Fire Emblem Warriors

Is this game proof Fire Emblem fans have no fucking standards? Even for a Musou title, it looks like an unpolished piece of shit.

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Wow, someone who doesn't like Fire Emblem Warriors? How novel, I wonder if he has anything interesting to say?

That genre's the fucking worst, dude. It was shit on the PS1 and it's shit now. I'd rather stick a knife up my ass.

But Fire Emblem fans hate it

I hate how musou is becomming the go-to for franchises getting anything close to an action game or "arpg"

>Is this game proof Fire Emblem fans have no fucking standards?

Considering how Fire Emblem fans, at least here, have been relentlessly shitting on it, I'd say it implies the exact opposite.

Can't speak for everybody, but I have a friend who's a Fire Emblem fag and he just told me he bought a Switch and pre-ordered this game the moment he got announced. Keep in mind that he shat on Hyrule Warriors for the gameplay when that came out.

I get the feeling that sticking things up your ass is actually your fetish.

No, this is

>you will never pursue the Black Knight and subsequently get your ass whooped

Why even exist in this realm?

what fucking twilight bullshit is this?

It looks just like any other musou, but with FE characters.

As someone who generally enjoys Fire Emblem, it has one of the worst fanbase of any video game franchise.

As for the game itself, the only real hope for it is that there's a lot that is being held back, as they haven't actually shown much in terms of gameplay.

I thought FE fans don't like it? The main complaint is the shitty roster apparently.

>We don't want to add lords from other series because there would be too many words
>Proceeds to add two OC lords with swords

Really activates the almonds.

>muh tutorials
Just make Marth or Anna give people a non-canon tutorial and let the OC Twins keep their axe and spear.

>we were going to have them use all three weapons but they're lords and had to have swords.
The only good thing about this Kusoge is watching them dig deeper and deeper. You have developers threatening to leave and saying the lead guy doesn't play fire emblem, that's how bad it is.

Don't matter because casuals will still lap this up. I wouldn't be surprised if this sells well.

>Lets make our OC's an axe and Lance duo, we have too many swords in out game.
>Fuck that, make them both sword users, they're the stars of the game, they have to use swords While you're at it, put Lucina in the game
>But we just said there are already too many
>Put. Lucina. In.

No amount of DLC will fix this shit because the campaign will still force you to play the Awakening and Fates characters.

>poorman's Ephraim and Eirika donut steels
>SWORD users at that as if the fucking game didn't have enough
>characters ONLY from nu-Emblem and Shadow Dragon (aka that shit game nobody liked)

>You have developers threatening to leave and saying the lead guy doesn't play fire emblem, that's how bad it is.


So who's the current cast?
>Female Corrin
>Chrom's sister, whatsername
>bootleg Cordelia, Himiko or something
>Camilla? The stacked dragon sister

Where were you when a FE mobage has better character representation and diversity than a FE musou?

>fans have no standards
>game isn't even out yet
Honestly, looking at the roster I think it looks rather lack luster, shame too since this concept would fit the FE world so well

But instead of being a celebration of the whole series like Hyrule Warriors was, FE Warriors is just gonna be a modern FE circle jerk that conveniently forgets 90% of the series.

Hell not even Ike or Roy are in, at least people know them from Smash. Just a wasted effort, I'll wait for an all DLC version if good characters get added

>shit on ps1
You do know that Dynasty Warriors was originally a fighting game on PS1 right? Or are you just a fucking underage pleb

Didn't change to the modern Musou style till DW2 on PS2

Hinoka, and Lissa are the names you got wrong.
Boy and Girl Robin, Frederick and Takumi are the two you're missing, along with 4 sword-using OCs. Also Tiki hasn't been announced, but she'll be in there as she has an amiibo

Almost as though Hayashi is a hack, and the only good game he ever made has now devolved into an expensive fashion outlet


Shadow Dragon

>Robin x2

>Corrin x1

Hey fuck you. Shadow Dragon was at least going to be my silver lining in this shit heap, but even that's looking to be an immense disappointment.

>everyone in Marth's game is a literal who except Marth
>couldn't even be assed to put the whitewings

One game split into three because fuck you, money with bland gameplay in 2/3rds of the games, horrible writing further worsened by horrible localization, that further pushed the game into becoming a full fledged dating sim

It's okay they put in Hinoka instead, who offers nothing that Cordelia doesn't already have except dialogue lines with the other Fates royals

You guys excited when they finally announce Ike? 's descendant?

Why do people think this makes an impressive argument? All gachashit has to do is randomly slap some skills on a picture and have the VA voice maybe ten lines of dialogue. No fucking shit it's going to have more than an actual game.

Never ever

hey now they do have standards.

as long as there are waifus and anime tiddy it's good to go.

They said it's a sequel if it does well, so you better support their retarded decisions, you wouldn't want another darkstalkers do you?

Where the fuck is Tharja?

Not popular enough.

What's fucking hilarious about that is that they somehow made even worse OC's than the Heroes pair

>FE Heroes poll show who FE fans want to see in Heroes
>Warriors adds 3 OCs, Marth and the rest Awakening/Fates characters
>No GBA title reps like Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Roy, Incest siblings or anyone
>Not even fucking Ike who was in the FE Heroes poll twice in the top 5 as well a being just as popular as Marth
>No Whitewings, Jagen or anyone
The game is fucking ass

What's bad about them? The scale armor is distinctive and they and Anna all complete the triangle. I can't say much about the plot, I uninstalled like 5 missions in.

They are not the poor man's Ephraim and Eirika. They're the poor man's Alphones and Sharena, which is even worse.

She's an optional character with no relevence to Awakening's story.

More importantly why the fuck did Cuckdelia get in over Chrom's wife?

>No playable villains
It has Takumi, and Xander.

Yes, but she's popular and has big titties, in a team ninja game that's a shoe-in

I guess no one likes PIES user

Heroes existing is the reason they're shit. Their original designs got denied by IS for being too similar to Heroes and they had to go with these scrapped losers instead. They're literally rejects.

>no hector
>no lyn
>no ephraim


tfw sumia will never force feed you pies until you burst

Apparantly she's hated by fujos who self inster to get Chrom'd inside

Marth got a new haircut?

But Cordelia IS Chrom's wife.

Wouldn't that then just turn him into a noose?

i will never not be mad that they cuck cordelia

if i marry her to anyone else then that guy becomes a cuck too. where does it end?

>everyone constantly shitting on FE Warriors
>Hurr, FE Fans have no standards
Have you seen a single thread about this game after the fates trailer praising this?
Hard mode: that isn't an obvious falseflag?

>make crossover game of massive franchise
>only focus on three games
Disappointing, but not a dealbreaker.
>only story relevant characters allowed
Then what's the fucking point. The best characters in Awakening and Fates were the supporting cast.

>shadow dragon

>those voices
I shouldn't have to pray to god every time a FE game comes out that there's dual audio. How did we go from SoV to this?

There isn't dual audio is there?

Dual audio was confirmed.



Source? I could have sworn they confirmed the opposite.

Kill yourself, Sup Forumserg.

IS seems to have this thing about cucking since (New) Mystery's entire plot is pretty much based on a Royal's oneitis

It's Koei, they haven't had english voices in any of their games since DW8XL

>[...]That means we want to put an emphasis on the gameplay of switching classes, so we went on with narrowing down the titles… However, just like the fans, even a number of our own staffs cannot fathom it.
>Usuda: Exactly so.
>-Everybody laughs-
>Hayashi: Some staff even got into quarrels with us to the point that they were saying ‘I’m going to leave this project’. They said bizarre things like ‘Hayashi doesn’t know anything about Fire Emblem!’. Even I had to make this bitter decision, because if we didn’t narrow them down it wouldn’t develop into [proper] gameplay! (laughs)

>When even your staff think you're a fucking retard and are assblasted that their favourites aren't in the game.

This game has English voices.

>Heroes poll
>having any influence at all
IIRC it was basically confirmed after the first trailer it'd be nothing but SD, Awakening, and Fates. The only hope SNES, GBA, and Tellius fags have is DLC. And as much as I like seeing asshurt, I'm not happy with this list either.

The poll is a crock of shit anyways. It's obscene how many different things you can interpret and pull from this.


>lyn beat lucina

nu-fe fags haven't won yet

>TWO ikes

I think some rep said it a while back.

Of course it doesn't really mean anything in the end.. Keep fingers crossed.

>neglect the fucking quintessential axe lord Hector, or even a lesser but still well-known axe user like Boyd or Nolan
>instead reach deep into your ass and swap bland waifushits into your axe users because they have a single obscure job path to get one

I like the DW style of game well enough, I bought Hyrule Warriors, and I love Fire Emblem, but you're even losing me here.

>Dorcas is barely 100 votes away from top 10

Votes were split between different incarnations of the character, which was kinda stupid. Marth could have beaten Chrom if votes were merged.

don't you see they're gonna charge you money for actual classic characters


He's not talking about Camilla, retard.

It's obvious that people had vote spammed Lyn on different accounts just to get her to beat Lucina. If it was a proper poll then Lyn would not win and the Japs don't even give a shit about Lyn and don't even like her, it's just western fags that mass voted her. Also Serene's Forest got all butthurt that Lyn would not win so they spammed it as well.

Warriors doesn't have 4 Lucinas, no buy.

To be fair some people on there get butthurt at anything

All the people defending it being nothing but Awakening and Fates makes me sick.

But Lyn actually won the most votes in Japan as well. There was a big argument about it on /feg/ a few days ago that ended in people asking the original translator on Serenes about it.


Hey, it's not all Awakening and Fates! Look, they put MARTH in the game!

Can't you tell that IS cares so much about their older fans, that they put MARTH in?

Well of course. People are faggots lol.

>why are they only putting in characters from the most popular games?

People are fucking retarded. How does no one see that this was their plan all along? Just like Hyrule Warriors, where we had DLC packs dedicated to a certain game of the Zelda franchise, i can see plenty of DLC packs featuring characters/maps/etc from previous FE games.

You bitching faggots are going to buy the game and all the guaranteed DLC and fucking like it.

A Marth that speaks like a nerdy hero in english in the generic battle dialogue and then suddenly breaks out into japanese in his cutscene dialogue.
This game's, what, just over a month from release and they've still not localized it fully?

It's on the 3ds, Freeshop my man

How did Team Ninja manage to get blamed for Other M which was all Sakamoto's fault, but avoid blame here when everything apart form Lucina's inclusion was their decision.

There's even an article linked in this thread saying other games will get reps if it does well in the sequel

I've been saying this since it was fucking revealed but people are too dense to think.

>about to go "what" at team ninja
>look it up and they're actualy co-developing the game
>it looks like fucking budget title licensed shovelware


Still mad.
Why are the Tellius games the only ones that don't pull this ass-fucked retarded story concept?
The worst part is, if we ever get another console FE it isn't gonna be even as close as good as the Tellius games were.

>Lyn isnt popular meme
Also as dumb as the Ike meme.

Aren't we having a FEW Switch (lel) bundle? Pretty sure i just read something about that a few minutes ago. He should have at least got that

8 didn't have a giant dragon final boss user. It had a giant demon lord.

>Literally not a single character that isn't Marth from older games

Are you serious?
Not even fucking IKE?
Roy? Ephraim? Fucking anyone that wasn't designed by that pandering hack Kozaki?

Don't like Kozaki? Shame he's the next main artist forever

Nobody likes those games, sweetie

How fucking uninformed can you get? Jesus Christ did you just climb out of a rock that you've been sleeping in for the past 6 months or something?

Certain people gave Sakamoto a pass because he's responsible for turning Samus into yet another shitty waifu to drool over. That and people probably just straight up don't know that it was his dumb ass that demanded that the game utilize the wii controller in exactly the way that nobody liked to use it.