If there's nothing to fap to, it's not worth playing

>if there's nothing to fap to, it's not worth playing
Would you agree with this statement? And if you don't, why?

Get help, you sick fuck.


Im not a ironic nu-weeb cancer.

I like to play games that require both hands to play.
If there is anything remotely attractive it's going to get porn anyway.

I see why NieR Automata was so popular now.

Are you suggesting there's something to fap to in Tetris?

There's going to be something to fap to if you give me sauce user

Who said that Tetris is good?

It should be obvious that the medium "game" differs from other mediums through interactivity. No other medium gives me the possibility to choose what I want to do except for maybe shit like pick-your-own-adventure books (or whatever they are called). Games can include the same storytelling books do or the visuals of a movie or cartoon but it offers something unique.
Porn can exist in many forms and I can consume it in many different ways, I don't exactly need it in my games just like I don't need porn in the books I read or movies I watch but it isn't unwelcome in some cases.

>his waifu isnt T-Block

>not 'S'

I like a girl with curves.

>I play games for the porn

haha what a loser

Yes and no.

Ingame lewds are neither here not there, but if there's no lewd fanart of the game then clearly it is mediocre in the extreme and never captured the imagination of a single person.

It is more like the opposite, games worth playing shouldn't have fapbait distracting you from the actual gameplay.

Of course, people can masturbate to a lot of different things, so you can't avoid that completely.

Filtered, thanks.

I disagree.

I have never fapped or even masturbated to a game. This sounds so weird. Why would anyone do that? You play games with k+m or controller, not your joystick.

I've only been playing games that I can get my dick off to for the past 3 to 4 years. Regular vidya's become boring for me.

>not fapping to the smoothness that is L
Plebs, the lot of you.

Not that they're not worth playing, but if a game doesn't have some cute midriff service, it'll have to be really damn good to justify playing it.

People like you is the reason terrible games like pretentious automata won't fuck off for good

Where do you think we are kid

If you removed the boobs this would literally be a boy

looks like you dont know about anatomic differences between genders

it would just look like a flat girl before chest development hits in

With an inverse dick, maybe. You must be awfully primitive to see short hair and immediately think "BOY, THAT'S A BOY."

be nice to him, maybe he has never seen a woman up close in his life