Who /comedy night/ here? There is literally not a more comfy drinking game on steam

Who /comedy night/ here? There is literally not a more comfy drinking game on steam

I hate Dunkey.

Why? He's literally the funniest person on youtube. Even better than AVGN.

Whose Dunkey?

Anyone from that room here?

It's pretty much a glorified chatroom but it's fun
Should've been F2P though

You must be 18+ to post here.

I, too, hate Dunkey

It is, but it works so well. Easily worth the $5. I spent 5 hours in my first sitting. I planned to refund it after 2 but ended up really liking it. I laughed harder than at actual standup thanks to the animations and random shit that people would come up with

Yeah, I love all those nigger jokes, never stops being funny.

I'm in my late 20s and I've been watching youtube since 2006 faggot. Dunkey produces by far the best vidya related content youtube has ever had, barring some of the peak AVGN years from nearly a decade ago.

This but unironically. Also the airline food jokes


Why would it shoot up in price if youtubers were playing it? Has this ever happened before?

An underage and a shill? Damn, that's impressive.

Name a funnier vidya youtube channel.

so it trash?

If you're with reddit you have to leave

Why is this thread here. It's not video games also everytime I see this It reminds me of Dunkey now. Is this a Dunkey thread? Be honest.

Did Dunkey make the game? Why are you fags so stuck on that guy? Also its a videogame.


the game came out only a few days before dunkey made a video about it, so all the shitters on Sup Forums assumed everyone talking about it is dunkey shilling

No, but paranoid faggots here think just because if some youtuber even breaths on it, the price hikes up to thousands of dollars. I remember Sup Forums blamed Gamegrumps that Pocky & Rocky got it's price raised up because they did a video on it.

But it is. Every Comedy Night thread is just a stealth Dunkey thread.

Because you mongoloids bring it up for some reason. I've never seen a dunkey video in my life

>shows your steam id in-game and doesn't let you change it
no thanks


What a pussy.

Autistic humor isn't funny to me.

Your steam name is not your steam id, and its easily changeable

Heyyy, it'sa meee, dankii

Take your nostalgia glasses off, there was literally nothing wrong with what had said

>paying money so some dumb faggot can say some stupid shit
That is literally all this garbage can of a website is for.
Why are you paying money for it?


You'd have to play it to understand. There's something really funny about translating Sup Forums posts into a visual/audio experience.

Trick question, there are no funny youtubers.

cant wait to see people shouting LAUGH

I haven't seen this happen, but it does inspire me to say 'please clap' like jeb bush next time I play

>If you're with reddit
I thought i was already there

Huh? Are you hitting on me you anime slut

>tell a joke
>no one laughs

>being this retarded
I want reddit to leave

Flappy Bird

Did it just now occur to you that Sup Forums is mostly underage b& now? My nephew and his friends browse this shithole and they're 12.

>tell a joke
>get mixed boos and laughs

Share your jokes with us user

My favorite joke I've heard thus far was a guy who said "my girlfriend is my partner in crime" and then laughed for two minutes before finally pulling himself together and saying "that crime is domestic abuse"


The two-minute-long laugh inbetween is what makes this joke, it's garbage otherwise.

Some 50 year old sperg was taking every opportunity to rant about "the spics and niggers" so I dressed up as a fat native american and told him jokes about how he was on stolen property

Id show up as a kkk member and tell you native Americans came from Asia


>He's literally the funniest person on youtube

Dunkey's video was really fun

So is this all edgy Sup Forums tier """""""""""humour"""""""""" and forced ironic anti humour?

If it's all shit like that I'll stay far away.

Not all

I'd report you for hate speech and call the cops on you :-)

I'm not british

It's a game filled with children saying outdated memes like 9/11 and saying unfunny racist shit now since Dunkey made that video. Fucking hate e-celebs.

>le youtubers ruined it!
Kill yourself


18+ kiddo

>Unfunny memelords scream the same racist jokes into your ears or mumble nonsense
Thank God this is only $4.30

I cannot believe this girl I had over last night, she was absolutely crazy in bed. Just intense! She actually screamed the N word while I was fucking her, I couldnt believe it! Yeah.. I know right? She actually screamed out No!

I got on a few days ago and played with dunkey after his video. It was ok. It was just him saying "oh man a classic" after every meme lord. Making fun of 2 guys in the server with his was kinda fun though. I just hate the meme lords that follow him and other streamers. I've only been on a few servers where people were legit funny and trying to actually do stand up. All the others were just people mic spamming and being annoying as fuck.

It's a fun concept but the community is making it unbearable. But that was to be expected.

Except a community-based game of telling jokes is one of the few which a YouTuber could really ruin.

I don't think you know what that phrase means


Being edgy isn't funny. It's just edgy.

You've never watched standup in your life I see

Yeah, I have, and edgelord comedians get old very, very fast. The joke is edgy. Ok, we get it. Can you tell a joke that's actually funny now?


>he doesn't heckle the edgelords

It's the best part because they rarely come back on stage.

Let me guess... you currently have blue or pink hair?

>Everyone who disagrees with me is the person I hate

No, I appreciate things that are actually funny. Good one liners. Well built up jokes. The unexpected.

Here, let me give it a go.

What's the most important part of telling a joke timing

I like the concept but I think it would work better if you make your avatar black and pretend you're telling a story about a chick saying the n word during sex and how you should have been offended and stopped right there but it just made you want to fuck her more and more, causing her to say it more and more, and on and on. You're gonna wanna milk that for like 30 seconds until completion, it's all about delivery.
THEN you drop the "NO!" revelation at the end.

Obviously telling a joke on a Cantonese picture forum isnt going to fly. Its all about delivery. That joke may be edgy but its pretty fucking funny when heard.

>tfw too socially inept to even talk in front of a bunch of autists in a virtual chat room

>Sup Forums has threads about Terry A Davis
>Sup Forums has threads about Rebeltaxi
>/ck/ has threads about ReportoftheWeek and Jack
>Sup Forums has threads about Anthony Fantano
>Sup Forums has threads about Red Letter Media
>Sup Forums has threads about Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern

Why can't Sup Forums have threads about people?

What the fuck was his problem?

>it's ANOTHER airline food joke