So is this game any good or just more kickstarter trash?

so is this game any good or just more kickstarter trash?

It's ok

This. There are better classic RPG's released recently.

It's shit for the most part. All characters except Durance and Grieving Mother are trash, the writing is awful unless you have insomnia.
Combat sucks and feels superfluous and there's retarded backer characters everywhere.

divinity original sin is not crpg.

Sounds good. Downloading right now. Thanks.

Aren't those the guys who made Fallout 2?

How does it compare to Fallout 2 in terms of writing?

That's all I need to know

>age of decadence

fallout 1 - 10/10
poe - 6/10


i mean fallout 2

JLullaby actually.

if you like narrative and story telling.

Best modern CRPG

One of the bests RPGs I've ever played, although I wish they had spent some time making the companions more interesting.

it's absolute garbage.

>play it and catch myself thinking how I never finished Icewind Dale and that I should probably replay it.

Dude, I'd rather play a JRPG and get something far more interesting that way.

>Pillars of Eternity
Hahaha, no. Everything else is actually spot on.

haha yes.

Everything is spot on, my man. Including Pillars of Eternity being great.

Tides of Numenera was alright, they just really shouldn't have slapped Torment's pedigree on it, and they should have picked a deeper motif than "hurrdurr what does one life matter"

Underrail > S:Dragonfall > AoD > Lords of Xulima = Legend of Grimrock 2 > S:HK> DivOS > PoE > Serpent in Staglands > Wasteland 2 > Tyranny > Shadowrun Returns > Numenera > Grimoire

>so is this game any good or just more kickstarter trash?

Despite what Sup Forums will tell you it's a good game. Not perfect, but good.

It wasn't.

>the writing is awful unless you have insomnia
these are the p-
What the fuck did I expect anyway, this is Sup Forums.

is worth it on sale but dont expect a great combat system or amazing story

>is worth it on sale but dont expect a great combat system or amazing story

The combat system is the best out all of the real-time-with-pause ones.

>great combat system
Real Time with Pause is outdated trash. Devlopers should just stick with strictly turn based or real-time, none of this half-assed crap thats takes the worst of both systems.

well thats not hard because these games are old cheese

Divinity was surprisingly boring

>tank and spank garbage built around engagements with virtually no actual tactical freedom
>with moronic 15 seconds long buffs and debuffs

not OP but what classes are fun? chanter and cipher sound cool. as do priests since there are no D&D style clerics.

uninstall wizard

Monk, wizard, druid, cypher are the most fun imo. Chanters are good but passive as fuck

Micromanagement hell, especially on potd
>wizard, druid
You could as well just play in baldur's gate for vastly superior caster experience
Quite boring too, most of his special abilities are very mundane

With latest patch and xpac every class is strong and good. Currently the weakest is probably the rogue, since while it can do more damage than any other class it require extensive micromanagement and you drop dead easily. Best are Priest and Wizard due to some spell being straight busted (but again not as much as D&D)

As for fun, it depends on what you want.
Some class are much more passive. than others ( like say Fighter, Rangers and Chanter compared to the true casters) but every one of them is at least more interesting than ad&d fighter. Nex soulbound uniques from the expac generally have some cool ability to make them fun.

If you have more precise queston i can probably answer, i got almost 700 hours in the game

>bg druid
>superior to anything

>not drowning motherfuckers in swarms of insects, raping casters into oblivion

Monk is micromanage heay but it's incredibly satisfying to absolutely murder everything with 10 wounds.

I have no fuckign idea who convinced JE ''Balance'' Sawyer to let soul dichotomy clones exist

It's the Dark Souls of isometric RPG

PoE = PoS

The balance meme is retarded, if you think poe is balanced you haven't played it

>Go around punching motherfuckers at the speed of daggers while landing blows as strong as greatswords
>Stunning annoying motherfuckers
>Punch a fat dude so hard he goes flying offscreen and you don't have to worry about him for a while
>Do a sweep kick that creates air shockwaves and damages multiple enemies at once
>Kick-uppercut motherfuckers up the air
>Instantaneously rush to any opponent in the battlefield, punching everyone on his way
>Make two clones of yourself, one made of fire and one made of ice, to deliver triple the barrage of punches
And then you add in the perk that has the chance to blow people into gibs when their heatlh is lower than 25%
God tier

Sawyer's idea of balance is just a very autistic case of "no fun allowed"

Stunning the entire battlefield before turning into a monster that pretty much dual wield two handers really fast is fun to me

He did nerf a lot of powerful shit for no important reason.

Why nerf firebug chance un Unlabored recently? You spent 5 hours hitting like a fuckign wet noodle to have the best dagger ingame, let us have the very strong firebug ...

which class is your favorite

But it is fun and you can make cool overpowered builds. You just suck mate.

oh god, this autistic retard still nerfs things?

Even overpowered builds are absolute boredom fest to play

that was his only nerf for like months. From 5% proc to 3%. I was just like c'mon Sawyer let it go.

No, they aren't.

Barbarian with Godansthunyr, Priest of Eothas with Steadfast, Pala with steadfast, Unarmed Monk, Ranger with Stormcaller

Those are my most recent playtrough. All of these but the monk got proc weapon (because i love that shit)

It's hard to pick a favorite

Isn't the game downright boring in Path of the damned

>Oh look everything has a billion healths
>half of the spells are now useless since they deal tiny amount of direct damage
>now the only strategy is to spam buffs/debuffs
>mages are also melee units btw since their weapon spells are the only things that deal enough damage in PotD

Only if you are absolutely terrible.

Yes, they are.
You've never felt the unbalanced glory of IE rpgs if you find anything in PoE even somehow fun as far as character building goes.
Nothing in PoE will give you the same feeling of power as rolling cleric/mage in BG2, for example.

Tell me direct damage spells aren't terrible

Hard is the best difficulty. POTD, Expert and Trial of Iron are memes.

Direct damage spells aren't terrible.

bad story. gameplay is OK at best. To be honest, this was the one Obsidian game where I came away disappointed. It's got nothing on Baldur's Gate.

>we will limit your resources so you can't abuse rest!
>btw you can exit the dungeon at any moment and go to your keep and rest with bonuses

>we will take vancian casting for no apparent reason!
>btw all buffs last 15 seconds at best instead of turns/hours
>and you can't prebuff!

why the fuck they wasted a companion slot on her?

>>and you can't prebuff!

It's down right terrible story wise. There's no pacing - the entire game leaves you with very little information then suddenly before the final boss you meet this NPC who you're supposed to sympathize with and overloads you with information.

Then there's the non existent world building. You're supposed to be living in a world influenced by gods and yet the only occasion before act 3 where you see a godly act is some side quest (like that quest with the scroll). You have to buy the expansions to actually get involved with serious god related quest.

Oh and if you haven't bought the expansion then you're gonna get blueballed. Enter the final dungeon and the first thing shoved into your face is that these gods which you barely meet during the game aren't real. Whoops.

>he doesn't like doing his routine of buff after every rest

This is pretty ok but no, don't be ridiculous: put poe at least on par with dos

Josh Sawyer likes her and wants to redeem her and the niggers are a pretty big faction in Deadfire. Who else would you pick? Durance and Grieving Mother are out since Avellone doesn't work for Obsidian anymore.

Spot on.

do priests need to use their favored weapons and is any deity a bad choice? Berath sounds interesting.

Pillars of Eternity is much better than Divinity: Original Sin in everything other than combat.

divos doesn't take itself seriously and has a beautiful, vibrant world with lots of humour
poe's setting is grey and hollow, only dlc added at least somehow fun areas, it tries too hard to be serious and restrained and utterly fails at it

horrible list. Age of Decadence is the only game on that list that gave you a lot of player agency with a million different ways to approach things. None of the other RPGs do that.

>but muh graphics and gameplay

Do people forget about the "role-playing" part of RPG?

You don't need to but it's more accuraccy than with weapon focus and it works with any soulbound weapons
>any deity a bad choice
Not really but some have more check than others

Berath: 3
Skaen: 7
Magran: 6
Wael: 5
Eothas: 7

Yeah and you must fight 5 loading screens to get your sleepfood back

So many half-baked features and so many pointless annoying decisions

Is Baldur's Gate overrated?


It's the best post Vegas RPG. If you enjoy actual roleplaying over everything else and a solid tactical combat system with actually challenging encounter design, you will not be disappointed.

>list counts stat checks without considering the impact they make on quests or dialogues (spoiler: there's almost none)

Priest + 10 acc bonus works for the weapon (duh) and the soulbounds.

In fact, all the soulbounds ( and summoned weapons, i believe) are considered universal, so they benefit from any acc mods. So for example Steadfast (Sword) benefit from every priest preferred weapon feat, not just Magrans.

Personally i like Steadfast on Eothats priest due to the proc being perfect for RP.

Miss me yet?

>divos doesn't take itself seriously
Yeah, that's one of my big problems with it and all Divinity games in general. The cheeky writing bullshit fucking sucks.

>there's almost none
Source: your ass. If you want to count the actual checks that provide mechanical consequences, there's an in-depth guide available for all quests so be my guest and count them, because I'm not THAT autistic.

my ass did 3 potd playthroughs between different races and classes
almost all those checks are pure fluff, even class choice in bg2 dictating what stronghold you will get had a better feelings of playing a role to it

There's fucking plenty, wtf is wrong with you.

Fuck, there's a few that are actually detrimental, like using the Chanter option for Delem in Twin Elms.

*Teleports you around maps and takes control away from you at dumb moments multiple times* nothing personell, hope you have some good stat points hoarded up in there.

It's a shitty visual novel that plays itself if you go for a non combat build, a bad RPG if you go for a combat build and a terrible RPG if you try to go for a mix of the two. Bad writing. It's way more ambitious a game than it is competent.

there's no problem, you just dislike fun, user
i had more fun looking at skeleton having existential crisis in divinity 2 than listening any pretentious bullshit unloaded onto your head in last 5% of poe

>almost all those checks are pure fluff
Until you provide actual numbers I'm not really interested in your nonsense, you can believe whatever you want. I've played through the game twice with a fighter and a wizard and it was enough for me to see that the character building decisions you make actually do matter and provide both alternative solution methods and simply alternative resolutions given the same solution.

thanks for the help. shame Berath gets the short straw in dialogue shenanigans. i'll probably have to make a few characters before i really decide.

I thought it was decent, but holy Christ on a crutch I hate RTWP.

It's all the worst parts of real time and turn based with none of the strengths.

*holds up spork*

fucking kek, i'm going to steal that one

Priests are the most powerful class in the game, they are the most versatile caster class, and the one with the most spells.
Now, fun largely depends on what you are after. Here are my suggestions based on preferences:
>easy tier; high melee damage and sturdy build with great range (can attack from any position inside formation): pike-wielding warrior (melee stats)
>mid tier; good damage, hybrid class: lightning based druid(inteligence and some melee stats)
>Mid tier diff; want to play a midliner with good cc: Cipher(Intelligence)
>very High diff; want to avoid enemies through battlefield and annihilate their asses when you get them in a good position, dealing massive damage: Rogue(Perception)
>high diff; powerful melee but very unorthodox and unusual fun builds: melee wizard (Intelligence)

In PoE, optimizing build usually involves extreme min-maxing, getting some stats to the lowest possible value. Might not be very fun for your main character, though.

It's a strong class, but it just ruins immersion for me to beat up guys with fucking pikes and shotguns while I'm using my bare fists.

I remember that in BG2 there was one specific mod made to make combat harder not by increasing stats on the enemies, but by making them having super smart AI that exploited the meta. It was fucking gorgeous, and I've never seen any other turnbased rpg have the same TRUE difficulty as this specific BG2 mod.

Modded BG2 is fucking glorious. The amount of ways you can approach encounters, all the broken shit like berserker/mage or Blade you can do, it's simply beautiful

Her portrait was very attractive in PoE 1, but not the character model, though. That just looks like fucking play-doh sprayed with pizza hut grease.

>by making them having super smart AI that exploited the meta
There was no such mod, because Sword Coast """Stratagems""" was babbyshit tier. The only challenge mod worth its salt was Tactics and, ironically, it had better AI as well - Kuroisan the Acid Kensai is the smartest enemy in the entire vidya ever.

>with lots of humour
just kill yourself if you call that "humour". combat in D:OS is super creative, and very well done, but everything else just fucking sucks tremendously.

>combat in D:OS is super creative, and very well done
>use crushing fist and abttering ram to knock down an enemy
>then attack him with a 2h weapon with a character with bully perk for retarded damage
>can finish the entire game like this from start to finish
It's trash, the combat in that game is severely overhyped.

But that's what makes it so damn good

I was talking about stratagems, and I remember that the highest setting was pretty cool. I always thought tactics was very annoying in how it focused too much on stuff that was not attainable for your player character. I remember the name for that acid kensai fight, but I can't really remember anything about it, can you point me out a video or something similar, or even just explain what it had that was noteworthy?
And by the way, I always wanted a mod that would make the game hard for a playthrough where you still try to roleplay your character, instead of being a mega exploiter, so in a sense gimping yourself, so I guess my perpective might have been affected by that and SCS II didn't seem that easy because of that.

It's just too much edgy anime for me, sorry man.