for a stint I was angry at this too. But honestly I kinda get why they gutted dungeons like this. When you have to level for over 100 levels people would rather solo then have to deal with vanilla esk dungeon wipes. I'm guessing blizz went with gutting the difficulty rather than having a good chunk of dungeon content go unplayed. I mean, is anyone one really going to go through old school scarlet monastery run or a full UBRS when you have nearly half of your characters levels to grind and for gear that gets outdated sooner rather than later?

I know its kind of sad to see so many dungeons go by the wayside but I can't really get mad at blizz at doing this (compared to the other shit they have pulled of course).

Now if I where in charge I'd just have the difficulty be normal and have the clear reward go towards something for you at end game, that way their would be a reason to to deal with a long dungeon rather than gear.

Did they even fix the pvp or is it still the hilariously broken mess it was a year ago with axe wielding mages wrecking everything

It's over and it's not coming back.

>I manage top get a character to lvl 40 before the disgust just made me stop.

Yeah well done on the 3 hours you put into a game that is 100% focused on end-game(100+), user.

You still need to socialize in order to get a group for mythic+ and raiding, but you're probably just a shitter mad that people in lfd aren't interested in hearing about your day

Time changes you fucking retard giveaway your kid and go back see him after 7 years if he's still the same you're a fucking alien on top of it

>I come back after 7 years

Well that explains your rage, OP. You think this is the worst, but you didn't sit through WoD.

Shit excuse. Being nice costs nothing. Typing "hey there" takes no time at all. God forbid people want to play with people in their mmo not bots. But hey, we are probably going there. They already made everything else soloable, may as well just let people queue for things with bots. They did it in final fantasy 11.

>retards getting hype over doing 5 quests in this new patch
>all the content dungeon/raid doesn't even start for another month

fucking blizzdrone shills. Still waiting until the black friday $10 sale as usual when the patch is fully out then I'll play it for two weeks and uninstall

You're not going to do any real endgame content in FFXI with Trusts.

pretty much this, xiv is great as a game but there's just not enough relevant content at endgame, especially if you don't do savage.

>I rarely saw people get insta killed for making bad decisions, everyone is a fucking sponge now

Proof you have not played Vanilla or at the end of WotLK.

>What are MS warriors in Vanilla
>Rogues shitting on any priest's mouth


>TSG / Double Shadowmourne
>Literally MS+Bladestorm while DK Strangulate and summons garg


>lmfao lavaburstlul

>costs nothing
>takes no time at all
then what value does it have?

I'm waiting for the free version as I did for WoD... going to play for some days and that's it.

People are nice once the content matters. During levelling, everyone is on autopilot. I don't get to know people I'll encounter for the next 8 minutes either.

The biggest fail is you have to wait 1 year for the new WoW exp, and following the trends it is going to be even worse than this EXP..

- Forced grind, while there was massive gating early on
- People who played more hours, received lower quality items/no legendaries
- The game fee...
>recommend me some good BC private servers.
>Private servers
user, you have obviously been away a little too long.

As you are about to find out, it's not wise to post your main on Sup Forums. People will make level 1's just to beg you for pets/money.

>- People who played more hours, received lower quality items/no legendaries

nice tinfoil, bro!

I meant that as in todays WoW not Vanilla

Protip: Use alts (no matter which server) to rape the princes repeatedly, you unlock transmogs via account rather than character. You could literally make Demon Hunters on every server until cap to accomplish it.

With Blizzard's new way of doing patches you don't resub on the launch, you resub a few weeks into the patch when all the stuff is actually out.

>good MMO

If this bothers you so much then get on trade and try to find other 4 people to queue with you so you can go at your own pace.

It's like you forget this is a 13 old game and most people you get through lfd are just leveling alts on content they're already sick of and using lfd for convenience, not interaction.

I don't mind the Dungeon Finder because I remember in Vanilla looking for group for a long time only to begin and then a healer or a tank leaving and having to go back searching

The lack of social interaction is from how easy the dungeons are
You no longer have to worry about patrols and CC and bosses don't pose a threat

>a game that is 100% focused on end-game(100+)
this. there's a reason you get a boost every time you buy an expansion now.
everything up until then is now irrelevant

no? you cant use demon hunters to unlock cloth, mail or plate

Sorcs have been shit for 1 and a half year if that's what you're thinking about.

And you can't create demon hunters until you have a level 70 character on a realm.

niggas ain't like that on p99

Also I thought the models are only shared between characters in the same realm

>WoD was bad
I thought this meme was over?

no its account wide

>get on some dead as shit PvE realm because of a friend
>get bored with the game because it feels so dead outside
>leave 3 110s behind and start over on Defias
>can't shake off the feeling that I chose another dead server
I just wanted PvP and some fucking faction balance for potention wPvP, man fuck this game

Why didn't you use your level 100 boost? Why did you think you'd be competent at pvp after not playing for 7 years?
Most quests aren't autocomplete, just a lot of the ones in old content. If you were playing legion you'd find people that actually care enough to have a conversation or at least say hello, but you're sitting there in vanilla dungeons with a bunch of soulless husks of people hard leveling their way up to 110 on alts.

WoW pvp is for degenerate scum and you should feel bad for caring about it. If you want an unbalanced pvp experience, go out and kill people in the wild. Tryhard retards wanted everything in the """""competitive""""" pvp scene to be balanced so you get pretty much the same character in each class.

>mfw illidan just fucking killed a naaru
take that lightfags

By the way, all that "chosen one" shit is dead in the first quest chain of Argus.

Xe'ra strangles Illidan saying it's his destiny etc etc trying to transform him

Illidan says fuck that and eyebeams her to pieces

Turalyon loses his shit and tries to slash Illidan. Illidan stops him, saying that there is no chosen one. "Only we can save ourselves"

if you REALLY want to world PvP in legion, go to the PvP world questing sites and use to flag your against YOUR OWN faction.

damn that's fucking great

Did use the boost, the artifact shit its fucking retarded, just a excuse to dont desing more weapons. Also i was playing horde, whats with your character suddenly becoming the savior of the World. Silvanas names you commander or some shit, not very impresive since theres 30 other people around you getting the same speech.

World PVP is dead Jim. If players actually cared about it the high pop pvp realms wouldn't be hilariously one sided

>just a excuse to dont desing more weapons

omg we Starcraft nao.

Literally not a thing anymore in WoW, and WoW patches feature much more content
Lmao false
Classes are shit with no variation between players and the crafting is practically worthless

Nobody is going to defend artifacts. They were executed so fucking poorly its not even funny. At the very least the new patch decreases a lot of the retarded hoops you have to jump through as a new character.

They definitely dropped the ball with crafting. Being a tailor feels so fucking useless in legion. All the gear I can make is trash and I can't even make new bags to earn money since WoD bags are easier to make and sell for insignificant amounts of money. The craftable legendaries are nice, but farming all that blood is really time consuming for only like 65k return. Jewelcrafting, Enchanting, and Alchemy all seem fine though.

Spaceships have been in wow since BC, what do you think the Exodar is

what was their reasoning for saying this? because they went back to orcs and draenei? I started late tbc and played on and off but never got a max level until i picked up mop... was wod similar to the earlier xpacs in any big way?

I agree with the OP without even reading and he's just hitting the tip of the iceberg, not even getting at how much the gameplay has been gutted

Just play private, and pray to god there are QoL enhanced legacy servers before we die

>we starcraft nao
>not when the Felhammer literally glassed a daemon world

Who was in the wrong here?

Because it touched on lore characters from WC1 and 2

>what was their reasoning for saying this?
because they are mouthpieces for companies willing to buy them out

Xera, for sending me on those fucking annoying quests

>obligatory weebshit post

Ok, now fuck off, retard

I believe the second point, wholeheartedly.

I played during the first 3-4 months or so, no lifed even. Everyone that was on all the time struggled to get a single legendary, but people that logged on and played it as a daily simulator had 1, often 2 by the time I quit.

There's no way it was a coincidence.

That reminds me of how those WoW shill channels like Bellular and shit were saying the artifact system was going to result in more visual diversity than in previous expansions because of the unlockable skins. kek