We all know that bad movies can be entertaining, but can bad vidya achieve the same effect...

We all know that bad movies can be entertaining, but can bad vidya achieve the same effect? I'm not talking about watching someone play a bad game, I'm talking about playing a bad game yourself and still enjoying it despite the fact that that it does everything wrong.

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Oh hi Mark!

$47.99 for this, delayed until the end of time, so people can't even play it for laughs.

I can, but in short bursts. I own Shaq Fu and Bubsy 3D, which represent opposite ends of the spectrum. Both are funny to laugh at, but Bubsy is a pain to play. In the end, you'll be only able to play Bubsy for an hour or two at most before you start to hate them. Something like Shaq Fu however you can find enjoyment in the way it plays yo some degree.

That's how I felt playing Ubersoldier

I thought it was widely recognized that Deadly Premonition was "The Room" of vidya.


Chaos wars.

Mainly because the gameplay itself is actually pretty fucking good and polished for the PS2 era, if somewhat derivative of Disgaea. Listening to the horrific VA feels like a reward for progressing rather than insult to injury because of it.

Deadly Premonition is probably what you're looking for

Yes. Ofcourse.

What a dumb reddit question.

If the core gameplay is utter shit, then no, it becomes frustrating. Shitty writing, acting and graphics can be funny still.

Consider the following:

Would ride to hell retribution be considered?

It is somewhat disappointing that the thread's gone this long without anyone saying that that's literally what "kusoge" is all abput

Dynasty Warriors 3

Yes but only if the plot, or concept is the thing that's "so bad it's good". A bad, boring or tedious game that's any of those things for the game play or base game loop will always be straight up bad.
If the parts of the game that make it a game are bad, it's bad.


If the gameplay is bad, then no.
If the story is bad, then yes. See: Zero Time Dilemma.

The buggier a game is the funnier it is to play.

That sounds more like a good vidya with a bad dub though

Zero Time Dilemma
One of the funniest disasters ever.

Deadly Premonition thread?

Nigga you need to watch matthewmatosis' playthrough of devils third. That alone convinced me that video games can be so bad that they're good


Deadly Premonition might be the only game with shit gameplay to be so bad it's good.

Watching an LP of a game like Devil's Third or Ride to Hell can be very entertaining. Actually sitting down and playing those bugged messes yourself it like pulling your own teeth out. It's one of those things where having interaction with the chat during a stream keeps the streamer from getting bored and frustrated and quitting all together.

t. a retard who took turns with a friend 100%-ing Ride to Hell


This game made me feel empathy with people with motion sickness for the first and only time in my life.

DP's a mess, but I love it.



Indigo Prophecy had a decent amount of scenes I thought were straight-up hilarious.

K&L were awesome characters and deserved better

The DBZ fight is engraved into my memory along with dinosaur asylum inmates

1 was great, even if not the best of quality.
But 2, like the other motion sickness user, I couldn't go thriugh with it. I didn't feel sick but just put off by it.

>that scene where your apartment starts attacking you
>literally every single item that they modeled for it down to the multiple books on your shelves and the bottles on the table take a turn to individually throw themselves at you

The whole persona series
They are terrible fucking games but have amusing characters

For a bad video game to be entertaining, you still need parts to be servicable, and at the least one well oiled part.
Bad movies/TV series/comics do not need a single good well oiled part, but vidya do, so its very different.

There is a lot of bad videogames, with many servicable parts hold together by one thing(really cool mechanic for something, drama cutscenes, etc).
But i don't think there is a bad game where everything is bad, but its still servicable.

That's skyrim for me.

So bad it's good.


I'm hesitant to call it a bad game. I mean the gameplay is really something else to a lot of people so I can understand that, but it has a wealth of content and the fun value is exponential.

Well a bad video game can be so bad that it's good, as long as the gameplay isn't tedious. Take deadly premonition as an example. The gameplay is pretty basic and a lot of things go wrong and are janky, but it never gets tedious, bc it's just a plain boring game gameplay wise and not broken. Now take a game where you fall through the floor constantly and some run into invisible barriers all the time. A game like that will be tedious to play and therefore never fun. At best it can be interesting.

In general I would say no, it's like watching a train wreck vs actively participating in one.

The game might have been a glitchfest but

>dat tone whereas every game released after it were cheesefests
>you could actually play as the other characters instead of JUST SANIC (and unlock them to use in the hub worlds)
>dat soundtrack

Its also really long, so it only really fails, if you wanted to do a 100% playtrough

You're just a little chicken
Cheep cheep cheep cheep




You're right, but Deadly Premonition also has plenty of elements of that are just outright good where The Room is almost entirely bad, though you could argue it does a couple of things well.

duke nukem forever


its not bad bad when you dont want to play it because broken or bugged.

but its hilariously outdated with ps2 textures and shit

actually kinda entartains you with autistic platformer levels

closest thing you get to a "the room" moment, but this just may be the case for any swery game

Deadly Premonition has several thing going for it:
1. Gameplay is not subpar, only flat
2. Plot is great, and by extension: The execution of the plot is amazing
3. All the shit you do, to dick around, produces a lot of extremely good cutscenes. Thats true even for flat NPCs, which is fucking amazing
5. The long driving segments is offset by the movie talks
6. Character talking to himself, is used to offset the drier scenes, and it works amazing because it can be sparsely used
7. Did we mention this game has some cool bossfights
8. Extremely good soundtrack, combined with superb audio effects

DoD series

Mass effect andromeda is like the room of videogames

Sonic Adventure?
They aren't particularly good games but I play the still for some reason.

I dont think any game could be "so bad that its good" because bad gameplay is just a pain. Even Big Rigs, which is so bad that its funny, is only funny when you first see how unfinished it is. I'd never actually play Big Rigs because all of the comedy from it is gone after like 10 minutes, and you're just left with a boring, unfinished game.

Outside of cutscenes and bad VA I don't think any game could be "so bad its good."

It does almost everything wrong but I still enjoyed it alot.

Deadly Premonition is one of the best written games that generation of consoles.
Outside of some odd translations, that game is so well written that it draws you in and, although the game is totally bizarre, it's believable within it's own context.

So go fuck yourself.

That's a claim people who never played it make. Deadly Premonition has one of the best written vidya plots out there, tons of content, smart puzzles and the idea how the open world works is unique (you can't make all quests in your first playthrough, sometimes you are too late without knowing there was a quest and the people solve their problems by themselves).

It looks like an PS1 game converted on the PS2 and has the shooter controlling from RE4 without the AI of RE4, but it's far away from "The Room" as it gets, it's more like a really great written and acted movie filmed on a shitty homecam with really cheap sets.

>NecroVisioN is a World War I alternate history horror first-person shooter developed by Polish developer The Farm 51 and published by 505 Games.
>Later, the game takes the player into two new settings; the underground realm of Vampires, and the demonic realm, Hell.
>Averages over 6/10
I guess its... good and somewhat fascinating? But also unpolished, like some Polish/Slav games are?

This game had fun mechanics but everything was executed in such an awful way and it's so unpolished. It was fun yet bad, and my cousin and I wasted countless hours playing through this shit.

I'm usually able to enjoy awful games, even from genres i absolutely despise, if i'm playing it with a friend

>Deadly Premonition is one of the best written games that generation of consoles.


One of the best TPS created on this earth...fuck you very much.

At the least you get to shoot Dinosaurs with a bow. I can see why people kept on playing.

It was pretty good when it was mildly over the top before the 4 hour mark where they just said fuck it and went all in on the crazy

Sweet diggits, man

Jurassic Park Trespasser. Bad game. Fun game.

The best and only answer is MDickie games. These things are a treasure.

No, The Room is funny, Andromeda is just the most boring and bad written game ever created... at least the copied MGS V gameplay is fun.

>Gameplay is not subpar, only flat
I love DP, but the drawn out quick-time-events chase sequences and janky shooting is really pretty bad.

That's another one of game's biggest problems, you hardly fight any dinosaurs, most of the enemies are fucking anthropomorphic "dinosaurs" with guns and other monsters that don't resemble dinosaurs.

Anonymous Agony is terrible, and it's a fucking masterpiece.

It sure is

It's janky and weird. It's fun as fuck but I wouldn't call it a good game.

Its janky. But its also servicable. And its not painful to do.
Its just, that if you fail some of the QTEs, the segments can be really long.

EDF is a self aware B-movie though

I seriously loved how this game felt. The atmosphere is cool as fuck with the VHS effects and blurring the faces of the dead, it's just a shame it plays like you're someone with an inner-ear infection drunk off their ass.

I was just asking because a lot of people seemed to say that.

So no, fuck you.

This is unironically one of my favorite games, you can blast through it in one go and it's aesthetically awesome and the fact it's clunky as fuck just makes it seem even more like a desperate mad dash by two fat old men way out of their depth.
That fucking ending too, jesus christ.

>O shit a pot fell on my head and I died
>proceeds to time travel to the year 1902 and fuck with everything there just to get a frying pan so the pot won't kill me
>instead of just, moving out of the way or something.

So the plot is ambitious.
But since people played it, doesn't that mean the game is servicable?

>that ending where he gets run over by a car
It's literally the only thing I remember about this game.

>Accidentally takes woman with him to 1800s
>Forgets to take her back with him
>Except in two endings, one where she for some reason decides to stay and the other where she becomes your gf despite possibly being your ancestor.