
>you boot up your xbox one
>this is staring you right in the face
>free of charge because based microsoft
>xbox play anywhere
how do you respond

play bloodborne

>I got a free 11 year old game

It's funny how Microsoft went from the company everyone hated last gen to the company now everyone praises while shitting on Sony and Valve

i already played this game, with no real desire to do it again

Their marketing and new stances on customer service seem to be more geared toward the consumers. I don't own an XBOX ONE or PS4, but from what I heard, Xbox is more customer friendly.

you bitch and complain to microsofts customer service rep and they give you whatever they want.

This. My friend said his little brother was spending money on his account on Fifa packs and got like £1000 refunded

Take off my nostalgia goggles because Halo 5's MP is objectively superior in every way except map design.

>how do you respond




I'd be pissed they spent time remastering H3 when it already holds up visually.

I'd rather they just fix and continue to support MCC

also this

Why would you actively ruin Halo 3 with an anniversary remaster it didn't need to begin with?

mcc was dead on arrival. theres nothing. that could be done to revive that shitstorm of a game. games with gold release would bring some interest back but the damage is done

It's a vicious cycle where the company that gains upper hand becomes more openly greedy and anti-consumer. Case in point:
>Sony becomes overly confident after PS2, PS3 shitshow happens
>MS becomes too confident after the success of Xbox 360, enter kinectshit, xbone always online DRM etc.
>Sony becomes too confident after Xbox starts to falter, makes PS Plus mandatory for online, doesn't bother with backwards compability etc.

Why not 09/25/17?

>free of charge
bet you believe in free college too

This user is right.
Also Sony made an odd sudden decision to massivley increase the price of PS+. Microsoft will of course do the same with Xbox Live at some point, but their service will remain the more attractive option for the time being.

Xbox live gold is cheaper then it used to be
10$/mo down from $25/mo

Who wouldn't like that?


Great, now I just need some new games from 2017

This game from 2006 is kinda old and busted

im not against abusing customer service user


They really just need to redo the multiplayer completely.

Every Halo game has been horseshit mechanically since CE. If I actually had a choice to start over from the beginning and keep anything gameplay-related from later Halos at all it would be vehicle hijacking and maybe some of the assassinations.

That's about it.

Dual-wielding, melee lunge, armor abilities, spartan abilities. There's no marriage with the base gunplay because they all fuck it up in some way. I can't say I view any of their gameplay changes strongly.

I did enjoy that elites in Halo 2 could be stunned at full shields I guess.

>how do you respond

"I hope 343i didn't make this, 'cause it'll be shit"

how would you suggest they fix it

Indifferent because I'm still playing Halo 3 MCC split screen with my friends weekly


Not even trying to be funny, I had a hard time figuring what the fuck this was

>11 year old game
>11 years


I'm more interested in Halo 6.

wait a month to see if the game actually fucking works this time

>implying humanity will still exist

retardo lilely meant 2017 but thats what happens when youre hopped up on memes and shit games

But user I don't own a XBone

It's been $10 a month for years. I know this because I don't own a Bone but have been paying the monthly bill and have been too lazy to cancel it because it's only 10 bucks

>Microsoft will of course do the same with Xbox Live at some point
No, they already did it last gen