Filename Thread

Let's have a nice thread







Is that a real movie?

Why does certain anime and video games attract so much fucking ntr?



Yeah. [spoilers] it also wasn't that bad [spoilers]



Fuck you.



I'm sorry, I am a Fuck up





>get aroused
>then get angry
>remember the MRA
>get ashamed







what does this mean, for the non-musically inclined?


I am also at a loss

See the forest not the trees.


>that first one
sounds like a good ol time honestly

Wow I just got that for the first time.













Are you having a stroke?

Why are they always so hot? Male elephanophiles are always fat disgusting aspies.

stroking vigorously

>str vs end


Because it's pounded into men's heads as a bad thing and you get killed in prison for it. So only really desperate fringe people do it. Women don't get the same treatment and usually get a slap on the wrist.
That's gynocentrism for ya.








>enemy team turns 4-0 into 4-5


This guy got harassed for years over this picture.


>gg ez before the match is over


He is in a filename thread, so he clearly just came this afternoon

Your tastes are bad and you should feel bad








makes no sense
fps has nothing to do with visual quality

>tfw Barkley 2 will never be released.




>shoots guy several times
>runs away

Did he fucking miss all the shots?


you don't deserve a reaction image

Nice one family

I'm not fucking wrong though
fps is how many frames per second you see, it has nothing to do with the video quality.



Youre doing it wrong

>look at my clever joke, the thread
almost as self-absorbant as steam avatar threads

Fuck that was clever.


I never understood this simpsons joke. Why did Homer have these figures as his allies?

I got you fampai.

you're a fucking retard all the same



Did you fucking watch the episode? Its pretty self-explanatory.

I dare you to find the joke