I will never love a company more than DENUVO. The salt they provide is so fucking delicious


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Bait thread but
>games get cracked anyway

What's the point?

based denuvo

Their games are getting cracked left and right though and people who buy them have shit experiences because denuvo fucks their games up

"uncrackable for a day" doesn't really provide the same amount of salt that "uncrackable forever" did

Excuse me? I've never once had DENUVO be a problem. That's conspiracy theory bullshit.

is this a post which was stuck in past?

>What's the point?
Screwing over legitimate customers.

Never happened.

>*literally uncrackable*™
>chink publishers rub hands
>ports game to steam
>gets cracked 10 days later anyway

give me 1 (ONE, UNO) reason why denuvo is bad, instead of waiting 8+ years for an half assed emulator japs do their sloppy pc conversions and you'll have to wait a couple months at worst.


meanwhile on just cause 3..

I thought people can still pirate with Denuvo?

still no good games using it

Why do you love something that can make it possible for you to be unable to play your games?

Pic related. Happened to me during the summer after going home. Most likely because I didn't start the game after the last update before heading to a place with no internet for 3 months.

decide to play batman arkham knight latest version on steam, game wouldnt launch cause no connection

Why do you have so many games?

I like playing video games.

You could buy a psone to play Final Fantasy if you would like though


There are thousands of different reports on different denuvo flaws.
For instance, the only denuvo game i own, Automata, wont auto validate and i need to copy and paste a hugefuck password every once a while.

>all Denuvo games are cracked
>3DM Chinks said Denuvo would never get cracked and cracking would end


PS1 games (or any older console really) look bad on HD televisions since they can't run at a higher resolution though. Some newer TVs don't even have VGA ports. Plus its just inconvenient pulling out old systems and you don't have as much control over how games look and run. I like having that kind of control.

I do already have a PS2 and a PS3 though

>He doesn't own a big ass, old ass TV.

Sympathizing with you right now, homie. Get on my level. Emulation's a fucking joke.

I am an aspiring indie dev and I can understand why creators use Denuvo. I wish there was a way so people wouldnt steal and pirate my game, at least thats how I felt for a while. My current stance is that if someone pirates it I hope they will like it enough to buy it when they get the chance. When I start releasing actual games I hope this sentiment is true.

That was just marketing. They found a good way to make a lot of money

never bought a game with denuvo, anyway isnt it the same team who embedded a rootkit in securom? wasnt sony sued for that?
>creators use Denuvo
business dpt decides which DRM to pay for, not the creative team, they already got paid

That isn't emulation tho


There's nothing wrong with letting Sony live inside your computer. Don't be a faggot.

>denuvo, huh. guess I won't buy it
I prefer sweets myself

>There's nothing wrong with letting Sony live inside your computer. Don't be a faggot
this, denuvo isnt bad at all

Hah yeah right

To make sure it is not available within the first week(s) when almost all of the sales occur. At least for the kind of games that use denovo.

wtf my harddrive is kill, I hate denuvo now

Nah, the half assed games that tend to use Denuvo rely on cucking people with pre-orders

You realize we hate it because it destroys hard drives, right

That's the reason

That's a myth
And mentioning myths when trying to argue the faults of a particular form of DRM open yourself up to looking like a liar and making people not listen to you, thus backfiring. Its important to explain the problems with forms of DRM without lying so that people understand and can't call you out on it.

DRM in general is bad and anti-consumer. It takes away the buyer's right to own a game and turns it into a glorified rental instead

And the worst part is is that people usually then try to argue "BUT ACTUALLY, YOU JUST OWN A LICENSE" as if that somehow changes the fact that DRM free games can't be taken away from you whilst DRM ones can

>only proof for this is some ms-paint tier chart with 0 evidence behind it

It did on several occasions

Like said.
Most sales come from the initial weeks of launch. Denuvo usually stops cracking for under a month. Most consumers will only crack/pirate a game if it's within a reasonable amount of time. Most people would just buy at that point

>That's a myth
No it's not, but whether it does depends on your machine and how you've set it up. Flat out saying it's 100% false or 100% true all the time is lying.

I haven't bought any denuvo-using games because why should I pay money for a version of a game with added software that actively punishes and restricts me because I actually did what they wanted and paid for it.

I don't care how minute the actual negative effects are


Denuvo is useless in it's current state for devs anyway

Older versions were good because they took months to crack, but v4 gets cracked in a few days

What's the point?

Meanwhile Doom runs at 200fps

If it's only to stop piracy for a couple months why not get rid of it afterwards?

Pirates who are willing to buy the game at a later date just won't bother if the invasive DRM is still there. And then there are pirates who will never buy the game and shouldn't be considered in the equation because they're not a potential sale

Devs should just follow CDPR's method of handling piracy, by making a good fucking game

This, why has this shit to be posted in every fucking thread

D44m doesn't use Denuvo anymore

Great source.

people aren't going to use DRM to take games away from paying customers, who the hell would willingly do that?

So after denuvo reclaims the 2%-5% of would-be pirate sales, the developer already lost more than that by paying for Denuvo. Of course there's no way to measure the effect of denuvo in a positive way, so every single publisher is going to save face by going "LOOK OUR GAME SOLD WELL THEREFORE ITS 100% DENUVO'S DOING" or if it sold like shit they'll stay absolutely silent and not mention sales figures

Unironically Apple

What about when it was crashing 90% of Lord's of the Fallen or Just Cause 3 games?



who cares about apple, that's an iOS thing

Well, nothing is permanent and Denuvo authenticates to online servers, so....

>pirate bf1 for the campaign
>solid 120+ fps on ultra
>borrow a friends origin acc and dl it again
>60 fps online and 90 fps on single player campaign
What the fuck went wrong?

>nothing is permanent

wow, great, what a non argument.

>game needs to check in with servers to work
>been a decade and a half and the servers are no longer running
>game can't check in with servers and locks you out despite you paying legally for it

The people who will pirate the game will pirate game anyway so because they can't buy the game for different reasons so those people really won't buy that game no matter what.

>who the hell would willingly do that?
sony and securom
microsoft and gfwl

>Square Enix on Denuvo
>"Haha now pirates HAVE to buy our games!"

How arrogant and stupid does someone have to be to think DRM will force people to buy games?

Denuvo affects performance. It runs in a vm so of course games running through it would be slower, versus games that don't or have had Denuvo removed (read: not bypassed but actually removed).

Shareholders and CEO's?

I just didn't want to have to elaborate on something I thought was obvious.

Denuvo has to authenticate online. There are various situations in which it may need to reauthenticate after it had already done so once, and should one not have internet access for any reason, they will not be able to authenticate during these times. I've personally suffered this due to a failure to launch Nier right after it had received its DLC update in May. In other words, the DRM placed upon the game prevented me from being able to play it. Such is just one possibility.

Another that I was just partially alluding to was the possibility of Denuvo's servers going down. Should Denuvo cease to function, any game that publishers and developers have failed to remove Denuvo from will not be able to be played once there comes a time when the game needs to authenticate.

In other words, people who bought their game run the risk of not being able to permanently have access to the game they played.

Do you consider this to be a non-argument or is this satisfactory?

>on Sup Forums
>why do you have so many games
really nuzzles the neurons.

but le Sup Forums hates vidya meme am i in yet?

>Denuvo is used to promote people buying the game the first week
>Sonic Mania was DELAYED on PC and mustards who wanted to pay for and play it couldn't do so until Week 3 specifically so they could add Denuvo

I moreso meant why he had so many games in his steam library.

>CD breaks


But like you said, this applies to literally everything in some way, so while it is a bad scenario, it's a simple fact of life and not something you can blame Denuvo for

>implement Denuvo
>lose sales and get slammed in the Steam reviews and it gets cracked anyway

Amazing tactics from the geniuses at game companies, no wonder they make the big bucks.
In this case you actually get a better product from pirating because the Denuvo version forces you to be always-online. You actually get a shittier version of the game for paying for it. Why the fuck would anyone buy it over pirating it?

One thing you forgot is that denuvo is costly so someone have to pay that sweet sweet denuvo price and guess what who pay the price?We consumer .Increase in price of DLC,game,etc.

>CD breaks
>download the ISO and continue installing the game legally

But can you deny that should Denuvo not be placed on games, there would be a higher level of permance and reliability with regards to being able to play a particular game?

>inb4 "they don't lose THAT much, they are only a minority"

It offsets the cost of piracy though so that doesn't really hold water

Well they just lost another sale. Thats such bullshit.

uh yeah, Denuvo isn't performance intensive

But what if all the servers are down???

The cost of piracy? Most pirates would have never bought the game in the first place and should never be considered as potential sales

If anything they'll talk about the game with other people and indirectly convince them to buy it

>It offsets the cost of piracy

Should have bought the GoG version of the game and backed up the install

>cost of piracy
I didn't realize torrenting a game magically made a company lose money.

most, but not all

How?Like i said the pirates who were going to pirate certain game won't buy the game no matter what because of different circumstances.

You have the numbers? What about the lost sales from people who refuse to buy games with DRM?

Right so you're saying nobody would be tempted to download a game illegally if they could easily do it even if they could already afford it? pls

Anybody can download the legitimate GoG versions of the Witcher games for free and yet CDPR still printed money with the franchise

Something like 26 million copies last time I checked

>It offsets the cost of piracy

If a game is good people will pay for it

Those who don't would have never paid for in the first place and were never potential sales

Hahaha oh wow.

I never said Denuvo was performance intensive

litterly who / what?

pior to this sonic rease on steam i didnt know what denouvo was. i still dont. kek.

umm is someone butthurt? pls explain.

for people who have disposable income, buying it is almost always easier than pirating it
it just takes one click, you get automatic patches, steam cloud saves, trading cards and cheevos
plus people tend to feel good when they support a developer by paying money for a game

do you?

that's not what I said

If you bought Mania you can't play without being connected to the internet even though it's single player only.
