Where were you when PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds revolutionized the video game industry?

Where were you when PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds revolutionized the video game industry?

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Playing better games.

Nice, now I dont need to waste my money on fucking PUBG since I'd stop playing it some hours later anyway


>30 players in a tiny zone with garbage guns and even worse netcode
What kind of skeleton crew is running GTAO and why are they allowed to continue? Surely they must realize all the shark card sales don't come from this garbage content, but the basis that wasn't worked by any of them.

Chicken dinner XD!

GTAV has the most unsatisfying weapons ever put in a fucking videogame right after HL2

>right after HL2
Nice meme.

This would be great if GTAV didn't have fucking autoaim and instead had a competent 3rd person shooting mechanic. AA ruined the online for the most part. It's still kinda fun but gets very old getting autoshot in the fucking head by whoever hits aim first.

Right? GTA is a lot more satisfying than those peashooters.

online doesn't have auto aim

>online doesn't have auto aim


It doesn't even have shoulder switching.

Just go around the right-hand corners and you will always win.

it's not bait, stop being stupid

Can't deny the gravity gun was revolutionary.
It was hard to top HL1.

have you ever played GTAV:O? serious question.

yes, have you?

He's talking about the console version, obviously

Underage leave

lvl88 or something last i checked. i think you can turn AA off, but there's no requirement to do it so pretty much everyone runs with it on. only sniper rifles don't use it.


All GTA Online versions have aim assist, free aim assist and free aim. It's enforced by the lobby.

This, if you turn it off the game will only put you in matching lobbies.

It's finicky. If you accept a game from a different setting it'll change yours without warning.

>we want the PUBG audience

>Still no single player DLC like promised
Why should I care?

I recall seeing a warning that informs you you're about to join a lobby with different aiming setting, it then sets yours to whatever the lobby is. You can also cancel.

i fucking hate that phrase so much. it just reminds me of guy fieri

Yeah, but like everyone else in this game it barely works.


Remember when battlefield 3 was copying PUBG

I wonder if its any good. I think this is a smart move, reutilizing GTAV's existing systems and content into a PUBG clone, though I do wonder if its atleast as good as PUBG itself.

Curious to see what people will say about once they've tried it.

It's basically demolition derby with guns. Nobody is running around on-foot, it's just vehicle on vehicle action.

The guns suck, the game has damage falloff, it lacks half the movement options and the netcode is utter shit. All they're trying to do is cash in on the Sonygros as the meme game isn't getting ported to the moviestation.

That's only true on console where you can't MOD YOUR GAMES.

Wasn't one of the expansions they added called smuggler's run?

Yeah, the FP viewmodel is truly the only problem with GTA V guns.

This mode isn't like PUBG at all. It's pretty much just eliminate mode team deathmatch with weapon pickups. Only real similarity is the parachute drop and the zone becoming smaller.

>It's pretty much just eliminate mode team deathmatch with weapon pickups. Only real similarity is the parachute drop and the zone becoming smaller.
So it's PUBG.

literally who

Yes PUBG invented Battle Royale.

No, because the pickups are very scarce, no armor/health packs or anything, and there are armed vehicles all over the place that make any other approach pointless. The game also lacks interiors so you're running out in the open the whole time.

What's that? NOW PUBG is a clone? But you told me yesterday it was justified in its success because of the zone becoming smaller thing.



Duh its just a clone of Dayz have you been living under a rock?

Not to mention the Culling

Great another reason to sit around staring at loading screens for 5 minutes and then being kicked back to sp for no good reason

Listen up,, i bought PUBG yesterday and refunded it 1.1 hours later,, i dont like that shit...you dpawn and drop to earth , now you must RUN to get into the circle,, Fuck that, i dont see the facination ,people will play anything, the market is do dry of all things that people jump on anything that even remotely interests them...id rather buy a couple of humble bundles than spend £27 on pubg,,,


why not drive?

I theorize that game devs have isolated the factor that kept people coming back to mobas, that being the whole randomness of the matchmaking
I'm talking about having any given game you enter being a complete fucking roll of the dice. in mobas, you can get completely carried by a random fucking team and even if a player contributes absolutely fucking nothing to that effort, subconsciously they get that dopamine rush in their brain and they keep coming back for more
basically the matchmaking itself is a fucking gamble, it just took the devs this long to realize that people literally get addicted to what is essentially gambling your time on a random match
pubg is basically the same idea, but instead of a random team you get a lucky jump out of the plane and happen upon some gg shit and face roll your way to, if not a win, a very high spot on the leaderboard
the game doesn't even have to be particularly good to keep people coming back for this shit. trust me, over the course of about 7 years I spent AT LEAST 10000 hours playing dota and all its various clones, before I realized that the games are actually really fucking boring and I'm only playing it for that dopamine rush
I suppose the whole loot box shit is just an extension of that same philosophy; whether it was done like that on purpose or not is anyone's guess