post yfw sonic mania ended up flopping after all
Post yfw sonic mania ended up flopping after all
>92 products
>1 review
and im supposed to believe these are legitimate reviews?
LOL is this for real
Can't say this reception is undeserved
What's so bad about Denuvo?
You have to be always online for a single player game
Fuck whitehead.
At some point you have to hold people responsible. You don't get to slink behind the corporate facade. This is a fucking travesty. Was going to buy it, will now pirate it.
>sub level 20 reviewers
Third world problems and middle of fucking nowhere problems.
At the end of the day, it ain't my problem :^)
>have to be always online
What the fucking shit?
Do you not have internet or something? I think you have bigger issues other than whether you can play a fucking video game.
So do you turn off your Internet connection when not playing anything or actually doing anything?
I've never understood the always online gripe.
No you dont
>this kills the Sup Forums
>the fucking cuck defends always-online drm
Nu-Sup Forums, everyone.
You have to be online when you first launch it (so after its downloaded) and then it rechecks every 3 months or so.
You can play it offline. You wont even notice the game has drm.
>Its a "lets cherry pick a few negative reviews when it's 85% positive" episode
Pretty pathetic, piratecucks absolutely buttblasted.
>For whatever reason internet goes down.
>Ok, no biggie, I'll just play one of my offline games.
>Can't enjoy mania because denuvo.
Torrent when?
what happens on the completely inevitable day that denuvo goes under and can't operate their servers anymore? no DRM solution has maintained its effectiveness forever and when it's old hat to crack groups people will stop buying
>Buying the game to complain in a review that you can't steal it
>buyers baited by pirate fags to hate denuvo
stop giving pirate fags an excuse to be scum
there's nothing wrong with denuvo if you're buying the game, pirate fags just hate it cause it means they have to wait a couple weeks to pirate so they false flag as buyers to complain
Nu-Sup Forums, everybody.
why do pcbros get so triggered by denuvo, is it because it stops piracy
>Delayed for Denuvo
>cause it means they have to wait a couple weeks
reminder: the shortest denuvo crack time was less than a day
>92 games
Like how fucking many of your games have you reviewed? I never review anything unless it makes me angry for some reason.
Why do people get so worked up over Denuvo? Isn't it just a limit of 5 installs per day? If you are doing more than that it is obviously not for your own personal use. I have no problem with Denuvo in Mad Max, the game worked fine.
1 day or 2 weeks it still makes pirates piss themselves
>old Sup Forums was a bunch of Brazilians
you can just buy it on console I dont get it
>people not affected by denuvo complaining about denuvo
Fucking PC gamers are such babies.
it was so seamless I didn't even know mad max had denuvo
like 80% of the time I'd never know denuvo even existed if pirate fags didnt cry about it
What if you want to play Sonic Mania in a roadtrip?
>For whatever reason internet goes down.
Doesn't happen in 1st world countries, Americuck. Complete non-issue that is as likely as a post apocalyptic future.
You do know that devs can just update their games to remove the DRM, right? It's been done before for other DRM infested titles back when SecuROM busted.
Yes you do. Fucking test it yourself. It will NOT RUN if you're not online.
Hit Mattrick
In case you don't remember, you shitty console got destroyed for this exact fucking reason. People do not want always-online bullshit, not even if they're online 99% of the time. Its the other 1% that matters.
>sonic mania 2 will be switch exclusive
feels good
>its always online drm!
no its not
>n-nu Sup Forums!!
Or when you're camping in the Australian outback.
Denuvo = your game doesn't exist
It's so much more than that you moron, look it up yourself, I'm not going to list all the shit it does again for your retarded ass.
If it doesn't exist then how am I enjoying it and having fun with it? Piratefag mental gymnastics are hilarious.
this, we're always on anyway :)
It literally is always-online DRM. You cannot play Sonic Mania offline. Fucking try it.
>I-its bad I'm not gonna post proof tho
>game gets delayed for 2 weeks at the last minute
>destroys all my plans that i had to play the game
>game finally comes out
>find out that the delay is for pointless drm that will be cracked in a day and doesn't affect me anyways because i fucking bought it
for fucks sake
does this mean that the game won't be moddable?
Is it the same for switch and ps4?
>tfw you have the superior version of Sonic Mania
PC masterrace huh
Clearly you are a retard. Most of humanity does not review products or give opinions unless they fucking love or hate it.
It's the same reason a youtube vid might have 500 million views and only 500,000 likes and 5,000 dislikes.
>this guy lost his job defending always-online DRM and Sup Forums laughed at him
>nu-Sup Forums defends always-online DRM with the exact same arguments he used
>You cannot play Sonic Mania offline. Fucking try it.
>person online complaining they can't play a downloadable PC game offline.
notice how its usually meme reviews and responses.
>destroys all my plans that i had to play the game
What the fuck does this even mean? Are you a soccer mom?
>does this mean that the game won't be moddable?
Are you new to PC gaming? Name 5 games within the last decade where you mod the game via it's executable
Holy shit you people are so fucking stupid
Do people really have a problem with always online?
You're using Steam, you should have thrown all entitlement out the window already.
Why would you want to be offline anyways?
Of course not, Denuvo is a PC-only disease. Consoles don't have any of this bullshit.
>complains about denuvo
>willingly cucks himself to steam
>pcbros this assblasted.
i would laugh, but this shit is sad.
this is why PC doesnt get any games and dont deserve it either.
status: #TOLD
Yeah, I live in a shithole where the internet goes down every now and then. So, because of that I shouldn't be allowed to play Mania?
wierd i own this game and game play it offline hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
>does this mean that the game won't be moddable?
I work for SEGA and the game is moddable, now buy it you stupid goy
I like you don't have anything even resembling a fucking argument but post anyway.
Denuvo is cancer. You're defending cancer. You are cancer.
>the retard uses the "b-but you bought the game online ME SMART DUDE IRONY" argument
Are you for fucking real?
You have more important issue to worry about if you live in a shithole, stop playing video games.
It's just jobless NEETs complaining about not being able to pirate.
>Ruining potential great games with shit DRM that doesn't even help against piracy.
What a bunch of fucktards.
Yay, I love perfecting my game in Sonic Mania.
>internet goes out
Well shit. There goes my perfect run. Really wish I could play this single player game that I fucking bought and own however I like.
>it works for me
nice dodges
i like how you both don't have anything even resembling a fucking argument but post anyway
Tekken 7 is not Sonic Mania, retard. Sonic cannot be played offline. It has been tested. Test it yourself, retard.
>doesnt help
>takes months to be cracked
people get impatient. Its the same reason PC versions of games always come out after to try and get people to double dip
i have a job you retard, i took time off to play this stupid fucking game over a month in advance
i even bought snacks and shit because i was so excited
also i just tried playing the game offline, literally doesn't work. fantastic.
Are you for real?
Denuvo is the thing that has to connect to the internet, not steam.
Don't deflect from the original point. I hate people who make "arguments" like you.
>sets steam on offline mode while he is online
Buy me sonic and il test it.
I have a pretty good life, fortunately. But no matter how much money you have, you can't pay a good, stable internet connection. I don't know what is so hard to understand, user.
>they're still making up fantasy scenarios about not being able to play the game when they're online and able to play it now.
Unless you didn't buy it which I'm pretty sure is the case.
The argument is clear. Denuvo is bad. Anyone who uses it or defends it deserves death. Sonic mania deserves death. Sega deserves death. You deserve death.
>have a job you retard, i took time off to play this stupid fucking game over a month in adv
>took time off
Thats so fucking stupid. Sorry you work in a sweatshop and work 12 hour shifts 7 days a week
I'm online now. Why do I need to disconnect my internet to see if a game works? That's not my problem.
>always online drm is good
>dude fantasy scenarios lmao
My fucking god. Nu-Sup Forums is fucking real.
>Name 5 games within the last decade where you mod the game via it's executable
All Bethesda games with script extenders.
>take laptop with me somewhere
>can't play fucking sonic the hedgehog if I don't have wifi
Of course I'm not going to buy it you retard, it has Denuvo. I will never buy anything with Denuvo in it. Any game that has Denuvo deserves to die, along with everyone who made it or touched it.
hey guys does the developer's team get money or is it sega only?because if its only sega getting the money im refunding it
if not im still gonna support the dev who was forced to add the drm i guess
Well eat shit then you dumb nigger, you have nothing to contribute to the thread or the world in general.
Literally every negative review is complaining about denuvo. Sega isn't going to apologize for trying to protect their game from piracy and you shouldn't expect them, or any other game company, to. This is the cost of PC even having a version at all so deal with it.
>nu-Sup Forums defends always-online DRM with the exact same arguments he used
>Falling for reddit (you) baiting in 2017
If you live in such a post-apocalyptic wasteland where you're completely unable to log onto Steam then yes, you should be fucking worrying about better shit other than playing a Sonic game. The point I was trying to make is all these non-existent situations are a complete hyperbole to how real life operates.
>I have a pretty good life
>doesn't have stable internet connection
Uh-huh, OK.
>what is being on an airplane
>what is traveling at all
fucking kill yourself
The devs already got paid. Sales goals might result in bonuses and additional projects depending on the contract, but almost all of the profits are going to Sega. This is how capitalism works.
Welp you win I'm out